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Re: [ferret_users] problem in reading .mc files.

Hi Yangxing,
Accessing data in Ferret occurs in several stages. The command
yes? set data test.mc
reads the .mc file to see what's in there, and it uses that information to create the time axis. Then the first file is opened, and information about the other axes and the variables is stored from what's in that file. This is all that has happened at the point where you do a SHOW DATA command. The other stepfiles are opened and read only when data from them is required by the other commands - plot, shade, load, or other commands that produce an output.

I wonder if one of the step files is missing the variable TEMP.  Since you're seeing the error in the first 100 time steps, you could try:
yes? cancel region
yes? repeat/L=1:100 (shade/x=110w:80w/y=10s:10n/k=1 temp)
And see if you hit an error message.

yangxing zheng wrote:
Thank all of you for prompt response. Now I include
the .mc file to diagnose what the problem is.
--- Roman Tonkonojenkov <romantonk@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Yangxing,

Maybe a stupid remark, but I had similar problems in
the past and 
at least in one instance I was using the wrong case
(i.e. the variable was
TEMP instead of temp). I don't think it is the issue
with you,
but at least try it 

On Tue, Nov 13, 2007 06:39 PM, yangxing zheng
<yangxingz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have a problem about reading mc file from ferret.
The following is an example. The files are there.
show data/variables, the variable temp exists. If I
make a plot by seting an individual l (set
region/l=11), it works. But if I want to plot time
series of temp, it says: ** netCDF error: Variable
   But variable temp is obvious there. Also if I
a time series of u and v (the grid is identical to
temp), it does work! Do you think what the major
problem is? I attached the .mc file to you as a

      [mac35:yzheng/HYCOM/Pacific] yzheng% ferret
       FERRET v5.70 (alpha)
       Mac OS X 10.3.4 - 10/08/04
       13-Nov-07 16:08    

yes? set data test.mc
yes? show data/variables
    currently SET data sets:
   1> ./test.mc  (default)
    HYCOM-NCODA Assimilation Run NOGAPS
name     title                             I      
J         K         L
U        Zonal Velocity                   1:1376  
1:937     1:19      1:425
            cm/s on grid GFP1 with -9999 for
            X=180E:70W  Y=35.1S:35.1N  Z=-5:1050 
V        Meridional Velocity              1:1376  
1:937     1:19      1:425
            cm/s on grid GFP1 with -9999 for
            X=180E:70W  Y=35.1S:35.1N  Z=-5:1050 
TEMP     Temperature                      1:1376  
1:937     1:19      1:425
            DegC on grid GFP1 with -9999 for
            X=180E:70W  Y=35.1S:35.1N  Z=-5:1050 

 time range: 03-NOV-2003 00:00 to 31-DEC-2004
yes? set region/l=12
yes? yes? set region/x=110w:80w/y=10s:10n/k=1
yes? yes? fill temp
yes? set region/l=1:100/i=100/j=700/k=1
yes? yes? plot temp
** netCDF error: Variable not found
yes? plot u
yes? plot v


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