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Re: [ferret_users] hard to make fig.

Hi -
Our Macintosh users can help with the details, but the thing you need to do is to define the Ferret environment variables so that they point to the directories where these files are. The environment variable FER_DIR is the location of the top-level directory which by default for the Mac installation is /usr/local/ferret. Under that directory are several other directories including ppl/ and go/ and ext_func/ and so forth, where the palette files, journal script files, and external functions files reside. Environment variables point to these as well, so you will have environment variables FER_GO pointing to the journal scripts directory, FER_PALETTE pointing to the palette directory, and FER_EXTERNAL_FUNCTIONS pointing to the external function directory.

yangxing zheng wrote:

   I just install a Mac OS ferret 5.70 on the path

  /User/Application/ instead of /usr/local since I am
not an administrator.

   It seems working but when I try to make pictures,
error occurs:

  yes? set data a.cdf
  yes? set region/k=1
  yes? plot temp
   Error messages:

   PPL+ error: Unable to read "default.spk" to set
shade and fill colors.
   ls: /usr/local/ferret/ext_func/libs/: No such file
or directory
Open: No such file or directory
apparent state: unit 10 named
lately reading sequential formatted external IO
  It seems that ferret can not automatically find the
default path /usr/local/ferret/ext_func/libs/
and /usr/local/ferret/ppl/fondat.dat

   Does anyone have an idea to solve the problem if we
do not install ferret on the /usr/local?

   Thanks a lot!

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