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Re: [ferret_users] y=a+b*x fit in Ferret

Hi - this is just right - I want to add that at least in my mail tool, the text Billy typed in for squaring xx, converted the 2 to a superscript. The Ferret syntax for raising something to a power is the carat symbol: ^
William.S.Kessler wrote:
Hi Changshui -

Just use the standard statistics formulas.

I guess you know that Ferret cannot use variable names x and y. So let's say the variables are xx and yy and that each is a time series.
let xbar = xx[l=@ave]
let ybar = yy[l=@ave]
let xy = xx*yy
let xybar = xy[l=@ave]
let xsq = xx^2
let xsqbar = xsq[l=@ave]

let b = (xybar-(xbar*ybar))/(xsqbar-xbar^2)
let a = ybar - b*xbar

Also see the documentation for the included script variance.jnl. (From the command line, Fgo -more variance)
Billy K

On 23/09/2007, at 6:36 PM, Xia Changshui wrote:

I have two variable in one dataset, y is model result while x is observation. How to apply a y=a+b*x fit? I saw "LINFIT,n,XIMIN,XIMAX,XOMIN,XOMAX" in the manual.
Can anyone give some clue or examples?
Thank you in advance.


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