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Re: [ferret_users] regrid problem

Hi Zibiao,
Are you seeing that error message when you go to look at the variable temperature in your new file test.nc? I am guessing that you do the commands you are listing, and then if you gave commands to use temperature, something like
use test.nc
shade/k=1 temperature

then you would see that error, because now the default dataset is test.nc, and Ferret sees the old definition of variable "temperature = temp[g=grd]" and cannot access temp. That is when you would see this error. The solution is to cancel the original dataset, (or cancel the variable definitions used to write the new dataset) and then it will all work fine.
list/clobber/file=test.nc/format="CDF" temperature
cancel data/all
cancel variable/all

use test.nc
shade/k=1 temperature

Zibiao Zhang wrote:
Dear all,

I have a data file I called 3d_ave.nc has the grid as following:

Grid GGR1
Longitude200_450 	longitud 	251mi	82.08W(-82.08)	62.08W(-62.08)
Latitude800_1050	Latitude		251   i	32.838N	47.96N
Depth_1-		Depth(m)	10     i-	0		200
normal 			T

I'd like to resample the data point to 81x81, instead of the original
I used the following scripts:

can data/all;
use 3d_ave
def axis/x=82.08w:62.08w:0.25 xax;
def axis/y=32.83n:47.96n:0.19 yax;
def grid/x=xax/y=yax grd
let temperature=temp[g=grd]	! temp is the varialbe in file 3d_ave
list temperature
list/clobber/file=test.nc/format="CDF" temperature

the result from "list temperature" looks fine, however when I save to the
file test.nc, and list the temperature from the file, it has error:

** ERROR: variable unknown or not in data set: TEMP[G=grd]

Can you tell me what is the problem?

thank you very much,


~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~>
Ansley Manke, NOAA/PMEL   ansley.b.manke@xxxxxxxx
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA
Phone 206-526-6246,  FAX 206-526-6744

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