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[ferret_users] choosing a grid point

Dear ferret users
Thanks to all who replied but my problem still exists. I'm trying to create a harmonic analysis of tides. I chose some coordinates say California, England (1W, 54N ), Philippines and I want to have the plot of sea level [depth in meter] wrt time [days]. I can do so by choosing the location using ncview as seeing what the corresponding values of i and j at that position might be, but I want the exact coordinates, as 1 W, 54 N for Immingham, England.

/yes? SET DATA levitus_climatology
yes? SET REGION/X=180/Y=0                      ! true profile
yes? PLOT/Z=0:5000 temp
yes? DEFINE AXIS/DEPTH/Z=100:2000:100  zfalse
yes? DEFINE GRID/LIKE=temp/Z=zfalse  gfalse    ! false profile
yes? PLOT/Z=0:5000/OVERtemp[G=gfalse@ASN] /

The above mentioned weblink shows some similarity but doesn't work in my case, when I execute the first 3 lines as shown above, gives me the following error
/yes? show data/full
    currently SET data sets:
   1> ./ZETA.nc  (default)

name     title                             I         J         K         L
LON      longitude                        1:120     1:101     ...       ...
            degrees on grid GIH1 with -1.000000E+34 for missing data
            X=0.5:120.5  Y=0.5:101.5
                                          1:4       1:120     1:101     ...
              on grid GIH2 with -1.000000E+34 for missing data
            X=0.5:4.5  Y=0.5:120.5  Z=0.5:101.5
LAT      latitude                         1:120     1:101     ...       ...
            degrees on grid GIH1 with -1.000000E+34 for missing data
            X=0.5:120.5  Y=0.5:101.5
                                          1:4       1:120     1:101     ...
              on grid GIH2 with -1.000000E+34 for missing data
            X=0.5:4.5  Y=0.5:120.5  Z=0.5:101.5
TIME ... ... ... 1:8760
      (invalid coordinate axis)
day as %Y%m%d.%f on grid GIH3 with -1.000000E+34 for missing data
ZO       sealevel                         1:120     1:101     ...       
            m on grid GIH4 with -1.000000E+34 for missing data
            X=0.5:120.5  Y=0.5:101.5

 time range: 1 to 8760/
/yes? plot zo[l=1:8760]
**ERROR: dimensions improperly specified: specified data is not a line
          - its a 3D region: "plot zo[l=1:8760]"
yes? set region/x=1W/y=54N
yes? plot/l=1:8760 zo
**ERROR: illegal limits: "ZO" is not in the range X=359
         Axis extremes are X=0.5:120.5
Help needed. Thanks.

Anup Sherchan

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