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Re: [ferret_users] TAX_* functions not included in v6.02 on Linux

Hi Fabian,
Thank you for letting us know. There will be a new release by the end of this week, version 6.04, and the whole set of tax_* functions are linked into the executable; they were originally developed as external functions but will now be linked internally.

Fabian Lienert wrote:
Hello Ferreters,

I am trying to use the TAX_* functions to convert the units of a time axis from months to years. But it seems that the recently added (v6.0) external TAX_* functions are not working:
yes? use "eof_tfunc.cdf"
yes? list/L=1:3960 tax_year(t[gt=EOFTIME], EOFTIME[i=1])
 **ERROR: command syntax: tax_year(t[gt=EOFTIME], EOFTIME[i=1])
          unknown function "tax_year"

While another added function in v6.0 is working fine:
FER_LAST_ERROR = "**ERROR: command syntax: tax_year(t[gt=EOFTIME], EOFTIME[i=1]) \unknown function "tax_year" "
I am using FERRET v6.02 on Ubuntu Linux (Dapper).

Thank you for any help,

~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~>
Ansley Manke, NOAA/PMEL   ansley.b.manke@xxxxxxxx
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA
Phone 206-526-6246,  FAX 206-526-6744

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