Hi, A script should be able to do this; one would identify the peaks using transformations, such as @DDF and @EVNT. A change in sign of @DDF from positive to negative indicates a peak. For instance, take a look at this variable, if fft_var is the FFT that you are plotting. yes? LET fft_ddf = IF fft_var[t=@ddf] LT 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 This doesn't give the answer you want, but I hope will get you started, you will need more transformations to do the whole job. The idea will be to set up a variable which is 1 at the peaks you want to mark. Then do a REPEAT loop over the times and when this new variable is 1 make a label. Ansley golla nageswararao wrote:
-- ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> Ansley Manke, NOAA/PMEL ansley.b.manke@xxxxxxxx 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA Phone 206-526-6246, FAX 206-526-6744 |