I would like to overplot a track on a current velocity field. I
managed to plot the current velocity field alone, and also the
track alone but I can't find a way to plot both of them!
My track data (longitude, latitude) are stored in an ascii file
"track.res", with 2 columns. For instance:
-83.0 25.0
-84.0 28.0
-85.0 26.0
My programme looks like:
use "my_file.nc" !file containing zonal (U) and meridional (V) speed
set region/x=-90:-80/y=20:35/z=0/t=10-Aug-2006
go mp_mercator
set grid U
!Plot the velocity field
vector/lenght=1/XSKIP=3/YSKIP+3/overlay U,V
!Plot the track
file/format=delim/var="lon,lat" track.res
list lon,lat
plot/line/over/color=red lon,lat
go fland 1
Ferret is not happy with the instruction "list lon,lat" and returns :
**ERROR: illegal limits: "LON" is not in the range X=-90:-80
Axis extremes are X=0.5:20480.5
list lon,lat
Command file, commande group, or REPEAT execution aborted
Any suggestion?
Thanks for you help !