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Re: [ferret_users] what is ferret's limit to the full path name for a netCDF data set

Hi Janeen -

Whatever the path-length might be, you can always circumvent this problem by using unix soft-links:
sp ln -s /very/long/path/including/many/subdirectories/filename.cdf  
use temp_name.cdf
..... work with the file .....
sp rm temp_name.cdf   ! clean-up after use

Don't forget the -s option! (symbolic link). Otherwise rm will remove the actual file!
Billy K

On Feb 2, 2007, at 6:16 AM, Janeen wrote:


I'm trying to find how long a full path for a data set can be, before ferret can't handle it.
For example, I know that a path of 126 characters is too long, but  
92 is still accepted.
Anyone know what the actual number is?


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