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[ferret_users] pen color and postscript
I have a problem someone might have experienced. All clues and
solutions welcome!
I plot a sounding of the temperature. The vertical axis (initially
sigma coordinate) is transformed into a logarithmic axis (pressure).
This implies that the axis labels are 2 (=10**2), 3 (=10**3), etc.
I don't want these numbers to appear, I want labels in hPa: 1000,
800, 600, 400, 200, 100, etc. I add these labels myself with a script
(lopressureaxis here under). However, I need to erase first the "2"
and "3". For this, I use a "white" pen and overwrite the numbers.
It works perfectly on the screen but not in the saved postscript. The
white colour is converted back to black and so my labels "2" and "3"
appear together with "1000 hPa" and "100 hPa".
The script doing this is as follows (unuseful parts removed):
plot/nolabel/vlimit=3:1.85:-1/i=7:40/vs/line/set temp1,pressure1
go layout* ; ppl xaxis -90,40,20 ; ppl xfor (i3) ; ppl yfor (i1) ;
ppl plot
pplus color 1 100 100 100 !transform the black pen into a white pen
label -93, 3.015, 1,, 0.20 "@P73" ; label -93.5, 3.015, 1,, 0.20
"@P73" !overwrite "3" in white
label -93, 2.015, 1,, 0.20 "@P72" ; label -93.5, 2.015, 1,, 0.20
"@P72" !overwrite "2" in white
pplus color 1 0 0 0 !get the black ben back to its normal
go logpressureaxis** -90 -92 40 42 -95 !display labels for the
vertical axis
plot/nolabel/over/symbol=01/size=0.18/vs temp2,pressure2 !add
another temperature sounding
(* the script layout sets bigger font sizes, etc.)
Does the problem occur because I use the black pen? Is there another
way to prevent Ferret from displaying "2" and "3" on the vertical axis?
Thanks in advance for any idea!
Emilie V.

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