Hi Ansley,
I tooled around more today with the wind trajectories and I am more
certain that there must be something wrong with Ferret's output to
Vis5D format. I downloaded a FORTRAN produced file from
WISC/SSEC/CIMSS and got the wind trajectories to work fine on my local
copy of Vis5D. After consulting with someone from SSEC, I rearranged
my Ferret file to have levels in km instead of hPa with all var
names/units correct and still the trajectories didn't work.
I will have to go the fortran route unless there is a quick fix from
Ferret users...
Quoting Ansley Manke <Ansley.B.Manke@noaa.gov>:
Hi Stephen,
Replying off-line from the Ferret end; let's see if anybody using
Vis5D answers and then we'll know what the whole answer is. It's
possible that Ferret's Vis5D writing function is out of date and
doesn't do everything that it should. It was written several years
ago and has not been updated to include any newer Vis5D capabilities
or updates. It'd be fairly straitforward to take the function, which
is a Ferret external function, and make any updates.
I wrote the Ferret function, but I'm not very familiar with Vis5D and
all its capabilities - I just hooked up Ferret output to the inputs
to the Vis5D file-writing calls.
Stephen R. Guimond wrote:
Hello Clan,
I am creating Vis5D formatted files through FERRET to view in
Vis5D. With some playing around, I am able to make a ribbon wind
trajectory at a certain time step. However, when I step through my
times, the ribbon does not evolve, it remains only at the original
time step. I have tried using the SCHL.v5d file that comes with the
software and have created wind trajectories successfully, so I am
thinking it may be a problem on FERRET's end. Has anyone
successfully used the wind trajectory function in Vis5D from FERRET
produced files?
Thanks Much,
Stephen R. Guimond
Graduate Research Assistant
Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS)
Tallahassee, FL 32304
~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> ~> Ansley Manke,
NOAA/PMEL ansley.b.manke@noaa.gov
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA
Phone 206-526-6246, FAX 206-526-6744