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Re: [ferret_users] use a finer coastline with go land and go fland

Thanks to Jaison for that information.

There is another piece of mapping data that would be useful to have available: EEZ boundaries. Since many nations' EEZ still have unsettled claims or other disputes, these are not final, nevertheless they are needed for a variety of purposes. For example I needed to draw EEZ lines on maps of a recent cruise clearance request.

I could not find a source of EEZ coordinates that came easily into Ferret. This is mostly due to the fact that most of the boundaries are still unofficial, thus no government or international agency produces them. The best I could do is the site of the Flemish Marine Data and Information Centre (http://www.vliz.be/vmdcdata/marbound/ index.php), which distributes estimated, unofficial boundaries in an xml format. If you go to "Search Database" or "Map Interface" from this site, you get an xml file that contains a list of lat/lon coordinates for individual countries or regions that can be extracted (by hand in a text editor) and thus read into Ferret. Not the best solution, but it works.

If anyone knows a better way to get this data, please let the group know.

Billy K

On Nov 22, 2006, at 9:28 AM, Jaison Kurian wrote:

Hi All,
Though Temothee got a solution to his question, i think this
information will be useful to all those to interested in fine resolution
bathymetry data.

There is a recent article in Marine Geophysical Researches, by Marks and
Smith on "An Evaluation of Publicly Available Global Bathymetry Grids"
(see http://springerlink.metapress.com/content/w86v85v5u66g3841/
?p=e22bda9684ef4291a7373478dba4b34b&pi=2) (Volume 27, Number 1, 2006,
DOI 10.1007/s11001-005-2095-4) which talks about Etopo2, GEBCO and few
other datasets. This is an excellent article and if you are interested in
fine resolution bathymetry, you should read it.

Regarding the topography/coastline datasets, Etopo5 is not the finest
resolution available now (as mentioned in earlier mails). There are datasets
like GEBCO, Etopo2 and GLOBE (only land elevation) which are having
resolutions of 1 Minutes, 2 Minutes and 1 Km respectively. Here is a list of
freely available global datasets. This is only a beginning and the list is,
for sure, not complete. I hope that those who know about any other datasets
or relevant web sites will include those to the present list and make it as
a good source of information.

Please note that the ocean topography or land elevation datasets can be
used to create new coastline dataset (extracting lat & lon for zero depth/
elevation) but read the dataset documentation, especially about the data
processing, to know how reliable will be the coastline derived like this.

Please see the list below....which is extended as far as i can....

Hope this helps,



List of free, Global, Ocean Topography/Land Elevation/Coastline/ River datasets
====================================================================== ========

1. ocean topography
Dataset Name : Etopo2 (Smith and Sandwell)
Resolution : 2 Minute
Source : NOAA NGDC
Data format : NetCDF
On Web : http://dss.ucar.edu/datasets/ds759.3/
http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/nph-dods/data/ PMEL/
smith_sandwell_topo_v8_2.nc --> dods
data/smith_sandwell_topo.nc --> dods
http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/fliers/97mgg03.html -- > poster

Dataset Name : Etopo5
Resolution : 5 Minute
Source : NOAA NGDC
Data format : NetCDF
On Web : http://dss.ucar.edu/datasets/ds759.1
http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/dods/nph-dods/ data/
PMEL/etopo5.nc --> dods

Dataset Name : General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO)
Resolution : 1 Minute
Source : BODC
Data Format : NetCDF (274 MB zip file)
On Web : http://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/online_delivery/gebco/
Note : Though this dataset is 1 Minute resolution, it misses
features which the lower-resolution ETOPO2 captures,
due to over smoothing. See the following link for a
comparison :
http://www.vterrain.org/Elevation/Bathy/ bathy_comp.html

2. land elevation
Dataset Name : GLOBE
Resolution : 1 Km, Gridded
Source : NOAA NGDC
Data format : NetCDF
On web : http://iridl.ldeo.columbia.edu/ SOURCES/.NOAA/.NGDC/.GLOBE/
Note : Etopo2 and Etopo5 (see above) also have land elevation.

3. Ridge Bathymetry
Dataset Name : Ridgembs Relational Database
Resolution : Variable, can be as high as 50 m where data exists.
No global coverage (wherever data is not available, Etopo2
is used as a regional background map).
Source : Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (together with RIDGE & NSF)
Data Format : NetCDF/ASCII
On Web : http://ocean-ridge.ldeo.columbia.edu/database/html/ home.html

4. coastline/shoreline data
Dataset Names: 4a) NOAA/NOS Medium resolution coastline, 1:70,000
4b) World Vector Shoreline, 1:250,000
4c) World Data Bank II, 1:2,000,000
4d) World Coast Line, 1:5,000,000
Resolution : .....
Data Format : ASCII
Source : NOAA NGDC
On Web : http://rimmer.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/coast/getcoast.html
http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/shorelines/ shorelines.html (home)
Note : Ferret does have a really nice FAQ about "Detailed Coastlines
and Borders" at
http://www.ferret.noaa.gov/Ferret/FAQ/graphics/ coastlines.html"
which describes how to use the dataset from this source for
drawing borders in Ferret.

5. Political/International/Internal boundaries
Dataset Names: 5a) World Data Bank II Political boundaries
5b) World Data Bank II International Boundaries
5c) World Data Bank II Internal Boundaries
5d) World Vector Shoreline & All political boundaries
Resolution : .....
Data Format : ASCII
Source : NOAA NGDC
On Web : http://rimmer.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/coast/getcoast.html
http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/shorelines/ shorelines.html (home)

6. Rivers
Dataset Name : World Data Bank II Rivers
Resolution : .....
Data Format : ASCII
Source : NOAA NGDC
On Web : http://rimmer.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/coast/getcoast.html
http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/shorelines/ shorelines.html (home)

7. Where to Look for more informations?

You can also check :
http://www.gcc.ntu.edu.tw/modelsplanning/database/ gcrc_databank/
datamanage/DISasia/igbp-dis/activity_summary/ summary_act1_8.html

8. More about Etopo2
CleanTOPO2 : CleanTOPO2 is a touched up and generalized version of SRTM30
Plus, a public domain dataset that combines sea floor and land
elevation data of the entire world.
On Web : http://www.shadedrelief.com/cleantopo2/

General Notes about sites listed above
a) With dss.ucar & bodc.ac.uk you have to create an account (it is free) in
order to download datasets. While creating account with bodc.ac.uk,
keep the final page where the verification code is to be pasted as it
is, and wait for a mail from bodc. Once you get the mail copy and paste
the verification code on the box provided.

b) Citations for above datasets are available/mentioned in the respective
web pages.

c) Links which marked as "--> dods" can be accessed via DODS, using Ferret.

====================================================================== ==========

On Mon, 20 Nov 2006, Ansley Manke wrote:

Both the etopo05 and the Smith and Sandwell topography dataset are
available from the PMEL OPeNDAP server. Use them in Ferret with the

"http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/nph-dods/data/PMEL/ smith_sandwell_topo_v8_2.nc"


"http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/dods/nph-dods/data/PMEL/ etopo5.nc"

I was able to double-check the addresses by searching the OPeNDAP list
of data under the "OPeNDAP Datasets
<http://www.opendap.org/data/datasets.cgi? xmlfilename=datasets.xml&exfunction=none>"
link at http://www.opendap.org/data/

To substitute the Smith-Sandwell data set for the ETOPO datasets in
fland.jnl, you would need to make your own copy of fland.jnl and edit
it. These datasets are too large in general to use for plots the whole
globe (the screen or plot image wouldn't have that much resolution
anyway), or for large regions, but they're great for seeing the details
of small regions.


william s. kessler wrote:
The 5-minute etopo dataset is called etopo05 (note the zero).

There is a 2-minute topography dataset from Smith and Sandwell (1994
JGR 99(B11) 21803-21824), which should be available somewhere (for
free?). That is as good as exists today, I think.

Billy K

On 20Nov 2006, at 6:56 AM, Timothée Brochier wrote:

Hello ferreters,

The standart go land has a poor resolution at my scale, and the go
fland is even worse

I tried go land 5 but it says I don't have etopo5 and didn't manage
to install it (I think we have to pay for it?)
BUT I could download a .dat file from the coastal extractor, wich
contain the coastline at a very fine resolution.
Is it possible to use the go fland method with that data?

many Thanks,

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