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Re: [ferret_users] Plotting curvilinear vectors
You need to set up the Ferret map projection variables called MP_... before mp_poly_vectors will work properly. The mp_poly_vectors variables rely on values calculated in the map projection scripts. Try this script:
use etopo5
define grid/like=rose map_grid
set grid map_grid
set region/x=80w:50w/y=20n:40n
go mp_mercator 30 -65
go mp_aspect
fill/levels=(0,10000,10000)/pal=grey/nokey/noaxis/nolabel rose[g=map_grid],x_page,y_page
go mp_graticule `360-80` `360-50` 5.0 20 40 5.0 1
let lon = { `360-72`, `360-68` }
let lat = { 26, 32 }
let temperature = { 10, 20 }
let fill_values = ysequence( temperature )
let u = { 5, 10 }
let v = { 5, 40 }
go mp_poly_vectors lon lat u v 10 "arrow"
polygon/over/nolabel/key/noaxes mp_x_arrow, mp_y_arrow, fill_values[j=1:`num_vectors`]
Edward D. (Ned) Cokelet, Ph.D. Oceanographer
NOAA/PMEL off: (206) 526-6820
7600 Sand Point Way NE fax: (206) 526-6485
Seattle, WA 98115-6439
The contents of this message are mine personally and do not necessarily reflect any position of the Government or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
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