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Re: [ferret_users] use a finer coastline with go land and go fland
Hi Timothee,
There is a script
go land_detail.jnl
which draws continent boundaries at higher resolution, and has options
for things like rivers, and national boundaries and even states within
some countries. Type "go/help land_detail.jnl" for some documentation.
If you are missing the script or the data file it uses, let me know and
I can provide them.
If you do want it, the data set etopo5 for fland is available from the
"miscellaneous data sets" link on the Ferret downloads pages for each
operating system:
Timothée Brochier wrote:
Hello ferreters,
The standart go land has a poor resolution at my scale, and the go
fland is even worse
I tried go land 5 but it says I don't have etopo5 and didn't manage to
install it (I think we have to pay for it?)
BUT I could download a .dat file from the coastal extractor, wich
contain the coastline at a very fine resolution.
Is it possible to use the go fland method with that data?
many Thanks,
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