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[ferret_users] How to change Variable Datatype

Dear Users,

How to change the variable Datatype from "DOUBLE" to "FLOAT". Is there any method to do this in ferret??... i am providing my .cdf file header for ur attention... please suggest me some method to do this .

netcdf tauxd_son {
        X = 720 ;
        Y = 360 ;
        T1DAY = UNLIMITED ; // (91 currently)
        double X(X) ;
                X:units = "degrees_east" ;
                X:modulo = 360. ;
                X:point_spacing = "even" ;
                X:axis = "X" ;
        double Y(Y) ;
                Y:units = "degrees_north" ;
                Y:point_spacing = "even" ;
                Y:axis = "Y" ;
        double T1DAY(T1DAY) ;                                /* can we replace "double" with "float"
                T1DAY:units = "DAYS" ;
                T1DAY:axis = "T" ;
        float TAUXD(T1DAY, Y, X) ;
                TAUXD:missing_value = -1.e+10f ;
                TAUXD:_FillValue = -1.e+10f ;
                TAUXD:long_name = "MY_30DY_VAR[GT=T1DAY@LIN]" ;
                TAUXD:history = "From taux" ;

Thanks in Advance..
Murali Krishna

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