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[ferret_users] Appending time steps to netcdf file
I have three netcdf files with different time steps that I want to
combine into one file. I have looked at the documentation/mail
archives, but am still confused. Here is what I did:
set memory/size=100
define axis/t="04-Aug-2000 06:00":"22-Aug-2000 12:00":6/units=hours time
define grid/t=time tgrid
use storm_3d_1.nc
let uprs2 = t[g=tgrid]*0 + uprs
let vprs2 = t[g=tgrid]*0 + vprs
save/file=storm_3d.nc/l=1:27 uprs2,vprs2
cancel var/all;cancel data/all
use storm_3d_2.nc
let uprs2 = t[g=tgrid]*0 + uprs
let vprs2 = t[g=tgrid]*0 + vprs
save/append/file=storm_3d.nc/l=28:67 uprs2,vprs2
I get this error:
**ERROR: inconsistent sizes of data regions: T axis
UPRS has 13 points (L=28:40)
expression has 40 points (L=28:67)
LIST/FORMAT=CDF/append/file=storm_3d.nc/l=28:67 uprs2,vprs2
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted
I don't know where the "13 points" are coming from.
Any suggestions?
Stephen R. Guimond
Graduate Research Assistant
Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS)
Tallahassee, FL 32304
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