Hi Ansley,
It was a great explanation. Thank you. I´d like to
extend the question... I want to load an wind data file from a station
writen in ASCII. The problem is: the data is unevenly spaced in time...
there are some lags. How should I proceed? Must I fill with bad values
the time lags before the reading? I would appreciate your comments.
Best regards,
Luiz Alexandre de Araujo Guerra
Aluno de Doutorado
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro / Brazil
On Wed, 30 Aug 2006 16:17:49 -0700, Ansley Manke
> Hi Dawn,
> If zero is always going to be a bad value, and there are no other
missing data, this is very simple. You can set the bad -data flag to be
> SET VAR/BAD=0 temp
> SET VAR/BAD=0 sst
> If there is already a bad-data flag, and you want places where
temp is 0 also to be marked as missing, then define a new variable.
(this concept is called masking, if you want to read about it in the
Users Guide.)
> LET my_temp = IF temp NE 0 THEN temp
> If you want to only ignore 0 when it is in that one part of the
time axis, you could make a fancier mask. For instance, here's a
variable on a monthly time axis, and say we want to mask out data at
just one time. We need to get the time coordinate for that month (here
it's some number of days since the year 1700). You can run this
example using the online dataset:
> yes? SET DATA "http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/NVODS-FDS/LAS/coads_time_series_1854_1993/sst"
> yes? LET tt = T[GT=sst]
> ! dec1980 is the time coordinate corresponding to 15-dec-1980
> yes? LET dec1980 = TT[T=15-dec-1980]
> ! define a mask: 1 at all times except the one time.
> yes? LET tmask = IF tt NE dec1980 THEN 1 ! There is an implied
"else missing"
> ! Check that the mask variable is missing in December 1980
> yes? LIST/T=1-sep-1980:1-mar-1981 tt, tmask
> DATA SET: http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/NVODS-FDS/LAS/coads_time_series_1854_1993/sst
> TIME: 01-SEP-1980 00:00 to 01-MAR-1981 00:00
> Column 1: TT is T[GT=SST]
> Column 2: TMASK is IF TT NE DEC1980 THEN 1
> 15-SEP-1980 00 / 1521: 102525. 1.000
> 15-OCT-1980 00 / 1522: 102555. 1.000
> 15-NOV-1980 00 / 1523: 102586. 1.000
> 15-DEC-1980 00 / 1524: 102616. ....
> 15-JAN-1981 00 / 1525: 102647. 1.000
> 15-FEB-1981 00 / 1526: 102678. 1.000
> ! Apply the mask to a variable. December 1980 is missing in the
masked var.
> yes? LET var = sst[X=300:320@AVE,Y=20:40@ave]
> yes? LET masked_var = tmask * var
> yes? LIST/T=1-sep-1980:1-mar-1981 var, masked_var
> DATA SET: http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/NVODS-FDS/LAS/coads_time_series_1854_1993/sst
> TIME: 01-SEP-1980 00:00 to 01-MAR-1981 00:00
> LONGITUDE: 60W to 40W
> LATITUDE: 20N to 40N
> Column 1: VAR is SST[X=300:320@AVE,Y=20:40@AVE]
> Column 2: MASKED_VAR is TMASK * VAR
> 15-SEP-1980 00 / 1521: 26.80 26.80
> 15-OCT-1980 00 / 1522: 26.04 26.04
> 15-NOV-1980 00 / 1523: 24.14 24.14
> 15-DEC-1980 00 / 1524: 22.60 ....
> 15-JAN-1981 00 / 1525: 21.85 21.85
> 15-FEB-1981 00 / 1526: 21.20 21.20