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Re: [ferret_users] Patch for Ferret v6.0

Hi Dany,
This release is not done as a patch, but as a executable and environment tar files. Please just follow the instructions as if installing Ferret for the first time - the environment variables you are already using for Ferret will be detected, and you'll be asked if you want to continue using the same locations. If you have changed scripts, etc, in the FER_DIR directories, then you may want to move your customizations elsewhere if they have the same names as scripts that are part of the distribution, but otherwise this all works fine and leaves your files in place.


Dany DUMONT wrote:
I want to upgrade my Ferret v5.80 to v6.0. I read the documentation for
updating and I want to know which patch should I use. The latest I can find
on the public ftp is patch_1jun98.tar.Z. Is this will install v6.0?

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