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Re: [ferret_users] masking area
Hi Jaison and Francois,
I don't think there need be any messages about Ambiguous coordinates on
the T axis. Here is an example, creating a MASK variable from one of the
ETOPO datasets making sure it's on the same grid as the data variable,
which is just a data set having a time axis accessed by an OPeNDAP
address. The first part of this is just creating an example mask.
! Look at the data variable and grid
yes? USE
currently SET data sets:
name title I J K L
AIR Air Temperature Monthly 1st Sext 1:180 1:90 ...
! Create a mask on the same XY grid
yes? USE etopo60
yes? LET mask = IF rose[GXY=air[d=1]] GT (-3000) THEN 1
yes? SAVE/CLOBBER/FILE=mask.nc mask
LISTing to file mask.nc
! Now use the same data and the mask we just made
yes? USE
yes? USE mask.nc
yes? LET masked_air = mask[D=2] * air[D=1]
yes? SET VIEW ul
yes? SHADE/T=1-jan-1990 masked_air; GO land
! show the original data and the mask...
yes? SET VIEW ll
yes? SHADE/T=1-jan-1990 air[D=1]; GO land
yes? SET VIEW lr
yes? SHADE mask[D=2]; GO land
Jaison Kurian wrote:
If the mask variable "bv" is not having "any" time points, there
should not be any problem while multiplying "bv" with "rain". In this
case the show data command for "bv" should show empty Z and T axes as
name title I J K L
BV Basin Mask 1:180 1:90 ... ...
Suppose you have one time point for the variable bv, for L=1, there
will be a warning message as follows :
"*** NOTE: Ambiguous coordinates on T axis: RAIN[D=1]*BV[D=2]"
This can be ignored. But from the second time point onwards the
"rain*bw" will start complining as :
**ERROR: illegal limits: BV is not in the range L=2
Axis extremes are L=1
In this case you have to specify L=1 while multipling with rain
let rain_basin = rain[d=1] * bv[d=2,l=1]
This will fix the problem.
If these tips doesnot help you, please send me the output of
"show data" command for those two datasets along with the error
messages (& multiplication line from the Ferret script).
On Tue, 22 Aug 2006, DELCLAUX Francois wrote:
Hi Ferret users,
I would like to compute spatial and temporal average rainfall on a
The watershed is a (x,y) netcdf file (variable bv) (0 outside the
basin, 1 inside the basin)
Rainfall field is a (x,y,t) netcdf file, (variable rain) with same
spatial resolution as watershed.
So I have supposed that mutiplying rain by bv, I would get a rainfall
field inside the wathershed.
But Ferret does not accept to multiply a (x,y) variable by a (x,y,t)
In ferret documentation, masking areas are defined from 3d fields, so
are possible. But not in my case.
How can I do this quite simple operation ?
Thanks in advance.
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