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Re: [ferret_users] fill between the line

Hi --
This is because the `RETURN=SHAPE` command inside the plot_swath.jnl script is not able to determine that the variable which is defined in terms of  ta[x=@ave,y=@ave] resolves to a single point in the x and y directions.  You see that it returns XYT, where we know the expression is in fact only dependent on T. 

If you define your variable as

   let ta_avg=ta[x=65:97@ave,y=5:33@ave]

Then the script should work.

jagadish karmacharya wrote:
Hi Ansley,

I have checked by issuing set mode verify: always in my script

set mode verify: always
set region/x=65:97/y=5:33/l=1:120
use file1.nc, file2.nc
let ta_avg=ta[x=@ave,y=@ave]
plot ta_avg[d=2] , ta_avg[d=1]
go plot_swath poly/over/pal=gray/nolab ta_avg[d=2] , ta_avg[d=1]

This generates following message:
! argument check
QUERY/IGNORE $1"<usage: yes? GO plot_swath polygon_command ylo yhi [xpts]"
 !-> QUERY/IGNORE poly/over/pal=gray/nolab
QUERY/IGNORE $2"<usage: yes? GO plot_swath polygon_command ylo yhi [xpts]"
 !-> QUERY/IGNORE ta_ave[d=2]
QUERY/IGNORE $3"<usage: yes? GO plot_swath polygon_command ylo yhi [xpts]"
 !-> QUERY/IGNORE ta_ave[d=1]

! save the input expressions into simple variable definitions
LET/QUIET PSWylo = ($2)
 !-> DEFINE VARIABLE/QUIET PSWylo = ta_ave[d=2]
LET/QUIET PSWyhi = ($3)
 !-> DEFINE VARIABLE/QUIET PSWyhi = ta_ave[d=1]

! determine the orientation of the data (and check that it is 1D)
DEFINE SYMBOL PSWax `PSWylo,return=shape`
DEFINE SYMBOL PSWquad_ax ($PSWax"|X>Z|Y>Z|Z>Y|T>Z|<error: data is not a line")
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted
 *** NOTE: error: data is not a line

The variable and grid information in the files:

yes? sh d
     currently SET data sets:
    1> file1.nc
 name     title                             I         J         K         L
 TA       TA                               1:33      1:28      ...       1:1200

    2> file2.nc  (default)
 name     title                             I         J         K         L
 TA       TA                               1:33      1:28      ...       1:1200

yes? sh grid ta
 name       axis              # pts   start                end
 XAX66_98  LONGITUDE           33mr   65E                  97E
 YAX96_123 LATITUDE            28 r   5.5N                 32.5N
 normal    Z
 TAX       TIME              1200 r   15-JAN-1901 00:00    15-DEC-2000 00:00

Is there a easy solution for this?

Also I have send another query regarding saving detranded data using time stamp. Can you send solution on that as well..

Thanks a lot.


Ansley Manke <Ansley.B.Manke@noaa.gov>
Hi Jagadish,
Are your variables TA_Mean, TA_Max functions of time?  The plot_swath and fill_between scripts are a little tricky - they look to find an axis that they can define new variables on. Fill_between.jnl is a newer version of plot_swath.jnl, so they do many of the same things.

If you issue the command SET MODE VERIFY:ALWAYS before calling plot_swath.jnl, you can see the commands from plot_swath as they run and perhaps tell what is going on.


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