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Re: [ferret_users] insufficient memory problem --> Another question

Dear All,
Thanks to all those who responded to my earlier question regarding the
"insufficient memory problem". I could fix it as follows:
!How to fix the i'**ERROR: insufficient memory"
! Cached data cleared from memory

!Get the shaded plot.
FILL/L=1 CLIM_SST[i=1:8192:10,j=1:4096:10]

By the above fix and as suggested by Martin, I could get the figure
displayed on the screen within a few seconds.

Now I have a related question in the same data. That is to know the X, Y
(LON, LAT) axes limits.

The following command does not give the information. How can I get the
axes information? Can someone suggest the correct approach for it?

yes? SHOW AXIS/I=1:8192/J=1:4096 CLIM_SST
 name       axis              # pts   start                end

yes? show data
     currently SET data sets:
 name     title                             I         J         K         L
 CLIM_SST Climatological Mean Sea Surface  1:8192    1:4096    ...       ...
          Standard Deviation of Mean       1:8192    1:4096    ...       ...
          Number of Observations in Mean   1:8192    1:4096    ...       ...
          Climatological Mean Sea Surface  1:8192    1:4096    ...       ...

Thanks in advance,

C. Shaji.

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