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[ferret_users] Gridding Scattered Data:scat2grid functions
I have a large set of scattered satellite data that I want to put
onto a regular lat-lon grid. My data looks like this:
dbz i=1:105000
lat i=1:105000
lon i=1:105000
I defined two axes of my destination grid like so:
def axis/x=122:134:0.10/units=deg glon
def axis/y=27:33:0.10/units=deg glat
and tried using the scat2gridgauss_xy function call like this:
let a = scat2gridgauss_xy(lon,lat,dbz,x[gx=glon],y[gy=glat],0.5,0.5,2.,2)
However, the graph that results does not look right. Does anyone know
what I am doing wrong here? I made a fortran routine to smooth my
satellite data to a 0.10deg grid and this looks right, but takes very
long to cycle through the file so many times. Is there another FERRET
routine that does the sort of thing I am looking for? I really just
want to average all satellite points that fall within a 0.10x0.10 deg
box to get a regular grid, but @AVE needs lat/lon grid on source data.
One further note, the last argument to scat2gridgauss_** says it can
be zero since it is not used. However, I get an error when I don't put
something greater than zero.
Thanks for your help,
Stephen R. Guimond
Graduate Research Assistant
Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS)
Tallahassee, FL 32304
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