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Re: [ferret_users] Gap in curvilinear fill plot

Hi, Stephen:
I found this problem when I plot NCEP's reanalysis data. The problem is due to the grid of the data. For NCEP's data, the grid is 0-360 along the longitude, with 144 points. Since the grid box is defined by the middle of the point, then there was a gap between 357.5 and 360 when I use polar-projection in my plot. A easy way to fix this is define another grid with ending point being 362.5, and regrid the data to the new grid. You are not changing anything, but add an extra point at the end to have an overlapping grid.
Good luck!

Stephen R. Guimond wrote:

I used the 3 arguement (curvilinear) fill command like so:

fill speed,lon,lat where speed,lon and lat are all two-dimensional arrays. The corresponding plot produces a gap in the data (see attached image "fill_curvilinear.gif"). To check on this, I used the go polymark/polygon command to plot scattered data and found that no gap exists in the data (see attached image "polymark.gif"). Any idea why the curvilinear version of fill is giving me this gap on my image? Also, just wondering if anyone has seen my last e-mail entitled "Plotting wind data on cylindrical grid" ??

Thanks Much,


Stephen R. Guimond
Graduate Research Assistant
Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS)
Tallahassee, FL 32304




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