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Re: [ferret_users] [Ferret Users] A problem of SHAKEY with Ferret forMac 550
Hi all,
The Unix "tr" (translate) command is great for this. For example,
Windows to Unix:
cat old.jnl | tr -d "\r" > new.jnl
Mac to Unix:
cat old.jnl | tr "\r" "\n" > new.jnl
On Tue, 7 Feb 2006, Ryo Furue wrote:
> | BTW, when I use a JNL file created by Windows, I have to convert the
> | line end "\r\n" to "\n", or "^M$" to "$". Do you know any good idea
> | to do that? The only method I know is to open it with VI and copy and
> | paste it to a blank file created by VI. That's really a stupid idea.
> | So could you pls give some help?
> We talked about this in person yesterday, but it seems the
> sed method I suggested didn't work since you are writing
> this to the list. I'm sure you can make sed, awk, ruby, perl, etc.
> do the job. But, I don't know how to do it off the top of my head.
> So, I'm attaching a tiny C++ program to get rid of '\n'.
> For those who are not familiar with the "newline problem",
> a newline is represented differently on different OSes.
> hexadecimal representation in C language
> Unix/Linux 0a '\n'
> Windows 0d 0a '\r' '\n'
> Mac 0d '\r'
> So, to convert a Windows textfile for Mac, you need to
> remove '\n' characters.
> Ryo
> //--- dos2mac.cc -----------
> // Compile it by
> //
> // $ g++ -o dos2mac dos2mac.cc
> //
> // and use it as
> //
> // $ ./dos2mac < script-win.jnl > script-mac.jnl
> //
> // This program is inefficient but is good enough for
> // small text files.
> //
> #include <iostream>
> int main()
> {
> char c;
> while (std::cin.read(&c,1)) {if (c != '\n') std::cout.write(&c,1);}
> }
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