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Re: [ferret_users] a time axis for a single point?

Hi Helene,
You can do this following the part of the Users Guide about "NetCDF, append time steps", but instead of reading in a set of ASCII files and appending them to the netcdf file, you will read the first month's data, compute the mean, and then save that to a file. You can define the mean by regridding to a time axis with one time cell, defined to span the month's data:

DEFINE AXIS/EDGES/T="01-NOV-2001:00:43":"01-DEC-2001:00:18"/EDGES/NPOINTS=1/units= /T0= tmonth

(with your choice of units and time origin)

LET bt_mean = bt[gt=tmonth] ! or another regridding transformation if you wish
SAVE/file=outputfile.nc bt_mean

Then read the second month's data, redefine the time axis tmonth to correspond to the time range of that data, regrid to form the mean, and use SAVE/APPEND to add it to the file.

Helene Brogniez wrote:


I am working on the strorage of satellite data. I have 2 files of observations for the months of November and December 2001, with a quite irregular time step: for each month I have around 432 values, corresponding to 1h30 of observations.
I would like to concatenate my 2 files with the data regridded to monthly means (weel, I do know how to make the time average ;-) ), such as the first mean will be associated to t="15-nov-2001" and the second mean to t="15-dec-2001".

One of the file looks like:

yes? use AMSUB_2.5d_11.2001.nc
yes? sh da
currently SET data sets:
1> ./AMSUB_2.5d_11.2001.nc (default)
name title I J K L
BT BT (K) 1:145 1:25 ... 1:432

yes? stats BT

BT (K)
LONGITUDE: 178.8E(-181.2) to 178.8W
LATITUDE: 31.2S to 31.2N
Z: N/A
TIME: 01-NOV-2001 00:43 to 01-DEC-2001 00:18
DATA SET: ./AMSUB_2.5d_11.2001.nc

Total # of data points: 1566000 (145*25*1*432)
# flagged as bad data: 1383895
Minimum value: 188.69
Maximum value: 278.88
Mean value: 252.02 (unweighted average)
Standard deviation: 7.9381

thanks in advance,

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