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Re: [ferret_users] I still have problem with curv_to_rect

Hi Ashraf -
One thing that will help you to compare your plots is to use the same contour levels.  Notice that the regridded data is on a scale from 0.45 to 1.05 and the original data is from 0 to 2.8.  I think that we are seeing different features in the two plots. Set the contour levels with the /LEV qualifier and use the same levels for both.

To make a plot of a subset of the data, do it like this for a variableVV with coordinate variables long and lat

  FILL VV[i=1:51,j=1:51], long[i=1:51,j=1:51], lat[i=1:51,j=1:51]


Ashraf Zakey wrote:
Hi everyone,

    I try to use the external function to interpolate
data from a curvilinear to rectilinear
latitude-longitude grid. I used the simple Ferret
script in Appendix A Sec11 (see attached).

    I create two plots one before using the external
function curv_to_rect (fig2.gif) and one after using
the function (fig1.gif) (see the attached). 

     The problem is the center of maximum and minimum
in the figures 1, 2 are not the same. I'm feeling
something wrong happened. 

    My data is netcdf and the variables on polar
stereographic (projection_params = "90.0 -32.0
0.933013"). and i = 51 ; j = 51 

Another question, If I would like to draw my variable
on index x=0:51 and y=0:51 for the polar stereographic
projection and land map  .. Who I can do that?

Looking to your help!

All the best

                        ( o o )
|                                                     |
|           Ashraf Saber Zakey                        |
|           Department of Chemistry                   |
|           Atmospheric Science group                 |
|           Universty of Gothenburg                   |
|           SE 412 96 Gothenbrg                       |
|           Sweden                                    |
|           e-mail:  zakey@chem.gu.se                 |
|                    ashraf_saber123@yahoo.com        |
|                                                     |
|                    .oooO                            |
|                    (   )   Oooo.                    |
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