Hello Ansley,
Following is what I tried to do and what I
obtained.How can get edges eleminated.For clarity I have highligheted the
changes I would like to eliminate.
us myfile.nc
sh da name title I J K L X_T Geographic Longitude of T_cell 1:150 1:150 ... ... Y_T Geographic Longitude of T_cell 1:150 1:150 ... ... can axis/modulo `Y_T,RETURN=yaxis`
can axis/modulo `Y_T,RETURN=xaxis` Sav/file=test.nc X_T,Y_T original file:
grid_x_t = 150; grid_y_t = 150; ........ ....... variables: float grid_x_T(grid_x_T) ; grid_x_T:long_name = "Nominal Longitude of T-cell center; grid_x_T:units = "degree_east" ; grid_x_T:cartesian_axis = "X" ; float grid_y_T(grid_y_T) ; grid_y_T:long_name = "Nominal Latitude of T-cell center; grid_y_T:units = "degree_north" ; grid_y_T:cartesian_axis = "Y" ; double x_T(grid_y_T,grid_x_T) ......... ......... double
......... ......... new file: dimensions:
grid_x_t = 150; grid_y_t = 150; grid_y_tedges = 151; ........ ....... variables: double grid_x_T(grid_x_T) ; grid_x_T:units = "degree_east" ; grid_x_T:point_spacing = "even" ; grid_x_T: "X"; double grid_y_T(grid_y_T) ; grid_y_T:units = "degree_north" ; grid_y_T:point_spacing = "uneven" ; grid_y_T: "Y" ; grid_Y_Tedges:edges = "" ; float x_T(grid_y_T,grid_x_T) ......... ......... float
......... .........