I’m using Ferret 8.1, and when I submit the following commands:
set win/size=.3
use "data/"
set view upper fill uwnd[l=1:12,y=10s:10n@ave,x=@ave]
set view lower define axis/from/depth/name=zlog/z log(z[gz=uwnd]) fill/set/nolab uwnd[l=1:12,y=10s:10n@ave,x=@ave,gz=zlog@asn] ppl axlabp 0 !ppl tics,,,0.01,0.01 !ppl tics,,,0.1,0.1 ppl axset 1,1,0,0 ppl fill label/nouser -0.5 .8 0 90 0.1 @sr log(P) label `t[g=uwnd,l=1]-600` 1.0 0 0 0.08 @sr 10 label `t[g=uwnd,l=1]-600` 1.70 0 0 0.08 @sr 50 label `t[g=uwnd,l=1]-600` 2.17 0 0 0.08 @sr 150 label `t[g=uwnd,l=1]-600` 2.70 0 0 0.08 @sr 500 label `t[g=uwnd,l=1]-600` 3.0 0 0 0.08 @sr 1000
I get the attached figure.
My problems are concerning labelling the z-axis. For this case it works ok, however, If I change the time range (eg. l=1:24) I need to manually find a new x value for the Label command, to get the positioning right (ie. Tune value 600). This is not a big problem, However:
Also, I do not know how to put in tick marks or end vertical lines to bound the plot. I tried using:
let t1="`t[g=uwnd,l=1]`";let t2="`t[g=uwnd,l=12]`";let y1="`log(z[g=uwnd,k=1])`";let y2="`log(z[g=uwnd,k=17])`"; poly/ov/nolab/line=1/axes=0,0,0,0 {`t1`,`t2`,`t2`,`t1`,`t1`}, {`y1`,`y1`,`y2`,`y2`,`y1`}
To put a box around the whole plot, but it didn’t work.
Some extra info. regarding my dataset (monthly values of NCEP reanalysis) is:
yes? show data currently SET data sets: 1> data/ (default) name title I J K L UWND 4xDaily U-wind 1:144 1:73 1:17 1:672
yes? show grid uwnd GRID GRT1 name axis # pts start end LON LONGITUDE 144mr 0E 2.5W LAT LATITUDE 73 r 90S 90N LEVEL HEIGHT (millib 17 i- 10 1000 TIME TIME 672 i 16-JAN-1948 09:00 16-DEC-2003 09:00
Regards, Mark. |
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