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Re: Ferret: station data shows no variables


OPeNDAP sequences are not currently supported in Ferret. There is a basic division in the OPeNDAP world between Sequence data (potentially nested, indeterminate length arrays) and Grid data (1D-4D constant length arrays). Ferret's internal data model assumes Grid structure and uses the NetCDF API to access data. The OPeNDAP libraries that Ferret is linked with do not yet support translation between Sequences and Grids although recent test releases of the libraries advertise that functionality. We'll be testing these libraries this summer.

In the mean time, if you want to serve OPeNDAP Sequence data in LAS you must use the LAS database access code and create a driver that can access your sequence data and create an intermediate NetCDF file:


We haven't yet written a generic OPeNDAP sequence driver but the Dapper driver described on the page above is very close to what one would look like if you (or anyone else) wants to write one.

It is our hope that OPeNDAP Sequence translation will be a robust part of the OPeNDAP libraries in the very near future. At that point, Ferret will be able to read OPeNDAP sequences directly, at least for those unstructured Sequence data sources where translation into Grids works well.

I hope that fills you in enough to make intelligent choices. You might consider posting again to the LAS Users list asking if anyone else has written an OPeNDAP sequence driver for LAS.

-- Jon

Andrea Fey wrote:

I having trouble utilizing a station data set in Ferret. The dataset I'd like to open is large: http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov:9091/dods/IGRA_MONTHLY_RAOBS/igramon; a single-station link is here: http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov:9091/dods/IGRA_STATION_RAOBS/425/igra.72208. I can open both of these, but when I "show data" there is nothing listed.

I can open both of these in GrADS. My eventual goal is to add this data to a LAS server, and when I run a script (addGDS.pl) against either data set I get the following error message: DODS sequence not supported at dds.y line 5.

Could this be a metadata issue even though the data can be pulled into GrADS? Any other ideas?


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