Hi Xin,
The two variables have to be on the same grid.
You can use the CURV_TO_RECT_MAP and CURV_TO_RECT function to regrid
the data that's in curvilinear coordinates to the rectilinear grid, and
then subtract temp2. Or, use RECT_TO_CURV to put temp2 onto the
curvilinear grid of temp1. RECT_TO_CURV runs much faster than
CURV_TO_RECT so it might be a good choice, depending on what you are
going to do with the differences.
Xin Jin wrote:
Hi all,
With 3-argument, the SHADE
commands can create output in "curvilinear" coordinates. My question is
are there any easy way to get difference between two variables, one
(temp1) with "curvilinear" coordinate and the
other(temp2) with normal longitude- latitude coordinate? That is how to
get or display
Xin Jin
Inst.of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
University of California Los Angeles
5845 Slichter Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-4996, USA
phone: (310) 825 4526
fax : (310) 206 3051
email: xjin@igpp.ucla.edu