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Re: Ferret ts_frequency: log of the result

Jimmy -If your data has 0's then you'll have to mask it first

  let mask_var1 = if var1 gt 0 then var1
  let mask_var2 = if var2 gt 0 then var2

Then you can send these into the script ts_frequency

William S Kessler wrote:
How about taking the log of the data:

let log_of_data = log(data)
shade log_of_data

Billy K

----- Original Message -----
From: jimmyc@iastate.edu
Date: Friday, June 10, 2005 10:39 am
Subject: Ferret ts_frequency: log of the result

I have 2 datasets of precipitation data on a grid. Both have LOTS 
zeros. When I attempt to use ts_frequency the result only shows the 
0 0 
maximum, in this case the maximum is 16000 points with a shade 
interval of 
2000. Is there a way to log scale the resulting values so the 
numbers show up?
I believe the smaller numbers are on the order of tens to hundreds 
so the 
log plot would make this very nice if I could have the shade 
interval be 1 
to 4.
Thanks for any help.

James Correia Jr.
Ph.D. Candidate in Agricultural Meteorology
President of the ISU Graduate Meteorology Club
Dept. of Agronomy, Iowa State University
Email: jimmyc@iastate.edu
Phone: 515-294-5587
Web: http://www.mesoscale.iastate.edu/jimmyc/
ISU GMC: http://www.stuorg.iastate.edu/gmc/
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