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how to use the MISSING function
Hello Ferret Users,
I have the data which has the missing values and
the data looks like :
co2 = _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
_, 368.8943, 368.894, 368.9885,368.9885,
368.9885, 368.8637, 368.874,368.8583,
368.8586, 368.894, 368.9882, 368.9879,
368.9879, 368.8361,368.874, 368.8581, _,
_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
_, 372.2896,
Here as we can see the missing value is denoted by
the special sign -'
Is there any way that we can fill this missing
value by the ferret default missing value -1e34
I am doing some analysis in ferret and ferret
dosen't like this above missing value and from
last four days its in hanging position.
If I am using the data which dosen't have the
missing value, means the data looks like :
co2 = 382.7223, 372.0434, 369.4157, 378.8927,
373.9405, 378.7924, 380.5195,374.1316,
379.1323, 380.9348, 372.5852, 378.6689
Then my script works fine and ferret gives the
result within few minuts.
Here the script is attched which I am using for
the above data.
Kindly help.
The imediate help would be appreciated much.
Yogesh K. Tiwari,
Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry,
Beutenberg Campus, Hans-Knoell-Strasse 10,
D-07745 Jena,
Office : 0049 3641 576 376
Home : 0049 3641 223 163
Fax : 0049 3641 577 300
Cell : 0049 1520 4591 008
e-mail : yogesh.tiwari@bgc-jena.mpg.de
!NOTE :- the following script works fine for the
! data points which has no gaps as :
! 371.232, 368.224, 371.232, 368.224,
! and ferret calculations gives
! the answere within few minuts
! BUT if
! there is gap in between the data points
! like
! -' -' -' 370.232, 368.224, -'-'-'-'
! then ferret dosen't gives any answere
! even if it is working 4-5 days continue.
! open datasets
set data run_94/ecmwf_co2_jul2003.nc ! keep the order of datasets
set data tm3airs_new_July_2003.nc ! unchanged
! define destination axes from lat and lon in ecmwf_co2_jan2003
define axis/x/units=longitudes/from_data xlon=lon[d=1]
define axis/y/units=latitudes/from_data ylat=lat[d=1]
define grid/x=xlon/y=ylat gcom
! regrid the tm3co2 in tm3airs_new_January_2003.nc to the above grid using scat2grid
! define the radius and cutoff values for scat2grid function
define symbol radius = 0.25 ! ideal values for a 0.25 grid
define symbol cutoff = 2.0 ! with possible minimum interpolation errors
let lon_1D = XSEQUENCE(lon[d=2])
let lat_1D = XSEQUENCE(lat[d=2])
let co2_1D = XSEQUENCE(tm3co2[d=2])
!define the function to count the observed value in each 1x1 grid
let obs_count = scatgrid_nobs_xy(lon_1D,lat_1D,x[gx=gcom],y[gy=gcom])
!griding tm3co2 using the mask if there is atleast 10 observations in one grid
let co2_point = IF obs_count GE 10 THEN\
! shade co2_point
sp rm -f airs_jul_grided_point_data.nc
save/file=airs_jul_grided_point_data.nc/append co2_point
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