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Re: Re: label the value of a nunmber variable

 I tried as Arindam told me, but i'm informed as below:
 %LABEL/nouser 6.1,1.84,-1,0,0.16 ~'corr'
                                    Symbol not found
My *.jnl file is :
set view v11                                                                     
let cave=coral[d=1,l=1:191@ave]                                                  
let cdif=coral[d=1,l=1:191]-cave                                                 
let cdif2=cdif*cdif                                                              
let csum=cdif2[l=1:191@sum]                                                      
let sc=(csum/190)^0.5                                                            
let stdc=cdif/sc                                                                 
let save=sst[d=2,l=1:191@ave]                                                    
let sdif=sst[d=2,l=1:191]-save                                                   
let sdif2=sdif*sdif                                                              
let ssum=sdif2[l=1:191@sum]                                                      
let ss=(ssum/190)^0.5                                                            
let stds=sdif/ss                                                                 
let a=stdc*stds                                                                  
let aa=a[l=1:191@sum]                                                            
let corr=aa/190.                                                                 
 list corr                                                                       
go margins ($margin1)                                                            
GO sst_left  sst[d=2,l=1:191] "SSTa(^oC)"                                        
GO coral_right coral[d=1,l=1:191] "-100,100,25" "gray value" 0.12 ",,,+1,,(I4)"  
label/nouser ($rr_pos) ~'corr'                                                   
let zero=0                                                                       
let xlev=if(l eq 1)then `($XAXIS_MIN)` else `($XAXIS_MAX)`                       
let ylev=zero+l-l                                                                
plot/o/nolab/line=4/vs/l=1:2 xlev,ylev                                           
Ferret version i'm using is 5.53. Can anyone tell me why and how to label value of "corr"?

hi Gao,
the value of a scaler variable is obtained by enclosing it in 
the back-quotes as `variable_name`. Now if you precede this by a ~ 
character, it'll become a string and you can use it in a label 
command. Moreover, you can use the font specification symbols @XY 
where XY is the font type to label the value of that variable.
Here's one example:
! make a sine plot
plot/x=0:360 sin(x*3.1415/180)
! we'll label this variable
let corr = 12/190
! label it, using the default font and precision
label 250,0.80,0,0,0.13 ~`corr`
! now if you want a different font
label 250,0.70,0,0,0.13 @TR`corr`
! and the precision as per your need
label 250,0.60,0,0,0.13 @TR`corr,p=-3` !p=-3 means the user wants 3 
digits after the decimal point.
For more details about font control, look at
or precision control, look at
or label command, look at
 Department of Meteorology
 Florida State University
 Tallahassee, FL-32306, USA
 Tel: +001-850-6443524 (Off)
      +001-850-5758550 (Res)
 Fax: +001-850-6449642
On Sat, 1 Jan 2005, [gb2312] ������ wrote:
>  Hi, All
>  My problem this time is how to label the value of a nunmber variable on the plot?
>  For example:
>    let corr=12/190.
>  Now, i want to label the value of corr, and how can i achieve it?  Thanks!
>  Gao Rongzhen

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