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Re: relative frequency of a variable

Hi Vincent,
There's a script frequency_histogram2.jnl which works on 1-D data. If you
want to treat your 2-D data as one big list of values and compute the frequency
for all of them, you can use the function xsequence to do that, and then call the
frequency histogram script. To do this on the surface temperatures from

yes? use levitus_climatology
yes? let var = xsequence(temp[k=1])
yes? go frequency_histogram2 var -2 30 2

compare with

yes? let var = xsequence(temp[k=1, y=40S:40N)
yes? go frequency_histogram2 var -2 30 2

You could make your own version of the script to divide the histogram magnitude
by the total number of values to get relative frequency.


Vincent Le Fouest wrote:

Dear users,

I have a 2D field (Lon/Lat) and I would like to verify if my variable
(VAR) follows a normal distribution, i.e, I would like to obtain a plot
with the relative frequency on Y and the VAR data on X.

Did somebody already try it?

Thanks in advance,


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