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Re: getting correct overlay with rotmer output

Hi Jagadish,
Did you use mp_mercator to plot your variable? Maybe you are already
doing these things, but if you are using mp_mercator, then you should
be able to use the scripts mp_land or mp_fland to overlay the continents,
 and mp_graticule to make the graticule.   Here is an example. 

   use etopo20
   set region/x=0:50/y=20:65
   set grid rose
   go mp_mercator
   go mp_aspect
   shade/noax/nolab/pal=land_sea rose,x_page,y_page
   go mp_land
   go mp_graticule 0 50 5 20 65 5

The arguments to mp_graticule help to place the lines within and
around the plot.

To see how to plot grid locations, let's  look at the original data,
without any projections. We can plot the location of the coordinates
of the data by defining a 2-dimensional variable for the longitude and
another for latitude. Here we'll change to the coarser bathymetry data
set which will make it easier to see the coordinate locations.  Use
plot/vs  to put symbols at the x,y locations of the coordinates.

   use etopo120
   set region/x=0:120/y=20:75
   shade rose
   let xpts = x[gx=rose] + 0*y[gy=rose]
   let ypts = 0*x[gx=rose] + y[gy=rose]
   plot/vs/over/sym=27  xpts, ypts

After running a map projection script, the map projection variables
x_page and y_page are the locations of the original coordinates, but
placed on the plot surface according to the projection. Going back
to our projection example:
   use etopo120
   set region/x=0:50/y=20:65
   set grid rose
   go mp_mercator
   go mp_aspect

   let xpts = x_page + 0*y_page
   let ypts = y_page + 0*x_page
   plot/vs/noax/nolab/sym=27/siz=0.08/color=black xpts, ypts
   go mp_land thick
   go mp_graticule 0 50 5 20 65 5

   Ansley Manke

jagadish karmacharya wrote:
Dear all,
I have model simulated output dataset. but for the simulation i have selected rotated mercator projection in domain input. when i overlay the continental/country boundry over the plot (of output dataset) the overlap seems ok over most of the domain but there is some visible shift at the boundry. how can i get the correct overy lay? I have tried go mp_mercator but i am notable to use it properly to get desire result. also i want to get latitude-longitude grid over the map... may be i can use /graticulate command for this.
finally i want to plot just the grid point(box) of the dataset with   continental/country boundry overlay. how can i do it?
My data set is as follows.

 show data
     currently SET data sets:
    1> ./ATMJJAS-DAILYAVG.CDF  (default)
 name     title                             I         J         K         L
 U        Zonal Wind                       1:63      1:66      1:18      1:122
 V        Meridional Wind                  1:63      1:66      1:18      1:122
 TK       Temperature                      1:63      1:66      1:18      1:122
 QD       Mixing Ratio                     1:63      1:66      1:18      1:122
 QC       Cloud Mixing Ratio               1:63    &n! bsp; 1:66      1:18      1:122
 MSE      Moist Static Energy              1:63      1:66      1:18      1:122
 RH       Relative Humidity                1:63      1:66      1:18      1:122
 HGT      Geopotential Height              1:63      1:66      1:18      1:122
 PS       Surface Pressure                 1:63      1:66      ...       1:122
 RT       Total Precip                     1:63      1:66      ...       1:122
 TGRND    Ground Temperature               1:63      1:66      ...       1:122
 SMT      Total Soil Water                 1:63      1:66    ! ;  ...       1:122
 RB       Base Flow                        1:63      1:66      ...       1:122

Thanking in advance for you help 

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