Hi Jagadish, Did you use mp_mercator to plot your variable? Maybe you are already doing these things, but if you are using mp_mercator, then you should be able to use the scripts mp_land or mp_fland to overlay the continents, and mp_graticule to make the graticule. Here is an example. use etopo20 set region/x=0:50/y=20:65 set grid rose go mp_mercator go mp_aspect shade/noax/nolab/pal=land_sea rose,x_page,y_page go mp_land go mp_graticule 0 50 5 20 65 5 The arguments to mp_graticule help to place the lines within and around the plot. To see how to plot grid locations, let's look at the original data, without any projections. We can plot the location of the coordinates of the data by defining a 2-dimensional variable for the longitude and another for latitude. Here we'll change to the coarser bathymetry data set which will make it easier to see the coordinate locations. Use plot/vs to put symbols at the x,y locations of the coordinates. use etopo120 set region/x=0:120/y=20:75 shade rose let xpts = x[gx=rose] + 0*y[gy=rose] let ypts = 0*x[gx=rose] + y[gy=rose] plot/vs/over/sym=27 xpts, ypts After running a map projection script, the map projection variables x_page and y_page are the locations of the original coordinates, but placed on the plot surface according to the projection. Going back to our projection example: use etopo120 set region/x=0:50/y=20:65 set grid rose go mp_mercator go mp_aspect let xpts = x_page + 0*y_page let ypts = y_page + 0*x_page plot/vs/noax/nolab/sym=27/siz=0.08/color=black xpts, ypts go mp_land thick go mp_graticule 0 50 5 20 65 5 Ansley Manke jagadish karmacharya wrote: