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regridding problem axis listings

Regridding over years
        Fellow ferreters, I'm having a problem regridding from our orignial time
coordinate to a new one. The original data represents a series of six month aug-jan
runs from 1991-2001. The new time coordinate extends from aug 15 1991 to jul 14 2001
When we do the transformation the first august point is dropped. 

yes? sho/l=1:12 ax t2
 name       axis              # pts   start                end
 T2        TIME               121 r   14-AUG-1991 00:00    13-AUG-2001 12:00
T0 = 15-JAN-1901
   Axis span (to cell edges) = 121
       L     T                   TBOX      TBOXLO                TSTEP (MONTHS(JULIAN))
       1>  14-AUG-1991 00:00:00  1         29-JUL-1991 18:45:00  1086.916
       2>  13-SEP-1991 10:30:00  1         29-AUG-1991 05:15:00  1087.916
       3>  13-OCT-1991 21:00:00  1         28-SEP-1991 15:45:00  1088.916
       4>  13-NOV-1991 07:30:00  1         29-OCT-1991 02:15:00  1089.916
       5>  13-DEC-1991 18:00:00  1         28-NOV-1991 12:45:00  1090.916
       6>  13-JAN-1992 04:30:00  1         28-DEC-1991 23:15:00  1091.916
       7>  12-FEB-1992 15:00:00  1         28-JAN-1992 09:45:00  1092.916
       8>  14-MAR-1992 01:30:00  1         27-FEB-1992 20:15:00  1093.916
       9>  13-APR-1992 12:00:00  1         29-MAR-1992 06:45:00  1094.916
      10>  13-MAY-1992 22:30:00  1         28-APR-1992 17:15:00  1095.916
      11>  13-JUN-1992 09:00:00  1         29-MAY-1992 03:45:00  1096.916
      12>  13-JUL-1992 19:30:00  1         28-JUN-1992 14:15:00  1097.916
yes? sho/l=1:12 ax time
 name       axis              # pts   start                end
 TIME      TIME                60 i   16-AUG-1991 12:00    16-JAN-2001 12:00
T0 = 01-JAN-1991 00:00:00
   Axis span (to cell edges) = 3471.75
       L     T                   TBOX      TBOXLO                TSTEP (days)
       1>  16-AUG-1991 12:00:00  30.5      01-AUG-1991 06:00:00    227.5
       2>  16-SEP-1991 00:00:00  30.5      31-AUG-1991 18:00:00    258
       3>  16-OCT-1991 12:00:00  30.5      01-OCT-1991 06:00:00    288.5
       4>  16-NOV-1991 00:00:00  30.5      31-OCT-1991 18:00:00    319
       5>  16-DEC-1991 12:00:00  30.75     01-DEC-1991 06:00:00    349.5
       6>  16-JAN-1992 12:00:00  122       01-JAN-1992 00:00:00    380.5
       7>  16-AUG-1992 12:00:00  121.75    02-MAY-1992 00:00:00    593.5
       8>  16-SEP-1992 00:00:00  30.5      31-AUG-1992 18:00:00    624
       9>  16-OCT-1992 12:00:00  30.5      01-OCT-1992 06:00:00    654.5
      10>  16-NOV-1992 00:00:00  30.5      31-OCT-1992 18:00:00    685
      11>  16-DEC-1992 12:00:00  30.75     01-DEC-1992 06:00:00    715.5
      12>  16-JAN-1993 12:00:00  121.5     01-JAN-1993 00:00:00    746.5
yes? list /x=120E/y=5N ($varb)_ens_mn[l=1:12],($varb)_ens_mn2[l=1:12]
 !-> list /x=120E/y=5N precip_ens_mn[l=1:12],precip_ens_mn2[l=1:12]
 WARNING: Listed variables have ambiguous coordinates on axes: T
             LONGITUDE: 118.8E
             LATITUDE: 5N
 Column  1: PRECIP_ENS_MN[T=01-AUG-1991 06:00:02-MAY-1993 12:00] is PRECIP[D=1991aug2001jan.precip]/NUM_ENS*86400
 Column  2: PRECIP_ENS_MN2[T=29-JUL-1991 18:45:29-JUL-1992 00:45] is PRECIP_ENS_MN[GT=T2@NRST]
L /  1:    5.84    ....
L /  2:    4.04    4.04
L /  3:   10.22   10.22
L /  4:    1.49    1.49
L /  5:    6.88    6.88
L /  6:   13.63   13.63
L /  7:    8.69   13.63
L /  8:    8.00   13.63
L /  9:    9.81   13.63
L / 10:    9.17    8.69
L / 11:    4.83    8.69
L / 12:    5.16    8.69

        Any thoughts on why the first point is being dropped. Any help would be 
most appreciative. 



     _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/   _/        Robert G. Smith
    _/       _/       _/    _/ _/         Computer Assistant
   _/  _/_/ _/_/_/   _/    _/ _/          Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
  _/    _/ _/       _/    _/ _/           P.O. Box 308
 _/_/_/_/ _/       _/_/_/   _/_/_/_/      Princeton, NJ  08542

             Electronic Mail                             Telephone
       Internet Address: Bob.Smith@noaa.gov             Commercial: (609) 452-6593
   PUGL - http://www.gfdl.gov/~bgs/pugl/pugl.html                                                   FAX: (609) 987-5063

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