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Re: How do I redefine a grid to an unlimited time axis?

Erik Buitenhuis wrote:

> I have a set of NetCDF files that have a fixed number of time points
> (that is, not UNLIMITED), and I want to ncrcat the files. ncrcat
> then complains ncrcat: ERROR input file PIS1.0_ET_PCUL_ptrc_1990
> lacks a record dimension I think the solution would be to convert
> the time axis to unlimited, but neither Ref Sec4.3. DEFINE GRID nor
> $FER_DIR/doc/about_grid_files.txt tells me how to do this.

You could try to define a time axis with the right interval using

define axis /t0=... /t=...  my_time_axis

and then do something like

let my_new_var = my_old_var[gt=my_time_axis]


let my_new_var = my_old_var[gt=my_time_axis@asn]
(provided the time interval and start of the time axis is equal)

I'm not certain if this would work, but I think it should. If you
define a time axis like that it should become UNLIMITED, and you
should be able to regrid your data to the new axis quite easily.

Hein Zelle

    Hein Zelle
    Dept. of Oceographic Research
    KNMI, The Netherlands
    work:        zelle@knmi.nl     http://www.knmi.nl/~zelle
    private:     hein@icce.rug.nl  http://www.icce.rug.nl/~hein
    Phone:       +31 (0)30 2206704
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