Enils, If you provide us with an OPeNDAP URL to your dataset or the output of 'ncdump -c' then we'll be able to debug things from here. If you can create a dataset not larger than a megabyte that displays the same problem you can attach it to an email. The LAS code shouldn't differentiate between the .cdf and .nc extensions and we'd be very interested in fixing it if it did. It is important to understand that NetCDF is a format standard, not a precise specification of what contents must exist in a file. There need not be any difference between files with the '.cdf' and '.nc' extensions except the extensions themselves. You can try this out by renaming your '.cdf' files '.nc' and running addXml.pl. Things should work. There must be some difference in the actual contents of the two different dataset files you refer to and you cannot fix the problem fixing the contents in those files. There are a zillion ways people can stuff data into a NetCDF file and, unless they adhere pretty strictly to the COARDS conventions, the LAS code will not automatically understand the data contents. -- Jon Enils Bashi wrote: Hi, You're right there is no difference between the two, but there seems to be difference when you try to configure them to work with LAS. All nc files that I have tried feeding to LAS cannot be configured due to some restrictions in the perl code that are cdf specific. You are also right that the question was asked in LAS list, but, the answer I got was not much more that unrelated example provided with the ferret user guide. I was expecting a more straight forward "black box" method that would convert the file from nc to cdf, and does not require having knowledge of the variables in those files. Enils Bashi Programmer - Chesapeake Bay Program Veridyne Incorporated Annapolis, Maryland: (410) 267-9833 www.chesapeakebay.net -----Original Message----- From: Ansley Manke [mailto:Ansley.B.Manke@noaa.gov] Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 2:58 PM To: Enils Bashi Cc: ferret (E-mail) Subject: Re: convert nc to cdf Hi Enils, There's no difference between the two. Both .nc and .cdf are NetCDF file extensions. (I understand you asked a more detailed question of the LAS Users List, and that email was answered on that list.) Ansley Enils Bashi wrote:Hi, How can I convert .nc files to cdf files using ferret. I have the read the documentation, but, I did not see an example that would help. Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. Enils Bashi Programmer - Chesapeake Bay Program Veridyne Incorporated Annapolis, Maryland: (410) 267-9833 www.chesapeakebay.net-- Ansley Manke Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Seattle WA |