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Re: Plots across the greenwich meridian


What can I say? Spot on on both counts. Adding MODULO to the axis definition sorted it out. And yes, we're running an older version of Ferret.

Many thanks,

At 1:29 pm -0700 14/7/03, Steve Hankin wrote:
Hi Glenn,

I'm filling in for Ansley manke, who is off on vacation.

When Ferret initializes a data set and sees a longitude axis it tries to
decide if the axis is full-globe and therefore "modulo".  It sounds like
the rounding error is causing it to answer the question with a "no".  If
that is the correct diagnosis, then the resolution is simple
    yes? SET AXIS/MODULO axis_name

You can determine axis_name either with SHOW GRID var_name or insert
this in place of axis_name:

Note that as of Ferret V5.5 longitude axes are recognized as "sub-span
modulo" if they are less than 360 degrees.  I suspect that you are using
an older version of Ferret.  In V5.5+ your regridding request should
result in a thin band of missing values down the seam where the
precision error occurs at x=359.999

    - steve


Glenn Carver wrote:

 I've having trouble producing plots to span the 0E line.
 My netcdf file consists of variables defined on a regular
 grid from 0 -> 350 (say), spaced by 10 degrees.

 I want to produce a plot over a limited area so I do this:
 def axis/x=-10:10:1/units=degrees xx
 def axis/y=30:50:1/units=degrees yy
 def grid/x=xx/y=yy gg
 fill ozone[g=gg]

 This works fine EXCEPT for one set of netcdf files I have
 in which the longitude coords in the netcdf file have a
 small rounding error. e.g. if you list x[g=ozone] you get
 0, 10, 20, ...... 339.999, 349.999

 In this case, I only get data plotted from 0 -> 10. From
 -10 to 0, I get nothing. If I correct the longitude axis
 to have 330.0, 340.0, 350.0, it all works!  I don't
 understand why ferret is so sensitive to this small
 rounding error and doesn't regrid onto my new grid if
 this small rounding error is there?


Steve Hankin, NOAA/PMEL -- Steven.C.Hankin@noaa.gov
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115-0070
ph. (206) 526-6080, FAX (206) 526-6744

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