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Re: Fwd: Ferret Installation problem on AIX 5.1

Unfortunately, the 5.22 version is not acceptable to one of our users. She has indicated that "With the current version that's on there (5.22), I can't get land to show up as white when I try to do a difference plot, or get continental boundaries to show up. Both of those things were possible when I used version 4.91 on an SGI O2K in the past." The user has requested that we install a non-beta version. I don't know enough about the software to know if installing a new version will fix her problem. I was just trying to satisfy her request and ran into trouble. If anyone knows how to solve her original complaint, that would solve my problem as well. Thanks.
Rebecca Fahey

At 12:44 PM 5/5/2003 -0700, you wrote:
Hi Rebecca -

Perhaps the beta version of Ferret v5.22 might work better for you?  It was
ported to AIX by a colleague in Germany.  You can get the executables tar
file at:

Good luck!


Rebecca Fahey wrote:

> Correction: The version that I was trying to install is actually 4.45 of
> ferret.
> >Date: Mon, 05 May 2003 15:29:11 -0400
> >To: contact_ferret@pmel.noaa.gov
> >From: Rebecca Fahey <faheyra@ornl.gov>
> >Subject: Ferret Installation problem on AIX 5.1
> >
> >I just tried to install Ferret 5.51 on an IBM Power 4 system and an IBM
> >Power 3 system both of which are running AIX 5.1.  Other specifics about
> >the systems are contained below.  When I try to execute ferret on either
> >system, I receive the error message show below.  Is there a known work
> >around to this problem?  Is it possible to obtain source code and try
> >compiling it on my system?
> >
> > > ferret
> >Could not load program ferret:
> >Symbol resolution failed for ferret because:
> >         Symbol poll (number 24) is not exported from dependent
> >           module /unix.
> >         Symbol select (number 28) is not exported from dependent
> >           module /unix.
> >         Symbol unload (number 33) is not exported from dependent
> >           module /unix.
> >Examine .loader section symbols with the 'dump -Tv' command.
> >
> >SYSTEM SPECIFICS for the IBM Power 4:
> > > uname -a
> >AIX cheetah0033 1 5 00207D8A4C00
> >
> >SYSTEM SPECIFICS for the IBM Power 3:
> > > uname -a
> >AIX eagle163s 1 5 000101454C00
> >
> >
> >Rebecca Fahey
> >Center for Computational Science
> >Oak Ridge National Laboratory
> >email:  faheyra@ornl.gov
> >phone:  865-574-5068
> Rebecca Fahey
> Center for Computational Science
> Oak Ridge National Laboratory
> email:  faheyra@ornl.gov
> phone:  865-574-5068

Kevin O'Brien                   UW/JISAO
Research Scientist              NOAA/PMEL/TMAP
206-526-6751                    http://tmap.pmel.noaa.gov

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