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Re: plot_swath problems

Hi Rick,
The plot_swath.jnl script has what amounts to a hack that looks to
see if the data is a "line".  Your data is a simple line, but the fact that
it has axes of length 1 defined in Z and T confuses the script.  The data
has this kind of grid:

yes? show data
     currently SET data sets:
    1> ./foo.nc  (default)
 name            title                                                 I         J           K         L
  MIN_AAS  MIN(MIN_AAR, AAS)                ...       1:31      1:1       1:1
. . .

The script looks for a free axis on which it can create a polygon.  It checks
that the data is 1-dimensional and then chooses the Z axis on which to
define the vertices of the polygon to be filled.  So far so good.   Then
Ferret noticed that the arguments have external limits along the Z axis and
issues the error message you see.

A fix is to call the script with explicit Z limits in the calling arguments.  Also
the T axis, for good measure.

yes? go plot_swath poly/over  (min_aas[K=1,L=1]), (max_aas[K=1,L=1])

We'll put some comments in the script for future versions...

Ansley Manke

"Richard D. Slater" wrote:

> I am trying to make some plots after the error_bars_demo script and am having
> some problems. I am using Ferret 5.22 running on intel-linux.
> The plot in question compares the zonal mean results of 6 models. All models
> have been regridded to th same latitude grid. At each latitude I take the
> mean, minimum and maximum of the 6 models, ending up with three variables:
> mean, min and max, say. I want to plot the mean with an overlay of the range
> of model results. Something like (following the abovementioned script):
> plot mean
> go plot_swath poly/over/pal=gray/nolab min, max
> plot/line=1 mean
> However, when executing the go statement, I get an error message:
> Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted
>  *** NOTE: error: data is not a line
> This is very confusing, since I can successfully plot any of the lines
> individually:
> plot mean
> plot/nolabel/over min
> plot/nolabel/over max
> and this all works fine (but, of course, is not quite what I want :-) ).
> Any ideas? I've tried simple things like:
> go plot_swath poly/over/pal=gray/nolab mean-.2, mean+.2
> and get the same error message.
> Thanks for the help,
> Rick Slater

Ansley Manke  Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory  Seattle WA  (206)526-6246

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