10 January 2000

Cruise Number:

RB-00-03 Leg1
Cruise dates:
22 April — 8 May 2000
Chief Scientist:
Michael Canino, NOAA, AFSC, FOCI
Email: canino@fish.washington.edu
Working Area:
Gulf of Alaska
Depart: Kodiak, AK — 27 April
Arrive: Kodiak, AK — 8 May
Participating Organizations:
Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC)
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL)
Cruise Overview
The objectives of this cruise are to conduct an ichthyoplankton survey and process- oriented studies in the region between Kodiak Island and the Semidi Islands to estimate the abundance of young walleye pollock larvae, factors influencing their survival, and transport of offshore fish larvae and zooplankton shoreward.
Ship Operations:
CDR Jon Rix, Chief, Operations Division, AMC
Telephone Number: 757-441-6842
FAX Number: 757-441-6495
E-mail Address: Jon.E.Rix@noaa.gov

LT Jim Meigs, 757-441-6844
Atlantic Marine Center
439 West York St.
Norfolk VA 23510

Scientific Operations:
Dr. Art Kendall, 206-526-4108
Alaska Fisheries Science Center
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle WA  98115

Dr. Phyllis Stabeno, 206-526-6453
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle WA 98115

Participating Scientists:
1. Mike Canino, Chief Scientist, M, US, AFSC
2. Annette Brown, Fishery Biologist, F, US, AFSC
3. Morgan Busby, Fishery Biologist, M, US, AFSC
4. Lisa Rugen, Fishery Biologist, F, US, AFSC
5. Bill Rugen, Fishery Biologist, M, US, AFSC
6. Loren Tuttle, Fishery Biologist, F, US, AFSC
7. Kathy Mier, Fishery Biologist, F, US, AFSC

The chief scientist is authorized to alter the scientific portion of this cruise plan with the concurrence of the Commanding Officer, provided that the proposed changes will not: (1) jeopardize the safety of personnel or the ship; (2) exceed the time allotted for the cruise; (3) result in undue additional expense; or (4) change the general intent of the cruise.

Affiliation Addresses:
NOAA/AFSC: 7600 Sandpoint Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
NOAA/PMEL: 7600 Sandpoint Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
The ship will be loaded in Seattle prior to the scheduled departure on 22 April. No need to transfer equipment between cruise legs is foreseen. Standard FOCI equipment includes 20 and 60 cm bongo arrays, CTD with water bottles, Calvet nets, and MOCNESS nets. Laboratory space requirements and storage are to be provided as required.

Scientific personnel will board the vessel at the TNG in Kodiak on 27 April. The area of operations will be in the waters around Kodiak Island to the Semidi Islands. The order of operations is as follows: 1) sampling of the canyon/bank system on the seaward side of Kodiak Island. Operations will include Mocness tows, ADCP transects and CTDs with bottles for nutrients and chlorophyll. A list of stations will be provided in the near future. 2) An ichthyoplankton survey will be conducted, of approximately 80 stations chosen from the standard FOCI grid (Appendix A1/Figure A1): included is a list of stations and positions for the grid expected to be occupied; station positions are also given for all possible stations that may be occupied during the cruise (Appendix A2/Figure A2), at the discretion of the chief scientist and depending on results found during the cruise). The gear used will be a 60cm bongo array. This should take about 3.5 d. Three satellite-tracked drifters will be released in a patch of larvae if one is located during the survey. 3) Occupation of FOCI Line 8 (Appendix A3/Figure A3). 4) Diel larval feeding studies. The gear for this segment of the cruise will include Mocness and CTDs with bottles. A radar-tracked drifting drogue will be deployed prior to dawn and sampling will occur in the vicinity of the drogue. The drogue is currently being put together at PMEL. A 24-h on-station sampling period may be requested to sample before, during, and after effects of storm passage, or to sample an eddy if one is located.

A standard oceanographic watch will be utilized which consists of a winch operator, a scientific staff of three and a Survey Tech on deck. Operations will be conducted 24 hours a day. For MOCNESS tows the Scientific Watch may require one extra person (during launch and recovery). This is in addition to the Survey Tech. The Chief Scientist will confer with the FOO in advance and request the help of one person from the Deck Department, if necessary. Both hydrographic winches will be required for alternating use with bongo tows and CTD casts.

The primary gear used on the cruise will be 60 and 20 cm bongo net tows for sampling larval abundance and making special collections. The 60 cm bongo net will be the primary gear. CalVet tows will be conducted for microzooplankton samples. Methot trawls will be conducted for gear comparison and for collecting larval predators. CTD casts with bottles will be used to profile the water column, collect microzooplankton, chlorophyll and nutrient samples. The specific instructions for conducting all of these operations are outlined in the Standard Operating Instructions (SOI), sections 2.2.1 — 2.2.13, attached as Appendix B, and may be referenced at the PMEL website: http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/foci/operations/instructions/1999/SOI99.rtf

Samples will be preserved in ethanol, z-fix, and formalin. Use of other chemicals is not anticipated.

Station Operations, SOI section (see Appendix B)

60 and 20 cm MARMAP bongo tows 2.2.2
CTD/ Water Sample Operations 2.2.1
MOCNESS tows 2.2.5
CalVET tows 2.2.6
Chlorophyll samples 2.2.10
Satellite tracked drifter buoys 2.2.11
ADCP 2.2.13
Data Requirements:
The ship's SCS system should log the following parameters:

PCODE_COG (Degrees)
LRing-Gyro (Degrees)
TSG_Unit_Temp (Degrees_C)
TSG_Conductivity (Mega_Mhos)
TSG_Salinity (PPT)
Barometer (MB)
Precip9-trwlhs (mm/hr)
Imet-Rain (mm)
Imet-Rel_Hum (Percent)
Imet-Temp (Degrees_C)
Fluoro-Value (PPM)
Imet-TWind1-Speed-MSEC (M/SEC)
Imet-Twind1-Dir (Degrees)
Imet-Rwind2-Spd-Knts (Knots)
Imet-TWind2-Speed-KNTS (Knots)
Imet-TWind2-Dir (Degrees)
Bottom Depth (meters)

The Survey Department will translate the data from thermosalinograph to ASCII and plot the data on a daily basis. The following data products will be produced by the ship and, if requested, will be given to the Chief Scientist at the end of each leg:

a. Navigational log sheets (MOAs);
b. Salinity determinations;
c. Calibration data for Autosals;
d. Copy of SEAS data diskettes;
e. 8-mm magnetic tapes of Sea Beam and navigational data, including location and depths of acoustic profile locations; and
f. SCS tapes

Equipment and Capabilities to be provided by the Ship
Disposition of Data:
The Chief Scientist is responsible for the disposition, feedback on data quality, and archiving of data and specimens collected on board the ship for the primary project. The Chief Scientist will be considered to be the representative of the Directors of AFSC and PMEL for purpose of data disposition. A single copy of all data gathered by the vessel will be delivered to the Chief Scientist upon request for forwarding to the Lab Directors, who in turn will be responsible for distribution of data to other investigators desiring copies.
Data Requirements:
The following data products will be included in the cruise data package:

Marine Operations Abstracts,
Marine weather observation logs,
PMEL CTD weather observation logs,
CTD VHS video cassettes,
CTD Cast Information/Rosette Log,
Calibration sheets for all ship's instruments used,
Autosalinometer logs,
ADCP log sheets,
ADCP Iomega Zip,
SCS 8 mm backup tapes,
SeaPlot Files, disk and hard copy

A Marine Operations Abstract (MOA) form will be maintained by the ship's officers during the cruise. The critical information to record at each station is:

GMT date,
GMT time,
station #,
haul #,
gear type
bottom depth.

At present, a paper form (hard copy) MOA is the most secure method for ensuring that these data are recorded and preserved. However, the Program is willing to work with PMC to develop an electronic version that is efficient, secure and could eventually replace the paper MOA.

Station Plot:
The position of each operation and station will be maintained in a SeaPlot file. A diskette and hard copy of the file will be given to the chief scientist. The requirement to plot on NOS nautical, charts and provide the chief scientist with the chart or mylar overlay has been temporarily waived.
Observations and reliable fixes shall be plotted and identified by date/time group or equivalent. Fixes shall be evaluated for course and/or speed made good. Primary navigational control shall be provided by GPS satellite, radar range and bearing, and visual fixes.
Synoptic Weather Reports:
In accordance with OMO Instruction 3142 dated December 5, 1985 and Amendment 3142B dated August 4, 1986, a weather log of NOAA Form 72-1A will be maintained by ship personnel and data will be transmitted via SEAS. The completed logs will be forwarded to NWS port meteorologists. Complete meteorological observations will be logged on the NOAA Form 77-13d at hourly intervals for scientific data purposes.
Ship Operations Evaluation Report:
A Ship Operations Evaluation Report will be completed by the Chief Scientist and given to the Director, PMEL, for review and then forwarded to NC3.
Additional Investigations and Projects:

Supplementary ‘Piggyback’ Projects:

none at this time
Ancillary projects:
The following projects will be conducted by ship's personnel in accordance with the general instructions contained in the PMC OPORDER, and conducted on a not-to-interfere basis with the primary project:

a. SEAS Data Collection and Transmission (PMC OPORDER 1.2.1)
b. Marine Mammal Reporting (PMC OPORDER 1.2.2)
c. Bathymetric Trackline (PMC OPORDER 1.2.2)
d. Nautical Charting (PMC OPORDER 1.2.5)
e. Central Pacific Weather Reporting (PMC OPORDER 1.2.6)
f. Sea Turtle Observations (PMC OPORDER 1.2.7)
g. Automated Sounding Aerological Program (SP-PMC-2-94)

Hazardous Materials:
The RONALD H. BROWN will operate in full compliance with all environmental compliance requirements imposed by NOAA. All hazardous materials and substances needed to carry out the objectives of the embarked science mission, including ancillary tasks, are the direct responsibility of the embarked designated Chief Scientist, whether or not that Chief Scientist is using them directly. The RONALD H. BROWN Environmental Compliance Officer will work with the Chief Scientist to ensure that this management policy is properly executed and that any problems are brought promptly to the attention of the Commanding Officer.

In accordance with NC Instruction 6280B, the Chief Scientist will provide an inventory of all hazardous material, including Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and quantities, to the Commanding Officer at least two weeks prior to sailing. The inventory shall be updated at departure, accounting for the amount of material being removed, as well as the amount consumed in science operations and the amount being removed in the form of waste. The Chief Scientist shall have copies of each MSDS available when the hazardous materials are loaded aboard. Hazardous material for which the MSDS is not provided will not be loaded aboard. Compressed gas storage cylinders (including those containing air) will also be included in the inventory with the date of the last hydrostatic certification.

Appendix C lists the hazardous materials anticipated.

The ship's dedicated HAZMAT Locker contains two 45-gallon capacity flam cabinets and one 22-gallon capacity flam cabinet, plus some available storage on deck. All HAZMAT, except small amounts for ready use, must be stored in the HAZMAT Locker. If science party requirements exceed ship's storage capacity, excess HAZMAT must be stored in dedicated lockers meeting OSH/NFPA standards to be provided by the science party. Scientific groups requiring Hazmat storage should compute volume of storage required prior to the cruise and ensure adequacy onboard.

The scientific party, under supervision of the Chief Scientist, shall be prepared to respond fully to emergencies involving spills of any mission HAZMAT. This includes providing properly trained personnel for response, as well as the necessary neutralizing chemicals and clean-up materials. The ship's Environmental Compliance Officer will review the onboard inventory of MSDS's and will advise Chief Scientist if ship already has compounds listed in Appendices.

Ship's personnel are not first responders and will act in a support role only in the event of a spill. The Chief Scientist shall provide a list of science party members that are properly trained to respond in the event of hazmat spills.

The Chief Scientist is directly responsible for the handling, both administrative and physical, of all scientific party hazardous wastes. No liquid wastes shall be introduced into the ship's drainage system. No solid waste material shall be placed in the ship's garbage.

The oncoming Chief Scientist will work with the departing Chief Scientist and the ship's Environmental Compliance Officer to ensure proper tracking of inherited hazardous materials.

Hazardous materials are listed in Appendix C. The volumes of the hazardous materials boxes are listed below. These materials are all compatible and conform with DOT and international shipping regulations. The boxes are packed for export and, if kept intact, can all be stacked together in the hazardous materials locker.

Per 1999 policy changes, the following applies:

The Chief Scientist or designated representative will have access to ship's telecommunications systems on a cost-reimbursable basis. Where possible, it is requested that direct payment (e.g. by credit card) be used as opposed to after-the-fact reimbursement. Ship's systems include:

INMARSAT-A, for high-speed data transmission, including FTP, and high quality voice telephone communications. Costs range from $7-$15 per minute for use of the service, and may be charged to credit card or otherwise reimbursed. Phone numbers for ship's INMARSAT-A are: 872-154-2643 voice and 872-154-2644 fax.

INMARSAT-M, for voice telephone communications and 2400 baud data transfer, about $3 per minute to the US. Phone number for ship's INMARSAT-M system is 872-761-266-581. INMARSAT-M may be charged to credit card, collect, or otherwise reimbursed.

E-MAIL: An account on Lotus cc:Mail for each embarked personnel will be established by the shipboard electronics staff. The general format is:

Due to the escalating volume of e-mail and its associated transmission costs, each member of the ship's complement, crew and scientist, will be authorized to send/receive up to 15 KB of data per day ($1.50/day or $45/month) at no cost. The individual must reimburse E-mail costs accrued in excess of this amount. At or near the end of each leg, the Commanding Officer will provide the Chief Scientist with a detailed billing statement for all personnel in his party. Prior to their departure, the chief scientist will be responsible for obtaining reimbursement from any member of the party whose e-mail costs have exceed the complimentary entitlement.

Chief Scientist's email address is: canino@fish.washington.edu

Pre- and Post-Cruise Meetings:
A pre-cruise meeting between the Commanding Officer and the Chief Scientist will be conducted either the day before or the day of departure, with the express purpose of identifying day-to-day project requirements, in order to best use shipboard resources and identify overtime needs. A brief post-cruise meeting will be held when convenient.
Scientific Berthing:
The Chief Scientist is responsible for assigning berthing for scientific party within the spaces designated as scientific berthing. The ship will send current stateroom diagrams to the Chief Scientist showing authorized berthing spaces. The Chief Scientist is responsible for returning the scientific berthing spaces back over to the ship in the condition in which they were received; for stripping bedding and linen return; and for the return of any room keys which were issued.
The Chief Scientist is also responsible for the cleanliness of the laboratory spaces and the storage areas utilized by the scientific party, both during the cruise and its conclusion prior to departing the ship.

In accordance with NC Instruction 5355.0, Controlled Substances Aboard NOAA Vessels dated 06 August 1985, all persons boarding NOAA vessels give implied consent to conform with all safety and security policies and regulations which are administered by the Commanding Officer. All spaces and equipment on the vessel are subject to inspection or search at any time.

Medical Forms and Emergency Contacts:
The Chief Scientist will provide medical forms for all cruise participants as soon as practicable and no less than two weeks prior to departure. Forms must be provided to either the ship's medical officer or LCDR Tom Doss at AMC.

Prior to departure, the Chief Scientist must provide a listing of emergency contacts to the

Executive Officer for all members of the scientific party, with the following information: name, address, relationship to member, and telephone number.

Weather Deck Safety:
Wearing open-toed footwear of any kind outside of private berthing areas (i.e., to and from showers) is not permitted onboard this ship. This shipboard safety regulation is included in the Commanding Officer's Standing Orders, and will be enforced. All members of the scientific party should be aware of this regulation before embarking.
Wage Marine Dayworker Employee Working Hours and Rest Periods:
Chief Scientist shall be cognizant of the reduced capability of the RONALD H. BROWN's operating crew to support 24-hour mission activities with a high tempo of deck operations at all hours. Wage marine employees are subject to negotiated work rules contained in the applicable collective bargaining agreement. Dayworkers' hours of duty are a continuous eight-hour period, beginning no earlier than 0600 and ending no later than 1800. It is not permissible to separate such an employee's workday into several short work periods with interspersed nonwork periods. Dayworkers called out to work between the hours of 0000 and 0600 are entitled to a rest period of one hour for each such hour worked. Such rest periods begin at 0800 and will result in no dayworkers being available to support science operations until the rest period has been observed. All wage marine employees are supervised and assigned work only by the Commanding Officer or designee. The Chief Scientist and the Commanding Officer shall consult regularly to ensure that the shipboard resources available to support the embarked mission are utilized safely, efficiently and with due economy.
U.S. Navy Clearance:
AMC Operations (AMC1x3) will contact US Navy activities SUBRON9 and COMSUBPAC and inform them of cruise activities in advance to determine if there are restrictions on planned cruise operations. AMC1x3 will alert the Chief Scientist and RONALD H. BROWN if ship operations need to be adjusted due to Navy restrictions.
Recent Ship Modification:
Projects using the bow and lab spaces should note new hull penetrators were installed in fwd Main lab and Bio Lab. However, these have special requirements for meeting ABS standards for fire/watertight seals. If projects wish to use these penetrators, please specify number of cables and/or sampling tubes, their diameters, whether connectors can be removed for stuffing,etc. Ship has a limited supply of packing/potting materials that are required for using these penetrators. Otherwise, stuffing tubes in aft lab bulkheads (Main lab, Hydro lab, and Wet lab) remain available.
APPENDIX A1. Location of stations on main ichthyoplankton grid.
xy lat.dd long.dd lat-deg lat-min long-deg long-min
gt153 56.38736 157.7779 56 23.2416 157 46.674
gt155 56.50831 157.5702 56 30.4986 157 34.212
gt163 56.99214 156.7328 56 59.5284 156 43.968
gt169 57.35501 156.0975 57 21.3006 156 5.85
gv153 56.27257 157.553 56 16.3542 157 33.18
gv155 56.39353 157.3459 56 23.6118 157 20.754
gv159 56.63544 156.9298 56 38.1264 156 55.788
gv161 56.7564 156.7208 56 45.384 156 43.248
gv163 56.87735 156.5111 56 52.641 156 30.666
gv165 56.99831 156.3007 56 59.8986 156 18.042
gv167 57.11927 156.0896 57 7.1562 156 5.376
gv169 57.24022 155.8778 57 14.4132 155 52.668
gv171 57.36118 155.6653 57 21.6708 155 39.918
gv173 57.48214 155.4521 57 28.9284 155 27.126
gv175 57.60309 155.2383 57 36.1854 155 14.298
gv177 57.72405 155.0237 57 43.443 155 1.422
gv179 57.84501 154.8083 57 50.7006 154 48.498
gx153 56.15779 157.3288 56 9.4674 157 19.728
gx155 56.27874 157.1224 56 16.7244 157 7.344
gx157 56.3997 156.9153 56 23.982 156 54.918
gx159 56.52066 156.7075 56 31.2396 156 42.45
gx161 56.64161 156.4991 56 38.4966 156 29.946
gx163 56.76257 156.29 56 45.7542 156 17.4
gx165 56.88353 156.0803 56 53.0118 156 4.818
gx167 57.00448 155.8698 57 0.2688 155 52.188
gx169 57.12544 155.6587 57 7.5264 155 39.522
gx171 57.2464 155.4469 57 14.784 155 26.814
gx173 57.36735 155.2344 57 22.041 155 14.064
gx175 57.48831 155.0212 57 29.2986 155 1.272
gx177 57.60926 154.8073 57 36.5556 154 48.438
gx179 57.73022 154.5927 57 43.8132 154 35.562
gz153 56.043 157.1053 56 2.58 157 6.318
gz155 56.16396 156.8995 56 9.8376 156 53.97
gz157 56.28492 156.693 56 17.0952 156 41.58
gz159 56.40587 156.4859 56 24.3522 156 29.154
gz161 56.52683 156.2781 56 31.6098 156 16.686
gz163 56.64779 156.0697 56 38.8674 156 4.182
gz165 56.76874 155.8606 56 46.1244 155 51.636
gz167 56.8897 155.6508 56 53.382 155 39.048
gz169 57.01065 155.4403 57 0.639 155 26.418
gz171 57.13161 155.2291 57 7.8966 155 13.746
gz173 57.25257 155.0173 57 15.1542 155 1.038
hb153 55.92822 156.8826 55 55.6932 156 52.956
hb155 56.04918 156.6773 56 2.9508 156 40.638
hb157 56.17013 156.4715 56 10.2078 156 28.29
hb159 56.29109 156.265 56 17.4654 156 15.9
hb161 56.41204 156.0578 56 24.7224 156 3.468
hb163 56.533 155.85 56 31.98 155 51
hb165 56.65396 155.6415 56 39.2376 155 38.49
hb167 56.77491 155.4324 56 46.4946 155 25.944
hb169 56.89587 155.2225 56 53.7522 155 13.35
hb171 57.01683 155.012 57 1.0098 155 0.72
hd151 55.69248 156.8644 55 41.5488 156 51.864
hd153 55.81343 156.6605 55 48.8058 156 39.63
hd155 55.93439 156.4559 55 56.0634 156 27.354
hd157 56.05535 156.2506 56 3.321 156 15.036
hd159 56.1763 156.0447 56 10.578 156 2.682
hd161 56.29726 155.8382 56 17.8356 155 50.292
hd163 56.41822 155.631 56 25.0932 155 37.86
hd165 56.53917 155.4231 56 32.3502 155 25.386
hf151 55.57769 156.6424 55 34.6614 156 38.544
hf153 55.69865 156.439 55 41.919 156 26.34
hf155 55.81961 156.235 55 49.1766 156 14.1
hf157 55.94056 156.0304 55 56.4336 156 1.824
hf159 56.06152 155.8251 56 3.6912 155 49.506
hh151 55.46291 156.4211 55 27.7746 156 25.266
hh153 55.58387 156.2183 55 35.0322 156 13.098
hh155 55.70482 156.0149 55 42.2892 156 0.894
hh157 55.82578 155.8109 55 49.5468 155 48.654
hj149 55.22717 156.402 55 13.6302 156 24.12
hj151 55.34813 156.2004 55 20.8878 156 12.024
hj153 55.46908 155.9982 55 28.1448 155 59.892
hj155 55.59004 155.7954 55 35.4024 155 47.724
hj157 55.71099 155.592 55 42.6594 155 35.52
gu158 56.6667 157.2167 56 40 157 13
gt171 57.45 155.7667 57 27 155 46
gt173 57.6167 155.4667 57 37 155 28


Figure A1.  Main grid stations planned for occupation.

APPENDIX A2. Location of all potential stations on ichthyoplankton grid.
xy lat.dd long.dd lat-deg lat-min long-deg long-min
gr151 56.38118 158.2111 56 22.8708 158 12.666
gt151 56.2664 157.9849 56 15.984 157 59.094
gt153 56.38736 157.7779 56 23.2416 157 46.674
gt155 56.50831 157.5702 56 30.4986 157 34.212
gt163 56.99214 156.7328 56 59.5284 156 43.968
gt169 57.35501 156.0975 57 21.3006 156 5.85
gv149 56.03066 157.9651 56 1.8396 157 57.906
gv151 56.15162 157.7594 56 9.0972 157 45.564
gv153 56.27257 157.553 56 16.3542 157 33.18
gv155 56.39353 157.3459 56 23.6118 157 20.754
gv159 56.63544 156.9298 56 38.1264 156 55.788
gv161 56.7564 156.7208 56 45.384 156 43.248
gv163 56.87735 156.5111 56 52.641 156 30.666
gv165 56.99831 156.3007 56 59.8986 156 18.042
gv167 57.11927 156.0896 57 7.1562 156 5.376
gv169 57.24022 155.8778 57 14.4132 155 52.668
gv171 57.36118 155.6653 57 21.6708 155 39.918
gv173 57.48214 155.4521 57 28.9284 155 27.126
gv175 57.60309 155.2383 57 36.1854 155 14.298
gv177 57.72405 155.0237 57 43.443 155 1.422
gv179 57.84501 154.8083 57 50.7006 154 48.498
gx149 55.91587 157.7397 55 54.9522 157 44.382
gx151 56.03683 157.5346 56 2.2098 157 32.076
gx153 56.15779 157.3288 56 9.4674 157 19.728
gx155 56.27874 157.1224 56 16.7244 157 7.344
gx157 56.3997 156.9153 56 23.982 156 54.918
gx159 56.52066 156.7075 56 31.2396 156 42.45
gx161 56.64161 156.4991 56 38.4966 156 29.946
gx163 56.76257 156.29 56 45.7542 156 17.4
gx165 56.88353 156.0803 56 53.0118 156 4.818
gx167 57.00448 155.8698 57 0.2688 155 52.188
gx169 57.12544 155.6587 57 7.5264 155 39.522
gx171 57.2464 155.4469 57 14.784 155 26.814
gx173 57.36735 155.2344 57 22.041 155 14.064
gx175 57.48831 155.0212 57 29.2986 155 1.272
gx177 57.60926 154.8073 57 36.5556 154 48.438
gx179 57.73022 154.5927 57 43.8132 154 35.562
gx181 57.85118 154.3773 57 51.0708 154 22.638
gx183 57.97213 154.1612 57 58.3278 154 9.672
gx185 58.09309 153.9444 58 5.5854 153 56.664
gx187 58.21405 153.7269 58 12.843 153 43.614
gx189 58.335 153.5086 58 20.1 153 30.516
gx191 58.45596 153.2895 58 27.3576 153 17.37
gx193 58.57692 153.0697 58 34.6152 153 4.182
gx195 58.69787 152.8492 58 41.8722 152 50.952
gx197 58.81883 152.6279 58 49.1298 152 37.674
gz149 55.80109 157.515 55 48.0654 157 30.9
gz151 55.92205 157.3105 55 55.323 157 18.63
gz153 56.043 157.1053 56 2.58 157 6.318
gz155 56.16396 156.8995 56 9.8376 156 53.97
gz157 56.28492 156.693 56 17.0952 156 41.58
gz159 56.40587 156.4859 56 24.3522 156 29.154
gz161 56.52683 156.2781 56 31.6098 156 16.686
gz163 56.64779 156.0697 56 38.8674 156 4.182
gz165 56.76874 155.8606 56 46.1244 155 51.636
gz167 56.8897 155.6508 56 53.382 155 39.048
gz169 57.01065 155.4403 57 0.639 155 26.418
gz171 57.13161 155.2291 57 7.8966 155 13.746
gz173 57.25257 155.0173 57 15.1542 155 1.038
gz175 57.37352 154.8047 57 22.4112 154 48.282
gz177 57.49448 154.5915 57 29.6688 154 35.49
gz179 57.61544 154.3775 57 36.9264 154 22.65
gz181 57.73639 154.1629 57 44.1834 154 9.774
gz183 57.85735 153.9475 57 51.441 153 56.85
gz185 57.97831 153.7314 57 58.6986 153 43.884
gz187 58.09926 153.5145 58 5.9556 153 30.87
gz189 58.22022 153.297 58 13.2132 153 17.82
gz191 58.34118 153.0786 58 20.4708 153 4.716
gz193 58.46213 152.8596 58 27.7278 152 51.576
gz195 58.58309 152.6397 58 34.9854 152 38.382
gz197 58.70404 152.4191 58 42.2424 152 25.146
hb149 55.68631 157.2911 55 41.1786 157 17.466
hb151 55.80726 157.0871 55 48.4356 157 5.226
hb153 55.92822 156.8826 55 55.6932 156 52.956
hb155 56.04918 156.6773 56 2.9508 156 40.638
hb157 56.17013 156.4715 56 10.2078 156 28.29
hb159 56.29109 156.265 56 17.4654 156 15.9
hb161 56.41204 156.0578 56 24.7224 156 3.468
hb163 56.533 155.85 56 31.98 155 51
hb165 56.65396 155.6415 56 39.2376 155 38.49
hb167 56.77491 155.4324 56 46.4946 155 25.944
hb169 56.89587 155.2225 56 53.7522 155 13.35
hb171 57.01683 155.012 57 1.0098 155 0.72
hb173 57.13778 154.8008 57 8.2668 154 48.048
hb187 57.98448 153.3028 57 59.0688 153 18.168
hb199 58.71022 151.9903 58 42.6132 151 59.418
hd149 55.57152 157.0678 55 34.2912 157 4.068
hd151 55.69248 156.8644 55 41.5488 156 51.864
hd153 55.81343 156.6605 55 48.8058 156 39.63
hd155 55.93439 156.4559 55 56.0634 156 27.354
hd157 56.05535 156.2506 56 3.321 156 15.036
hd159 56.1763 156.0447 56 10.578 156 2.682
hd161 56.29726 155.8382 56 17.8356 155 50.292
hd163 56.41822 155.631 56 25.0932 155 37.86
hd165 56.53917 155.4231 56 32.3502 155 25.386
hd167 56.66013 155.2146 56 39.6078 155 12.876
hd169 56.78109 155.0054 56 46.8654 155 0.324
hd171 56.90204 154.7956 56 54.1224 154 47.736
hd173 57.023 154.5851 57 1.38 154 35.106
hd197 58.47448 152.0034 58 28.4688 152 0.204
hd199 58.59543 151.7835 58 35.7258 151 47.01
hf149 55.45674 156.8452 55 27.4044 156 50.712
hf151 55.57769 156.6424 55 34.6614 156 38.544
hf153 55.69865 156.439 55 41.919 156 26.34
hf155 55.81961 156.235 55 49.1766 156 14.1
hf157 55.94056 156.0304 55 56.4336 156 1.824
hf159 56.06152 155.8251 56 3.6912 155 49.506
hf161 56.18248 155.6192 56 10.9488 155 37.152
hf163 56.30343 155.4126 56 18.2058 155 24.756
hf165 56.42439 155.2054 56 25.4634 155 12.324
hf167 56.54535 154.9975 56 32.721 154 59.85
hf169 56.6663 154.789 56 39.978 154 47.34
hf171 56.78726 154.5798 56 47.2356 154 34.788
hf173 56.90821 154.3699 56 54.4926 154 22.194
hf191 57.99682 152.4495 57 59.8092 152 26.97
hf197 58.35969 151.7964 58 21.5814 151 47.784
hf199 58.48065 151.5772 58 28.839 151 34.632
hh149 55.34195 156.6232 55 20.517 156 37.392
hh151 55.46291 156.4211 55 27.7746 156 25.266
hh153 55.58387 156.2183 55 35.0322 156 13.098
hh155 55.70482 156.0149 55 42.2892 156 0.894
hh157 55.82578 155.8109 55 49.5468 155 48.654
hh159 55.94674 155.6062 55 56.8044 155 36.372
hh161 56.06769 155.4009 56 4.0614 155 24.054
hh163 56.18865 155.1949 56 11.319 155 11.694
hh165 56.3096 154.9883 56 18.576 154 59.298
hh171 56.67247 154.3646 56 40.3482 154 21.876
hh173 56.79343 154.1553 56 47.6058 154 9.318
hh175 56.91439 153.9454 56 54.8634 153 56.724
hh193 58.00299 152.0247 58 0.1794 152 1.482
hh195 58.12395 151.8077 58 7.437 151 48.462
hh197 58.24491 151.59 58 14.6946 151 35.4
hh199 58.36586 151.3715 58 21.9516 151 22.29
hj149 55.22717 156.402 55 13.6302 156 24.12
hj151 55.34813 156.2004 55 20.8878 156 12.024
hj153 55.46908 155.9982 55 28.1448 155 59.892
hj155 55.59004 155.7954 55 35.4024 155 47.724
hj157 55.71099 155.592 55 42.6594 155 35.52
hj159 55.83195 155.3879 55 49.917 155 23.274
hj161 55.95291 155.1832 55 57.1746 155 10.992
hj163 56.07386 154.9779 56 4.4316 154 58.674
hj165 56.19482 154.7719 56 11.6892 154 46.314
hj167 56.31578 154.5653 56 18.9468 154 33.918
hj169 56.43673 154.358 56 26.2038 154 21.48
hj173 56.67865 153.9414 56 40.719 153 56.484
hj191 57.76725 152.033 57 46.035 152 1.98
hj193 57.88821 151.8175 57 53.2926 151 49.05
hj195 58.00917 151.6012 58 0.5502 151 36.072
hj197 58.13012 151.3841 58 7.8072 151 23.046
hj199 58.25108 151.1664 58 15.0648 151 9.984
hl149 55.11238 156.1814 55 6.7428 156 10.884
hl151 55.23334 155.9805 55 14.0004 155 58.83
hl153 55.3543 155.7789 55 21.258 155 46.734
hl155 55.47525 155.5766 55 28.515 155 34.596
hl157 55.59621 155.3738 55 35.7726 155 22.428
hl159 55.71717 155.1703 55 43.0302 155 10.218
hl161 55.83812 154.9662 55 50.2872 154 57.972
hl163 55.95908 154.7615 55 57.5448 154 45.69
hl165 56.08004 154.5561 56 4.8024 154 33.366
hl167 56.20099 154.3501 56 12.0594 154 21.006
hl169 56.32195 154.1434 56 19.317 154 8.604
hl173 56.56386 153.7281 56 33.8316 153 43.686
hl175 56.68482 153.5195 56 41.0892 153 31.17
hl177 56.80577 153.3102 56 48.3462 153 18.612
hl179 56.92673 153.1002 56 55.6038 153 6.012
hl181 57.04769 152.8895 57 2.8614 152 53.37
hl183 57.16864 152.6781 57 10.1184 152 40.686
hl185 57.2896 152.466 57 17.376 152 27.96
hl187 57.41056 152.2533 57 24.6336 152 15.198
hl189 57.53151 152.0398 57 31.8906 152 2.388
hl191 57.65247 151.8257 57 39.1482 151 49.542
hl193 57.77343 151.6108 57 46.4058 151 36.648
hl195 57.89438 151.3952 57 53.6628 151 23.712
hl197 58.01534 151.1788 58 0.9204 151 10.728
hl199 58.1363 150.9617 58 8.178 150 57.702
hn149 54.9976 155.9615 54 59.856 155 57.69
hn151 55.11856 155.7611 55 7.1136 155 45.666
hn153 55.23951 155.5601 55 14.3706 155 33.606
hn155 55.36047 155.3585 55 21.6282 155 21.51
hn157 55.48143 155.1562 55 28.8858 155 9.372
hn159 55.60238 154.9534 55 36.1428 154 57.204
hn161 55.72334 154.7499 55 43.4004 154 44.994
hn163 55.8443 154.5457 55 50.658 154 32.742
hn165 55.96525 154.341 55 57.915 154 20.46
hn167 56.08621 154.1356 56 5.1726 154 8.136
hn169 56.20716 153.9295 56 12.4296 153 55.77
hn171 56.32812 153.7228 56 19.6872 153 43.368
hn173 56.44908 153.5155 56 26.9448 153 30.93
hn175 56.57003 153.3075 56 34.2018 153 18.45
hn177 56.69099 153.0988 56 41.4594 153 5.928
hn179 56.81195 152.8894 56 48.717 152 53.364
hn181 56.9329 152.6794 56 55.974 152 40.764
hn183 57.05386 152.4687 57 3.2316 152 28.122
hn185 57.17482 152.2573 57 10.4892 152 15.438
hn187 57.29577 152.0452 57 17.7462 152 2.712
hn189 57.41673 151.8324 57 25.0038 151 49.944
hn191 57.53769 151.6189 57 32.2614 151 37.134
hn193 57.65864 151.4047 57 39.5184 151 24.282
hn195 57.7796 151.1897 57 46.776 151 11.382
hn197 57.90055 150.9741 57 54.033 150 58.446
hn199 58.02151 150.7577 58 1.2906 150 45.462
gu158 56.6667 157.2167 56 40 157 13
gt171 57.45 155.7667 57 27 155 46
gt173 57.6167 155.4667 57 37 155 28


Figure A2.  Overall grid of potential stations.

APPENDIX A3. Station positions and activities at Line 8.
Station LatDDeg LongDDeg LatDeg LatMin LongDeg LongMin CTDB Chlorophyll Nutrients Macrozooplankton 20/60Bongo3
FOX61 57.72 -155.26 57 43.2 155 15.6 x x x x x
FOX60 57.68 -155.17 57 41 155 10 x x x x x
FOX59 57.64 -155.07 57 38.5 155 4.2 x x x x x
FOX58 57.61 -155.01 57 36.3 155 0.5 x x x x x
FOX57 57.55 -154.88 57 33.1 154 52.5 x x x x x
FOX56 57.52 -154.78 57 30.9 154 47 x x x x x
FOX55 57.48 -154.7 57 28.5 154 42 x x x x x


Figure A3. Stations of Line 8.


2.2.1 CTD / Water Sample Operations

A Sea-Bird 9Plus CTD with dual thermistor and conductivity cells will be the primary system. A backup Sea-Bird 9Plus CTD is required. When available, and where possible, the FOCI fluorometer, light meter, and chlorophyll absorbance meter (ChlAM) should be mounted on the CTD stand for all casts. However, the ChlAM can not exceed 300m, the fluorometer cannot exceed 500m, and the light meter cannot exceed 1000m. On selected casts, biological samples will be collected. Water for microzooplankton samples will be collected using 10-l Niskin bottles. When only nutrient or chlorophyll water samples are required, smaller Nisken bottles may be used.

Once the CTD has been deployed, it should be lowered to 10m. The deck unit should be turned on. If a ChlAM is attached, the CTD should remain at 10m for three minutes; otherwise after 45 seconds the CTD can be returned to just below the surface. Then the data acquisition program and VHS cassette CTD tape backup system should be started. The CTD should descend at a rate of 30m/min for the first 200m and 45m/min below that. The ascent rate should be 50m/min. One exception to the descent rates occurs on the Bering Shelf in water less than 150m deep - in this case, the CTD should descend at 10 m/min during the entire cast. An entry in the MOA should be made for each CTD cast at the maximum cast depth.

CTD data will be acquired using SEASOFT software on the ship’s computer. The capability to display CTD data using the SCS system and monitors will be available. Survey Technicians and scientists will keep the "CTD Cast Information/Rosette Log". Pressure, primary salinity, primary temperature, secondary temperature, fluorescence, ChlAM chlorophyll concentration and light levels will be recorded on the "CTD Cast Information/Rosette Log" for all water bottle samples.

CTD Calibration: Salinity samples will be taken on every cast (or as specified by the Chief Scientist). No reversing thermometers will be required. The CTD systems will be equipped with dual thermistors. A Survey Technician will run AutoSal analysis during the cruise and record the readings on an AutoSal log.

2.2.2 MARMAP bongo tows

A 60-cm bongo net with 0.505 mm nets, (or 0.333 mm before mid May) hard plastic codends and a 40 kg lead weight for a depressor will be used in standard MARMAP tows. The nets will be deployed at a constant wire speed of 40 m/min to a maximum depth of 100 m (or 200 m before mid May) or 10 m off bottom in shallower waters, however, at stations on Lines 8, 16 and 17 in Shelikof Strait nets will be towed from 10 m off bottom to surface. In addition, one side of the 60 cm bongo will be changed to 0.333 mm mesh. Furthermore the 20 cm bongo with 0.150 mm mesh nets will be attached to the wire 1 m above the 60 cm bongo frame at Line 8, and at selected other stations. A CTD (Seacat) or electronic BKG will be attached to the wire to provide real-time tow data. The depth of the nets will be monitored by the scientists, and commands given to stop the winch. The winch will be stopped and the nets allowed to stabilize for up to 30 sec. The nets are then retrieved at a wire speed of 20 m/min. The ship speed is adjusted to maintain a wire angle of 45 degrees during the entire tow. When the nets reach the surface they are brought aboard and hosed to wash the sample into the codend. The sample is preserved appropriately. In some cases, larvae are sorted and preserved separately. Flow meters in the nets record the amount of water filtered and an electronic CTD or bathykymograph records the depth history of the tow. The Scientists on watch are responsible for recording times and maximum depth obtained in the Seacat logbook. Tows not meeting specifications may be repeated at the discretion of the scientific watch.

The PMEL SeaCat data will be acquired on the ship’s computer using SEASOFT software. The option to display Seacat data using the SCS system and monitors will be available.

2.2.3 Bongo Larval Condition Tows

A live tow for larval pollock uses the 60cm bongo with 0.333mm or 0.505mm net mesh with taped codends. The selection of the mesh size will depend on the time of field collections, larval size, amount of algae, etc. This is a vertical tow with the ship's speed used only to maintain a zero wire angle. The SEACAT is on the wire and data is saved for each haul. The bongo is lowered at 25-30 m/min to a gear depth of 70 meters. The wire in speed should be 10 m/min, begin timing the tow when the net starts up. Do not rinse down the nets when they return to the deck, but do open the codends immediately into clean (live) 5 gallon buckets. The samples are carefully transferred into a bowl over ice and are sorted quickly for live larvae. Preserve larvae immediately, as specified in FOCI field manual or sample collection request forms. The net is rinsed between tows.

2.2.4 Live Zooplankton Ring Net Tows

Tows to collect experimental animals for secondary productivity experiments will be taken during large-scale surveys and patch studies. These collections use a special net, which minimizes damage to the organisms. The net will be deployed using the same CTD winch used for bongo tows. The ship will be asked to keep station for this vertical tow. A 0.8 m ring net with a large polycarbonate codend and the Seacat will be "book clamped" to the wire. The net will be lowered at a rate of 20 m/min to near the bottom, then retrieved at a rate of 10-20 m/min

2.2.5 MOCNESS tows

Deck Machinery -- The Multiple Opening/Closing Net and Environmental Sensing System (MOCNESS) is deployed whenever possible using the Traction winch and the A-frame. The instrument will require 600-1500 m of single conductor wire. In addition, a set of slip rings are requested for the winch. The manufacturer states that the maximum drag observed on a 1 m2 MOCNESS system was 3,000 pounds. If we include a 2-3X safety factor, the conducting cable should have a minimum breaking strength of 6,000-9,000 pounds.

Electronics -- The MOCNESS telemeters, in real time, conductivity, temperature, depth, and flow meter data to the surface. FOCI owns two, separate electronic systems for the MOCNESS frame. The older system consists of two 6" OD pressure cases that sit in separate cradles on the net frame and telemeter data to the ship at 1 frame every four seconds. The signal is received on a MOCNESS PC computer by a data acquisition deck box and simultaneously routed to an old 286 Compaq luggable computer and a VCR for analog signal backup. A dot matrix printer is used to print data from every other scan. Serial input (RS-232) from the ship’s scientific GPS unit is required to obtain continuous position data for the data stream. The data acquisition system (DAS) software requires a single NMEA 0183 string ($ GPGGA) for input to COM2. All acquisition programs are written in TurboPascal 5.0 and exist as both source code and compiled executable code. All DAS hardware components sit in the electronics rack.

The "new" system consists of two, 4" OD pressure cases that sit in the same cradle on the MOCNESS frame and telemeter data to the ship as fast as 1 frame per second. The signal is received by a serial modem and is routed to a PC Pentium computer under the bench on the starboard bulkhead. The analog signal is not recorded. The MOCNESS acquisition station shares a monitor with the CTD/SeaCat data acquisition system. Serial input of GPS data is required as for the older system. The data acquisition software are written in Visual Basic running under Windows 3.1, and we only have the compiled executable file..

Launch, Fishing, & Recovery -- The movable MOCNESS support frame will be used. The MOCNESS is launched and recovered from the stern. For safe, efficient launch and recovery of the MOCNESS, the Survey Technician is asked to lead those procedures, giving orders to the trawl house while the Scientific Watch handles the tag lines. When the weather is rough, a member of the deck dept may be requested to assist in the deployment and recovery.

The MOCNESS pilot will relay instructions to the winch operator and the bridge to control the descent/ascent of the net system. It is essential that the ship maintain a constant speed through the water during the tow. Wire in/out rates must be available to the winch operator and should be availbale to the MOCNESS pilot as well. The MOCNESS is deployed and recovered while under way (1.5 knots). Wire is paid out at a rate of 5-25 m/min and is retrieved at 5-20 m/min under the direction of the pilot. The MOCNESS pilot will inform the bridge as each net is closed and request that the bridge record the position in the MOA. After recovery, the MOCNESS nets are washed down on the aft deck.

2.2.6 CalCOFI Vertical Egg Tow (CalVET)

Vertical tows to collect microzooplankton and free-floating copepod eggs will be conducted, sometimes in conjunction with CTD/bottle casts. When done in conjunction with a CTD cast, the CTD will be stopped at 15 m during its descent, and the net frame's top and bottom will be attached to the wire so that the net flushes during its descent while the ship stands hove to. After descent to desired depth (usually 60 m), the net will then be retrieved at a rate of 60 m/min. The samples will be washed into the cod ends, then preserved in 32 oz. jars with formalin for later analysis. Once the net frame has been removed from the wire, then the CTD/bottle cast can begin. The CalVET net can also be deployed from the starboard quarterdeck. When done without the CTD, the Seacat should be attached below the net.

2.2.10 Chlorophyll Samples

Chlorophyll samples will be taken from the 10-l Niskin bottles. Sampling depths depend on the fluorescence or ChlAM profile. A typical strategy would be samples at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 or 60 m depending upon which is closest to the fluorescence or chlorophyll maximum. If the maximum is deeper, sampling should be moved deeper with less samples in the mixed layer.

When microzooplankton samples are to be collected from the same Niskin bottle, 500 ml of water is first removed from the water bottle using a graduated cylinder. Chlorophyll and nutrient samples are obtained from the 500 ml in the graduated cylinder. See the FOCI Field manual for sampling collection, filtration and preserving details. Chlorophyll and nutrient samples will be stored in conventional freezers.

2.2.11 Satellite tracked drifter buoys

Two to three working days before deployment the Chief Scientist or designated person will secure the drifter on the back deck, turn it on (usually by removing the magnet), and send an e-mail message to Dr. Phyllis Stabeno (stabeno@ pmel.noaa.gov) stating the serial number (which is stamped on the drifter) and the time that it was turned on. The method of deployment of the drifter is dependent upon the particular make of drifter and is to be directed by the Chief Scientist or designated person.

2.2.13 ADCP

ADCP Observations: The purpose of the Vessel-Mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (VM-ADCP) is to measure the ocean current velocity continuously over the upper 300 m of the water column, usually in 8 m depth increments. Current velocities relative to the earth at this spatial and temporal resolution cannot be measured by other methods: CTD sections, current meter moorings, or drifting buoys. ADCP data is also used to estimate the abundance and distribution of biological scatterers over the same depth range and in the same depth increments.

ADCP Data Collection: ADCP measurement requires four instruments working in concert: the ADCP, the ship's gyrocompass, a GPS receiver, and a GPS Attitude Determination Unit (ADU), such as the Seapath 200. The ADCP is connected to a dedicated PC and controlled by RD Instruments' Data Acquisition System (DAS) software. Version 2.48 of DAS software will be used as the controlling software. The DAS software shall be configured to use the user-exit programs AGCAVE.COM and UE4.EXE. Separate written instructions detailing the ADCP setup and configuration files are kept in the ADCP notebook in the Computer lab.

The ADCP PC is interfaced to the ship's gyrocompass, to the primary scientific GPS receiver, and to the GPS Attitude Determination Unit. The navigation GPS shall be configured to send only NMEA-0183 messages $GPGGA and $GPVTG at the maximum fix update rate for the receiver (usually 1 or 2 second rate), and with the maximum number of digits of precision (optimally 4). The Attitude Determination Unit shall be configured to send the $PASHR message at least once, preferably twice, per second, and the NMEA-0183 message $GPGGA once each second. The user-exit program UE4.EXE shall be configured to control acquisition and processing of GPS and ADU messages, and to synchronize the PC clock with the time reported by the primary GPS.

The ADCP PC logs data from the profiler to Iomega Zip disks and optionally sends a complete data structure to SCS for logging on that system. This redundancy in data logging is desirable for post-cruise processing flexibility. The user-exit program UE4.EXE should be configured to send an "RDI-style" ensemble to SCS.

PMEL supplies the Iomega Zip drives for FOCI projects. No more than one Iomega Zip disks will be required for the cruise. At the end of the cruise, a backup of the Iomega Zip disks should be made to a unique subdirectory of another disk maintained by the ship for this purpose until the original data is certified "error free" at PMEL.

Detailed, post-cruise processing of ADCP data is designed to take advantage of a higher quantity of navigation data than is retained by the ADCP acquisition software. Thus, the ship's SCS is relied on to log GPS navigation data at maximum available rates. The SCS system shall log output from the best two navigation receivers at all times during a cruise. For the purpose of designating a primary and secondary GPS system, precedence shall be assigned according to the following list of GPS receivers available on the Ron Brown:

a. P-code GPS receiver
b. Differential GPS receiver (DGPS)
c. P-code GPS receiver operating without encryption key (SPS-GPS)
d. Differential GPS receiver without differential corrections (SPS-GPS)

Changes in the availability of GPS equipment shall be communicated to PMEL to allow the above list to remain current. It is the responsibility of the ship to install and enable the appropriate encryption key for use of a PPS-GPS receiver.

The SCS file SENSOR.DAT should be configured to enable logging only of the NMEA-0183 format messages $GPGGA and $GPVTG from navigation sources; derived sensor messages are not desirable for post-cruise processing. Similarly, only raw messages from the gyrocompass ($HEHDT) are desirable for logging. SCS should log the primary GPS data at 1 second intervals, the secondary GPS data at 10 second intervals, and gyro data at 10 second intervals. The latter are used for adjusting the acoustic backscattered signal strength to absolute levels and relating the signal to biological scatterers.

ADCP Underway Operations: The ADCP operates continuously during the entire cruise. At the start of a cruise, the system shall be configured and started according to the provided checklists "Before Leaving Port" and "Underway to Operations Area". The ADCP and its interface to the gyro and navigation must be checked daily by completing the "ADCP Daily Log" and also at the end of the cruise with the ship tied to the pier.

In case of problems please describe the problem, error message numbers, flashing lights, etc. on the log sheets. Also contact Ned Cokelet (206-526-6820, e-mail COKELET@PMEL.NOAA.GOV) at PMEL as soon as possible.

Dedicated ADCP transects should be run at constant heading (not constant course-over-ground) if practical, thus minimizing gyro lag. However, transects along lines of current-meter moorings should remain on the line with the ship's heading gradually adjusted to accomplish this. Sharp turns should be avoided. The ship's speed should be constant. 12 kts is often satisfactory, but the ship may have to slow down if the ADCP's percent good pings decreases below 75% in the upper 200-250 m due to sea state.

The ADCP should operate in bottom track mode when the water depth is less than about 500 m for more than a few hours. This gives currents better-compensated for transducer misalignment but somewhat lower in statistical significance because the number of pings is reduced. For extended periods in deeper water, an ADCP configuration without bottom tracking should be used.

ADCP Backtrack-L Calibration: One backtrack-L calibration maneuver per cruise may be executed to test the instruments and to calibrate the transducer misalignment angle for which a 0.5 degree error can seriously bias the measurements. The "misalignment angle" may change with the ship's trim as well as with remounting the ADCP transducers. The basic idea is to measure the current twice on closely spaced parallel tracks of opposite heading when the ADCP and GPS are working well. The maneuver consists of 4 legs (N, S, E and W headings) connected by simple U-turns forming an L shape. Each leg should be 30 minutes long - the first 10 minutes are to allow the ship and instruments to stabilize on the new heading. The entire calibration should require about 2 1/2 hours with 5 minutes allowed for each turn. The following should be considered:

a.Negligible currents are best, but stronger currents are acceptable as long as they are reasonably uniform and steady. Avoid regions of strong horizontal shear due to topography, flow through passes, eddies and current boundaries. In tidal currents measure when the current is steadiest, often at maximum flood and ebb rather than at slack water.
b. Calibration legs can be done in any order provided opposite-headed legs are sequential.
c. Opposite-headed legs should be parallel and closely spaced, but not retraced. Use U-turns to minimize gyro oscillations. Avoid Williamson and hairpin turns.
d. The ADCP's PC screen should show at least 75%-good pings down to 250 m.
e. The ship should go fast enough to detect a misalignment error (over 5 kts), but slow enough to satisfy condition 4. This depends on sea conditions. 10-12 kts is often satisfactory.
f. Choose a time when GPS is navigating and is expected to remain so over the next 2 hours.

2.2.14 Radiometer

The Ron Brown will provide a radiometer to measure solar energy. The data stream should be logged by the SCS.

APPENDIX C.  Hazardous materials to be used during Cruise RB-00-03 Leg1.

Formalin (37% v/v) ?  10 gallons
Ethanol (95%) -  5 gallons
Z-fix   - 1 liter