Greely, A.W. 1886. Report on the Proceedings of the United States expedition to Lady Franklin Bay, Grinnell Land.
Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office. 2 vols.
19 Images
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Our house at Conger (west side), March 1882. (From a photograph.) |
 Godhavn, Greenland, July 19, 1881. (From a photograph)
 Ritenbenk, Greenland, July 21, 1881. (From a photograph.)

Proven, North Greeland, July, 1881. (From a photograph.)
Danish Eskimo at Proven, North Greenland. (From a photograph.)
Site of Polaris House, occupied in 1872 at Life-boat cove, July, 1881. (From a photograph.)
Proteus in ice, entrance to Discovery Harbor, August 12, 1881. (From a photograph.)
Musk cattle killed on Mount Cartmel, near Conger, August 12, 1881. (From a photograph.) |
Head of Musk Ox killed near Conger. (From a photograph.)
Map of country immediately surrounding Ft. Conger.
View of ice from Cape Murchison, looking toward Thank God Harbor, June, 1882. (From a photograph.) |
Floeberg in St. Patrick Bay, June, 1882. (From a photograph.) |
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