Brainard, D.L. 1884. Brainard Collection of the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition, 1881 – 1884.
College Park, Maryland: National Archives.
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Main building, front view, U.S. Signal Station, Point Barrow Expedition, 1881-1883. |

Main building, winter view, U.S. Signal Station, Point Barrow Expedition, 1881-1883. |

Yuksingah and family, Noomook, Alaska. Point Barrow Expedition, 1881-1883. |

Mum-in-ne-nah, wife of Unalenah, Noomook, Alaska,
Point Barrow Expedition.

Ice floe on the beach near station, September 1, 1882. Point Barrow Expedition. |

Ice along shore looking seaward, August 24, 1882. Point Barrow Expedition. |
Steamer North Star in ice pack off station 2 1/2 miles, July 1882. Point Barrow Expedition. |
Ground ice off station, August 10, 1883. Point Barrow Expedition.
SS “Proteus” (formerly a steam sealer) and hired by U.S. to be used by the Greely Lady Franklin Bay expedition.
Game stand, Fort Conger, Grinnell Land. SS Proteus in harbor. Lady Franklin Bay Expedition, 1881-1884.

Expeditionary stores and game stand, Discovery Harbor, Grinnell Land. SS Proteus in background. Post Office cairne on right. August, 1881. |
Trout caught in Lake Alexander, Grinnell Land, 8 miles from Fort Conger. |
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