PMEL Acoustics Program logo National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Acoustics Program
  Seismic Activity - Kick'em Jenny Volcano, Carribean Sea (December 2001)  



spectrogram of explosion, click to enlarge
Spectrograms from hydrophones, click to enlarge.

  map of volcano summit
Bathymetric map of the Kick'em Jenny volcano, click to enlarge.

Kick'Em Jenny Volcano


On December 5th, 2001 at ~02:00Z, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrophone array detected a large volcanic explosion that occurred during the submarine eruption at Kick'em Jenny volcano.

Kick'em Jenny is located in the Carribean Sea (near Grenada) along the Lesser Antilles Island-Arc chain.
The summit caldera of the volcano is >12m deep.

The left image shows the MAR hydrophones that recorded the explosion. Begining at the bottom, the records are from the "central west", "southern west", "southern east", and "central east" hydrophones. Tick marks are every 5 minutes. The data is sampled at 110 Hz and low-passed at 50 Hz. Unlike earthquakes, these explosion signals are very long duration (20 min) with a diffuse spectral content. The signals have dominant frequencies at 1-5 Hz and 10 Hz, and are likely a result of constructive interference with ship noise. Speculatively, these dominant frequencies could also be a result of harmonic resonance from within the Kick'em Jenny magma chamber.


NSF logoMajor funding provided by the National Science Foundation

Last Updated: 08/19/02

Address inquiries to:
Robert Dziak - Seismologist -