Pollock, Theragra
Chalcogramma, have been observed to spawn in large numbers within Shelikof
Strait since at least 1978. In 2000-2002, spawning
populations of
pollock declined markedly in Shelikof Strait.
It has
been hypothesized that this decline was related to broad-scale changes
in the
circulation and temperature fields; e.g. the return of the Pacific
Decadal Oscillation
index to a pre-1976 (“cold”) phase. To explore interannual variability
circulation and recruitment, the Fisheries Oceanography Coordinated
Investigations (FOCI) program implemented the
Semispectral Primitive Equation Model (SPEM) of Haidvogel et al.
Comput. Phys., 1991). Output from this model has been coupled to a
trophic level (NPZ) model, and an individual-based model (IBM) which
uses the
NPZ output for spatially explicit prey fields. However, existing
hindcasts (for March-September of years 1978-1999)
were not adequate temporally or spatially to resolve questions
regarding the
potential influence of shifts in circulation on the migratory behavior
spawning pollock. Much longer hindcasts of the physical and biological
dynamics, including the winter months, and much broader spatial
coverage, are
required to properly address the issue of interdecadal variability in
spawning and recruitment. These hindcasts will help address
variability in growth and migration of many other fish species (e.g.
as well.
Circulation Results and Indices
A set of
spatially nested
models are being used for these improved hindcasts, based on the Regional Ocean
Modeling System (ROMS;
Haidvogel et al., Dyn. Atmos. Oceans, 2001), and developed with our
colleagues in the Global Ecosystems Dynamics (GLOBEC)
program. Nested models include the Northeast
Pacific at ~10 km resolution (NEP model, driven with NCEP winds) and
the Coastal Gulf of Alaska at ~3 km resolution (CGOA model, driven with
finer-scale MM5 winds). Sample output (with Sea
Surface Height) is shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1. Sea surface
height (m) from runs of three spatially nested models: North Pacific
(NPac), Northest Pacific (NEP) and Coastal Gulf of Alaska (CGOA). SSH
of NEP results are shown in greyscale (lighter color denotes higher
Thus far we have completed a
6-year (1996-2002) hindcast of circulation with the NEP model.
Analysis of coastal sea
output indicates the 97/98 El Nino and a 98/99 regime shift are
captured by
this simulation. Velocity output from the NEP model has been compared
with current meter data
in Shelikof Strait (Figure 2). Results
from NEP are found to
be well correlated with this data (rsquared = .65), but smaller in
amplitude. The CGOA
model yields a much closer match to the absolute magnitudes observed in

Figure 2. Model results
showing depth-integrated flux through Shelikof Strait (m
Top figure
shows results from NEP model driven with NCEP winds. Bottom figure
shows observed flow through Shelikof Strait from current meter
moorings (black line, from Stabeno et al, unpublished) with model
results: NEP model
driven by NCEP winds (red line) and CGOA model driven by MM5 winds
(green line).
The multiyear results from the NEP model were regressed on the observed
flux derived from current meter moorings, to yield the following multiyear index of flux through
Shelikof Strait (Figure 3):

Figure 3. Model-based index of flux through Shelikof Strait (m
here for an asci
listing of this index
Results and Indices
Thus far we have produced NPZ hindcasts of year 2001
using the
CGOA circulation model with an embedded salmon NPZ model
(that is,one structured to generate salmon prey items). Results
phytoplankton and zooplankton have been compared with SeaWifs ocean
color and in situ data, and found to produce the appropriate seasonal
and onshore-offshore patterns. Results from the CGOA biophysical model
are posted and available for interactive browsing on our implemetation
of the Live Access Server.
The CGOA model resolves strong mixing over tidal
banks near Shelikof Strait, and illuminates many of the important
details of vertical and cross-shelf nutrient transport not resolvable
in the previous FOCI biophysical models. Horizontal and vertical
sections from our FATE Live Access Server are shown below. In
particular, we have discovered an unanticipated broad upwelling of
nutrients over the shelf upstream of Kodiak Island in the spring. As
intended, the new models have significantly extended the domain of the
earlier models, while enhancing the resolution of crucial vertical and
horizontal structure.