W. Embley
Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies
EOI Program
Hatfield Marine Science Center
2115 S.E. OSU Dr.
Newport, OR 97365
1975 Ph.D. Columbia University and Lamont-Doherty Geological Obs.,Marine
Geology 1984(Fall)- Present
Courtesy (Adjunct Professor, Oregon State University, College of
Oceanography) Field Experience: Between 1966 and 1996,
expeditions in 1977 and 1978 off the East Coast
of the U.S., in 1980, 1981, and 1985 on the Cocos-Nazca plate boundary,
in 1984,
1987 and 1988, 1990 and 1991, 1993, and 1994 on the Juan de Fuca Ridge,
Pacific. Observer on fifty-nine ALVIN dives and more than twenty dives
on other
submersibles. Co-Guest Editor, Special
Section of Journal of Geophysical Research on "Volcanic
and Hydrothermal Processes at the Southern Juan de Fuca Ridge", in
March, 1994 issue. Member of NSF RIDGE
Steering Committee- 1995 to present Member of working
group for NSF RIDGE Observatory Experiment Member of working
group for NSF RIDGE Event Detection and Response Member of American
Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Geophysical
Union (1) Relationships
between tectonics, volcanic and hydrothermal processes on seafloor (2) Structure and
tectonics of transform fault zones. Embley, R.W. (1976),
New evidence for occurrence of debris flow deposits in the deep sea,
Geology, 4, 371-374. Embley, R.W. (1982)
The role of mass-wasting in the distribution and character of deep-
ocean sediments with special reference to the North Atlantic, Mar. Geol.,
38, 23-50. Embley, R.W. (1982),
Anatomy of some Atlantic Margin sediment slides and some comment
on ages and mechanics, in Marine Slides and Other Mass Movements, edited
by S. Saxov,
and J.V. Nieuwenhuis, p. 189-213, Plenum Publ. Corp.. Embley, R.W. (1988),
A deep-ocean canyon system along the Blanco Transform-Northeast
Pacific, Geo-Marine Letters, 5, 99-104. Embley, R.W., I.R.
Jonasson, M.R. Perfit, J.M. Franklin, M.A. Tivey, A. Malahoff, M.F.
Smith, and T.J.G. Francis (1988). Submersible investigations of an extinct
system on the Galapagos Ridge: Sulfide mounds, stockwork zone, and differentiated
Canadian Mineralogist (Special Issue on Hydrothermal Mineralization at
Mid-Ocean Ridges),
V. 26, p. 517-540. Embley, R.W. (1990),
S.L. Eittreim, C. McHugh, W.R. Normark, G.H. Rau, B. Hecker, A.E.
DeBevoise, H.G. Greene, W.B.F. Ryan, C. Harrold, and C. Baxter, Geological
setting of
chemosynthetic communities in the Monterey Fan Valley system, Deep-Sea
Res., 37, 1651-1657. Embley, R.W., K.M.
Murphy, and C.G. Fox (1990). High resolution studies of the summit
of Axial Volcano, J. Geophys. Res, v. 95, p. 12,785-12,812. Embley, R.W., W.W.
Chadwick, M.R. Perfit and E.T. Baker (1991). Geology of the northern
Cleft Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Recent eruptions, seafloor spreading,
and the formation
of megaplumes, Geology, v. 19, p. 771-775, 1991. Chadwick, W.W., R.W.
Embley and C.G. Fox (1991), Evidence for volcanic eruption on the
southern Juan de Fuca Ridge between1981 and 1987, Nature, v. 350, p. 416-418. Embley, R.W., and
D.S. Wilson (1992), Morphology of the Blanco Transform Fault Zone-NE
Pacific: Implications for its tectonic evolution, Mar. Geophys. Res., 14,
25-44. Appelgate, B.T., and R.W. Embley (1992), Submarine tumuli and inflated
tube-fed lava
flows on Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge, Bull. Volcan, 54, p. 447-458. Embley, R.W. (1993),
and J.M. Franklin, ROV samples vents on Juan de Fuca Ridge, Eos
Trans. Am. Geophys. Un., 74, 177, 181-182. Embley, R.W., and
W.W. Chadwick Jr. (1994), Volcanic and hydrothermal processes associated
with a recent phase of seafloor spreading at the northern Cleft Segment:
Juan de Fuca
Ridge, J. Geophys. Res., v. 99, 4741-4760. Chadwick, W.W. Jr.
and R.W. Embley (1994), Lava flows from a mid-1980s submarine eruption
on the Cleft Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 4761-4776. Embley, R.W., W.W.
Chadwick, I.R. Jonasson, D.A. Butterfield, and E.T. Baker
(1995), Initial results of the rapid response to the 1993 CoAxial event:
between volcanic and hydrothermal processes, Geophys. Res. Letts., 22,143-146. Fornari, D., and R.W.
Embley, (1995) Tectonic and volcanic controls on hydrothermal
processes at the mid-ocean ridges: An overview based on near-bottom and
studies, in Humprhis, S., J. Lupton, R. Zierenberg, L. Mullineaux, and
R. Thomson (eds.),
Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems, Am. Geophys. Mon. 91, 1-46. Embley, R.W., and
C. G. Fox (1995), Detection and response to volcanic/hydrothermal events
on the mid-ocean ridge, Rev. Geophys. (Supplement), U.S. National Rept.
Int. Un. Geod.
Geophys. 1991-1994, 1307- 1310. Holden,
J. F., B. C. Crump, S. K. Juniper, M.D. Lilley, D. A. Butterfield, R.
W. Embley,
J. R. Delaney, and J. A. Baross, Deep-sea Microbial Blooms on the Co-Axial
Segment, Juan
de Fuca Ridge Hydrothermal Vent Site Following a Magma Intrusion, Geochimica
Cosmochimica Acta, In press.
1966 B.A. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, Geology (Henry
Rutgers Scholar)
Professional History:
1966-1967 Research Assistant, Lamont-Doherty Geological Obs.
1967-1975 Grad. Res. Assistant, Lamont-Doherty Geological Obs.
1975-1978 Research Associate, Lamont-Doherty Geologica Obs.
1970-1978 Instructor (part-time) in Geology and Oceanography at
Fairleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey.
1979-1984 Research Associate - (Geophysicist) - Office of the Chief Scientist
National Ocean Survey (NOAA).
1984(May) - Present, Senior Research Scientist, NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental
Ocean Environment Research Division, OSU Hatfield Marine Science
Center, Newport, OR, 97365. Principal Investigator for Geological
Studies, NOAA EOI Program.
Have served as Chief Scientist or Co-Chief Scientist on thirty-seven expeditions,
including eight submersible and five ROV campaigns.
Recent Professional Activities:
Current Research Interests:
spreading centers, concentrating on the Juan de Fuca Ridge off Oregon/Washington.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications: