Date: April 24, 2000
Addendum: May 22, 2000
(deploy drifters)

Cruise No: MF00-08
FOCI No: 6MF00


These instructions, with "FOCI Standard Operating Instructions for NOAA Ship MILLER FREEMAN, 2000," present complete information for this cruise.
Gulf of Alaska
May 25, 2000 Depart Dutch Harbor
June 4, 2000 Arrive Kodiak
Participating organizations:
NOAA - Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC)
NOAA - Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL)
Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations (FOCI) is an effort by NOAA and associated academic scientists. At present, FOCI consists of a Shelikof Strait (western Gulf of Alaska) walleye pollock project, and a NOAA Coastal Ocean Program project: Southeast Bering Sea Carrying Capacity. FOCI also supports associated projects, such as the Arctic Research Initiative, U.S. GLOBEC, and NSF Inner Front Study, that address scientific issues related to FOCI's. FOCI's goal is to understand the effects of abiotic and biotic variability on ecosystems of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea in order to discern the physical and biological processes that determine recruitment variability of commercially valuable finfish and shellfish stocks in Alaskan waters.
1. To conduct a ichthyoplankton survey from Unimak Pass to and around Kodiak Island.
2. To conduct nearshore sampling of ichthyoplankton using a small vessel deployed from the Freeman.
3. To deploy two satellite-tracked drifters in the vicinity of Unimak Pass at [54° 13'N, 166° 38'W] and [54° 22'N, 166° 10'W] (added 5/22/00).

1.1. Chief Scientist:

Kevin M. Bailey, Male, Alaska Fisheries Science Center

 The Chief Scientist has the authority to revise or alter the technical portion of the instructions as work progresses provided that, after consultation with the Commanding Officer, it is ascertained that the proposed changes will not: (1) jeopardize the safety of personnel or the ship; (2) exceed the overall time allotted for the project; (3) result in undue additional expenses; (4) alter the general intent of these project instructions.

1.2 Participating Scientists:
Steven Porter, Male, Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Sue Picquelle, Female, Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Annette Brown, Female, Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Debbie Blood, Female, Alaska Fisheries Science Center
Rachael Cartwright, Female, Alaska Fisheries Science Center
1.3 NOAA Marine Operations Center, Pacific Contact:
Larry Mordock
1801 Fairview Ave. East
Seattle, WA 98102-3767
(206) 553 - 4764
1.4 Program Contacts:
Dr. Phyllis Stabeno
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115
(206) 526-6453

Dr. Art Kendall
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115
(206) 526-4108

 A standard oceanographic watch will be utilized which consists of a winch operator, a scientific staff of three and a Survey Tech on deck. Operations will be conducted 24 hours a day. All other operations will be conducted in accordance with the Standard Operating Instructions.
Phase 1. The ship will proceed from Dutch Harbor and do a short ichthyoplankton survey of the region between Unimak Pass and the Shumagin Islands, consisting of about 20 stations (see Appendices 1-3).

 Phase 2. A regular FOCI grid survey of will be conducted between the Shumagin Islands and Kodiak Island. The standard sampling gear will be the 60cm bongo with 505µm mesh netting. The survey will proceed from the area of the Shumagin Islands towards the northeast. A map of the survey stations is shown in Appendix 4. Station positions are shown in Appendix 2, with the most likely stations highlighted in bold type. Line 8 will be sampled en route. Line 8 sampling will include 20 and 60 cm bongos, and CTDs with water samples for microzooplankton, chlorophyll and nutrients. Line 8 station positions are shown in Appendices 5 and 6.

Phase 3. Bongo stations will be established in the nearshore coastal region between Cape Kubugakli and Chignik Bay, or in Uyak Bay. Sampling will be conducted from a small vessel deployed from the Freeman. It is anticipated that this sampling will take 1-2 days. Station positions for the nearshore sampling are shown in Appendix 7.

Phase 4. In the event of a storm, a break in any of the prior Phases may be called for by the Chief Scientist in order to opportunistically monitor before and after storm conditions. Storm monitoring will include CTD's (nutrients, chlorophyll and mzp), Tucker and bongo tows. Live tows will be conducted with the bongo gear to examine larval condition. Methot tows may be conducted.

Phase 5. An ichthyoplankton survey of the seaward side of Kodiak Island and selected bays will be conducted while en route to Kodiak (see Appendix 8). The standard gear will be the 60 cm bongo array.

There has been a request for 1-2 days of ichthyoplankton sampling in the vicinity of Unimak Pass that is currently under evaluation. At this time it is unlikely that this work will proceed. If it is decided to proceed with this work, the other phases of the project will be shortened.

Station positions and maps of the grid stations for the ichthyoplankton survey are found in the Appendices. The most likely stations to be occupied are noted in the Appendices, however, the stations occupied from the list and their order of occupation will be established on a day to day basis. The chief scientist will attempt to notify the bridge of stations to be occupied 24h in advance. The nearshore ichthyoplankton stations are approximate locations at this time. Some stations may be in areas where navigation is difficult; where station locations are in dangerous waters, positions can be changed to another nearby location or eliminated after discussion with the chief scientist.

The following are operations to be conducted on this cruise. The procedures for these operations are listed in the FOCI Standard Operating Instructions (SOI). Operations not addressed in the SOI and changes to standard procedures are addressed below.

 CTD/Water samples (SOI 2.2.1)
MARMAP bongo tow (SOI 2.2.2)
Bongo larval condition tow (SOI 2.2.3)
Chlorophyll samples (SOI 2.2.10)
Radiometer (SOI 2.2.14)

Ichthyoplankton sampling from the Munson will be conducted in bays and nearshore regions that are too shallow for the Freeman to sample. The gear used on the Munson will be the 60cm bongo with 505 mesh. The tow will be 9-15 minutes, stepped obliquely in layers depending on the bottom depth. For example if the bottom depth is 20m, the gear will be lowered as usual to 5m off bottom, towed there at 15 m for 3 minutes, raised to 10 m and towed for 3 minutes and raised to subsurface (1 m) and towed for 3 minutes. The boat will be expected to be away from the Freeman for up to 8 h. Depending on conditions, and requirements 1-2 crew members and 1-2 scientists will be onboard.

 The following systems and their associated support services are essential to the cruise. Sufficient consumables, back-up units, and on-site spares and technical support must be in place to assure that operational interruptions are minimal. All measurement instruments are expected to have current calibrations, and all pertinent calibration information shall be included in the data package.
3.1 Equipment and Capabilities to be Provided by the Ship
Oceanographic winch with slip rings and 3-conductor cable terminated for CTD,
Wire-angle indicator and readout for oceanographic winch,

Oceanographic winch for bongo net (and other nets when used) with slip rings and 3-conductor cable terminated for the SeaCat,

Sea-Bird 911 plus CTD system to be used with PMEL stand (primary system)
(The underwater CTD unit should have mounts compatible with the PMEL CTD stand),

Sea-Bird 911 plus CTD system with stand (back up system),

(Each CTD system should include underwater CTD, weights, and pinger and there should be one deck unit and tape recorder for the two systems),

10-liter sampling bottles for use with rosette (10 plus 4 spares),

For CTD field corrections: AUTOSAL salinometer,

Sea-Bird SBE-19 Seacat system (backup system),

Meter block for plankton tows,

Wire speed indicators and readout for quarterdeck, Rowe and Marco winches,

For meteorological observations: 2 anemometers (one R. M. Young system interfaced to the SCS), calibrated air thermometer (wet-and dry-bulb) and a calibrated barometer and/or barograph,

Freezer space for storage of biological and chemical samples (blast and storage freezers),

Simrad EQ-50 echo sounder ,

JRC JFV-200R color sounder recorder,

RDI ADCP with write connects to a PC-compatible data acquisition computer with Iomega Zip drives,

Radar tracked drifter buoy,

Use of Pentium PC in DataPlot for data analysis,

SCS (Shipboard Computer System),

Electrical connection between Rowe winch and DataPlot,

Laboratory space with exhaust hood, sink, lab tables and storage space,

Sea-water hoses and nozzles to wash nets (quarterdeck and aft deck),

Adequate deck lighting for night-time operations,

Navigational equipment including GPS and radar ,

Safety harnesses for working on quarter deck and fantail,

Munson as vessel for nearshore sampling. Needed on board are a winch for doing stepped horizontal plankton tows, a wireout display, depth sounder, GPS location device, radio for voice communication with Freeman, deck hose and pump for washing nets, sufficient deck space to wash and preserve sample.

3.2 Equipment to be Provided by the Project
Sea-Bird SBE-19 Seacat system (primary system),

PMEL PC with SEASOFT software for CTD data collection and processing,

Fluorometer, light meter, and chlorophyll absorbance meter (ChlAM) to be mounted on CTD,

CTD stand modified for attachment of fluorometer,

Conductivity and temperature sensor package to provide dual sensors on the primary CTD,

CTD rosette sampler,

IAPSO water,

60-cm bongo sampling arrays,

20 cm bongo arrays,

Spare wire angle indicator,


CalVET net array,

Holy sock drogue for ship's radar tracked drifter buoy,

Miscellaneous scientific sampling and processing equipment ,

Scientific ultra-cold freezer.

Discrete Sample Data Base software and forms.

Methot trawl

Tucker trawl

Satellite-tracked drifters (added 5/22/2000)

3.3. Ship's Computer System (SCS)
The ship's Scientific Computer System (SCS) shall operate throughout the cruise, acquiring and logging data from navigation, meteorological, oceanographic, and fisheries sensors. See FOCI Standard Operating Instructions for specific requirements. Contact CST Wm. Floering for further information.
 Data disposition, responsibilities and data requirements are listed in the FOCI Standard Operating Instructions.

5.1. Piggyback projects:

None at this time.

6.1. Hazardous Materials:

The Chief Scientist shall be responsible for complying with NC Instruction 6280A, Hazardous Waste; policy, guidance, and training, dated February 4, 1991, paragraph 7.g and paragraph 9. By federal law, the ship may not sail without a complete inventory of MSDS, and appropriate neutralizing agents, buffers, and/or absorbents in amounts adequate to address spills of a size equal to the amount aboard.

The following hazardous materials will be provided and controlled by the scientists with the Chief Scientist assuming responsibility for the safe handling of such substances:



7.1. Important phone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses:

PMEL/CARD Fax: (206) 526-6485
PMEL/ADMIN Fax: (206) 526-6815
AFSC/RACE Fax: (206) 526-6723

MILLER FREEMAN COMSAT (government account numbers): These are much cheaper than Inmarsat direct numbers and should always be used first.
800-678-0872, after voice prompt dial 330-394-113, after tone dial customer ID# (Voice)
800-678-0872, after voice prompt dial 761-267-348, after tone dial customer ID#(Fax)
PI's should establish their ID#'s with their program.

Inmarsat(direct numbers)
011-872-330-394-113 (voice)
011-872-761-267-348 (fax)

CELLULAR: 206-660-7167
KODIAK ROAMER: 907-528-7626
(First dial the roamer, wait for dial tone, then dial cellular number).

Email addresses:
PMEL person:
AFSC person:
MOP radio room:
Direct to ship: (include person's name in subject field), or

1. Map of icthyoplankton grid sampling stations.


2. Listing of potential ichthyoplankton grid station positions during MF00-08. Likely stations shown in bold type.
x y lat.dd long.dd lat-deg lat-min long-deg long-min xy  
gd 101 54.16076 -164.907 54 9.6456 164 54.408 gd101  
gd 103 54.28172 -164.711 54 16.9032 164 42.63 gd103  
gf 101 54.04598 -164.661 54 2.7588 164 39.636 gf101  
gf 103 54.16693 -164.465 54 10.0158 164 27.888 gf103  
gf 105 54.28789 -164.268 54 17.2734 164 16.104 gf105  
gf 107 54.40885 -164.072 54 24.531 164 4.29 gf107  
gf 109 54.5298 -163.874 54 31.788 163 52.44 gf109  
gh 103 54.05215 -164.22 54 3.129 164 13.194 gh103  
gh 105 54.17311 -164.024 54 10.3866 164 1.446 gh105  
gh 107 54.29406 -163.828 54 17.6436 163 49.662 gh107  
gh 109 54.41502 -163.631 54 24.9012 163 37.842 gh109  
gh 111 54.53598 -163.433 54 32.1588 163 25.992 gh111  
gj 105 54.05832 -163.781 54 3.4992 163 46.836 gj105  
gj 107 54.17928 -163.585 54 10.7568 163 35.088 gj107  
gj 109 54.30024 -163.388 54 18.0144 163 23.304 gj109  
gj 111 54.42119 -163.191 54 25.2714 163 11.484 gj111  
gj 113 54.54215 -162.994 54 32.529 162 59.628 gj113  
gj 115 54.66311 -162.796 54 39.7866 162 47.742 gj115  
gj 117 54.78406 -162.597 54 47.0436 162 35.814 gj117  
gj 119 54.90502 -162.398 54 54.3012 162 23.85 gj119  
gl 107 54.0645 -163.343 54 3.87 163 20.562 gl107  
gl 109 54.18545 -163.147 54 11.127 163 8.808 gl109  
gl 111 54.30641 -162.95 54 18.3846 162 57.024 gl111  
gl 115 54.54832 -162.556 54 32.8992 162 33.348 gl115  
gl 117 54.66928 -162.358 54 40.1568 162 21.456 gl117  
gl 119 54.79023 -162.159 54 47.4138 162 9.528 gl119  
gl 121 54.91119 -161.959 54 54.6714 161 57.564 gl121  
gl 123 55.03215 -161.759 55 1.929 161 45.564 gl123  
gl 125 55.1531 -161.559 55 9.186 161 33.528 gl125  
gl 127 55.27406 -161.358 55 16.4436 161 21.456 gl127  
gn 109 54.07067 -162.906 54 4.2402 162 54.366 gn109  
gn 111 54.19162 -162.71 54 11.4972 162 42.612 gn111  
gn 113 54.31258 -162.514 54 18.7548 162 30.822 gn113  
gn 115 54.43354 -162.317 54 26.0124 162 19.002 gn115  
gn 117 54.55449 -162.119 54 33.2694 162 7.14 gn117  
gn 119 54.67545 -161.921 54 40.527 161 55.248 gn119  
gn 121 54.79641 -161.722 54 47.7846 161 43.32 gn121  
gn 123 54.91736 -161.523 54 55.0416 161 31.356 gn123  
gn 125 55.03832 -161.323 55 2.2992 161 19.356 gn125  
gn 127 55.15928 -161.122 55 9.5568 161 7.314 gn127  
gn 129 55.28023 -160.921 55 16.8138 160 55.242 gn129  
gp 123 54.80258 -161.287 54 48.1548 161 17.19 gp123  
gp 125 54.92353 -161.087 54 55.4118 161 5.226 gp125  
gp 127 55.04449 -160.887 55 2.6694 160 53.22 gp127  
gp 135 55.52832 -160.081 55 31.6992 160 4.848 gp135  
gp 137 55.64927 -159.878 55 38.9562 159 52.662 gp137  
gr 113 54.08301 -162.037 54 4.9806 162 2.214 gr113  
gr 115 54.20397 -161.841 54 12.2382 161 50.454 gr115  
gr 117 54.32492 -161.644 54 19.4952 161 38.664 gr117  
gr 119 54.44588 -161.447 54 26.7528 161 26.838 gr119  
gr 121 54.56684 -161.25 54 34.0104 161 14.976 gr121  
gr 123 54.68779 -161.051 54 41.2674 161 3.078 gr123  
gr 125 54.80875 -160.852 54 48.525 160 51.144 gr125  
gr 127 54.92971 -160.653 54 55.7826 160 39.174 gr127  
gr 129 55.05066 -160.453 55 3.0396 160 27.174 gr129  
gr 131 55.17162 -160.252 55 10.2972 160 15.132 gr131  
gr 133 55.29258 -160.051 55 17.5548 160 3.054 gr133  
gr 135 55.41353 -159.849 55 24.8118 159 50.94 gr135  
gr 141 55.7764 -159.24 55 46.584 159 14.37 gr141  
gr 151 56.38118 -158.211 56 22.8708 158 12.666 gr151  
gt 115 54.08918 -161.604 54 5.3508 161 36.258 gt115  
gt 117 54.21014 -161.408 54 12.6084 161 24.498 gt117  
gt 119 54.3311 -161.212 54 19.866 161 12.702 gt119  
gt 121 54.45205 -161.015 54 27.123 161 0.876 gt121  
gt 123 54.57301 -160.817 54 34.3806 160 49.008 gt123  
gt 125 54.69397 -160.619 54 41.6382 160 37.11 gt125  
gt 127 54.81492 -160.42 54 48.8952 160 25.176 gt127  
gt 129 54.93588 -160.22 54 56.1528 160 13.206 gt129  
gt 135 55.29875 -159.618 55 17.925 159 37.08 gt135  
gt 137 55.4197 -159.416 55 25.182 159 24.96 gt137  
gt 139 55.54066 -159.214 55 32.4396 159 12.81 gt139  
gt 141 55.66162 -159.01 55 39.6972 159 0.618 gt141  
gt 145 55.90353 -158.602 55 54.2118 158 36.126 gt145  
gt 151 56.2664 -157.985 56 15.984 157 59.094 gt151  
gt 153 56.38736 -157.778 56 23.2416 157 46.674 gt153  
gt 155 56.50831 -157.57 56 30.4986 157 34.212 gt155  
gt 163 56.85 -156.75 56 51 156 45 gt163  
gt 169 57.35501 -156.098 57 21.3006 156 5.85 gt169  
gt 171 57.45 -155.767 57 27 155 46 gt171  
gt 173 57.6167 -155.467 57 37 155 28 gt173  
gt 197 59.0484 -153.047 59 2.904 153 2.826 gt197  
gt 199 59.16935 -152.824 59 10.161 152 49.41 gt199  
gt 201 59.29031 -152.599 59 17.4186 152 35.952 gt201  
gt 203 59.41127 -152.374 59 24.6762 152 22.44 gt203  
gt 205 59.53222 -152.148 59 31.9332 152 8.88 gt205  
gt 207 59.65318 -151.921 59 39.1908 151 55.272 gt207  
gu 158 56.6667 -157.217 56 40 157 13 gu158  
gv 117 54.09536 -161.173 54 5.7216 161 10.374 gv117  
gv 119 54.21631 -160.977 54 12.9786 160 58.614 gv119  
gv 121 54.33727 -160.78 54 20.2362 160 46.818 gv121  
gv 123 54.45823 -160.583 54 27.4938 160 34.986 gv123  
gv 125 54.57918 -160.385 54 34.7508 160 23.124 gv125  
gv 127 54.70014 -160.187 54 42.0084 160 11.22 gv127  
gv 129 54.82109 -159.988 54 49.2654 159 59.286 gv129  
gv 131 54.94205 -159.789 54 56.523 159 47.316 gv131  
gv 137 55.30492 -159.186 55 18.2952 159 11.178 gv137  
gv 139 55.42588 -158.984 55 25.5528 158 59.064 gv139  
gv 141 55.54683 -158.782 55 32.8098 158 46.908 gv141  
gv 143 55.66779 -158.579 55 40.0674 158 34.716 gv143  
gv 145 55.78875 -158.375 55 47.325 158 22.482 gv145  
gv 147 55.9097 -158.17 55 54.582 158 10.212 gv147  
gv 149 56.03066 -157.965 56 1.8396 157 57.906 gv149  
gv 151 56.15162 -157.759 56 9.0972 157 45.564 gv151  
gv 153 56.27257 -157.553 56 16.3542 157 33.18 gv153  
gv 155 56.39353 -157.346 56 23.6118 157 20.754 gv155  
gv 159 56.63544 -156.93 56 38.1264 156 55.788 gv159  
gv 161 56.7564 -156.721 56 45.384 156 43.248 gv161  
gv 163 56.87735 -156.511 56 52.641 156 30.666 gv163  
gv 165 56.99831 -156.301 56 59.8986 156 18.042 gv165  
gv 167 57.11927 -156.09 57 7.1562 156 5.376 gv167  
gv 169 57.24022 -155.878 57 14.4132 155 52.668 gv169  
gv 171 57.36118 -155.665 57 21.6708 155 39.918 gv171  
gv 173 57.48214 -155.452 57 28.9284 155 27.126 gv173  
gv 175 57.60309 -155.238 57 36.1854 155 14.298 gv175  
gv 177 57.72405 -155.024 57 43.443 155 1.422 gv177  
gv 179 57.84501 -154.808 57 50.7006 154 48.498 gv179  
gv 189 58.44979 -153.721 58 26.9874 153 43.248 gv189  
gv 191 58.57074 -153.501 58 34.2444 153 30.066 gv191  
gv 193 58.6917 -153.281 58 41.502 153 16.83 gv193  
gv 195 58.81266 -153.059 58 48.7596 153 3.558 gv195  
gv 197 58.93361 -152.837 58 56.0166 152 50.232 gv197  
gv 199 59.05457 -152.614 59 3.2742 152 36.864 gv199  
gv 201 59.17553 -152.391 59 10.5318 152 23.448 gv201  
gv 203 59.29648 -152.166 59 17.7888 152 9.984 gv203  
gv 205 59.41744 -151.941 59 25.0464 151 56.472 gv205  
gv 207 59.53839 -151.715 59 32.3034 151 42.906 gv207  
gx 119 54.10153 -160.743 54 6.0918 160 44.574 gx119  
gx 121 54.22248 -160.547 54 13.3488 160 32.808 gx121  
gx 123 54.34344 -160.35 54 20.6064 160 21.012 gx123  
gx 125 54.4644 -160.153 54 27.864 160 9.18 gx125  
gx 127 54.58535 -159.955 54 35.121 159 57.312 gx127  
gx 129 54.70631 -159.757 54 42.3786 159 45.408 gx129  
gx 131 54.82727 -159.558 54 49.6362 159 33.474 gx131  
gx 135 55.06918 -159.158 55 4.1508 159 9.486 gx135  
gx 137 55.19014 -158.957 55 11.4084 158 57.444 gx137  
gx 139 55.31109 -158.756 55 18.6654 158 45.36 gx139  
gx 141 55.43205 -158.554 55 25.923 158 33.24 gx141  
gx 143 55.55301 -158.351 55 33.1806 158 21.078 gx143  
gx 145 55.67396 -158.148 55 40.4376 158 8.886 gx145  
gx 147 55.79492 -157.944 55 47.6952 157 56.652 gx147  
gx 149 55.91587 -157.74 55 54.9522 157 44.382 gx149  
gx 151 56.03683 -157.535 56 2.2098 157 32.076 gx151  
gx 153 56.15779 -157.329 56 9.4674 157 19.728 gx153  
gx 155 56.27874 -157.122 56 16.7244 157 7.344 gx155  
gx 157 56.3997 -156.915 56 23.982 156 54.918 gx157  
gx 159 56.52066 -156.708 56 31.2396 156 42.45 gx159  
gx 161 56.64161 -156.499 56 38.4966 156 29.946 gx161  
gx 163 56.76257 -156.29 56 45.7542 156 17.4 gx163  
gx 165 56.88353 -156.08 56 53.0118 156 4.818 gx165  
gx 167 57.00448 -155.87 57 0.2688 155 52.188 gx167  
gx 169 57.12544 -155.659 57 7.5264 155 39.522 gx169  
gx 171 57.2464 -155.447 57 14.784 155 26.814 gx171  
gx 173 57.36735 -155.234 57 22.041 155 14.064 gx173  
gx 175 57.48831 -155.021 57 29.2986 155 1.272 gx175  
gx 177 57.60926 -154.807 57 36.5556 154 48.438 gx177  
gx 179 57.73022 -154.593 57 43.8132 154 35.562 gx179  
gx 181 57.85118 -154.377 57 51.0708 154 22.638 gx181  
gx 183 57.97213 -154.161 57 58.3278 154 9.672 gx183  
gx 185 58.09309 -153.944 58 5.5854 153 56.664 gx185  
gx 187 58.21405 -153.727 58 12.843 153 43.614 gx187  
gx 189 58.335 -153.509 58 20.1 153 30.516 gx189  
gx 191 58.45596 -153.29 58 27.3576 153 17.37 gx191  
gx 193 58.57692 -153.07 58 34.6152 153 4.182 gx193  
gx 195 58.69787 -152.849 58 41.8722 152 50.952 gx195  
gx 197 58.81883 -152.628 58 49.1298 152 37.674 gx197  
gx 199 58.93979 -152.406 58 56.3874 152 24.348 gx199  
gx 201 59.06074 -152.183 59 3.6444 152 10.974 gx201  
gx 203 59.1817 -151.959 59 10.902 151 57.558 gx203  
gz 121 54.1077 -160.314 54 6.462 160 18.846 gz121  
gz 123 54.22866 -160.118 54 13.7196 160 7.08 gz123  
gz 125 54.34961 -159.921 54 20.9766 159 55.284 gz125  
gz 127 54.47057 -159.724 54 28.2342 159 43.446 gz127  
gz 129 54.59153 -159.526 54 35.4918 159 31.578 gz129  
gz 131 54.71248 -159.328 54 42.7488 159 19.674 gz131  
gz 133 54.83344 -159.129 54 50.0064 159 7.734 gz133  
gz 135 54.9544 -158.929 54 57.264 158 55.758 gz135  
gz 137 55.07535 -158.729 55 4.521 158 43.746 gz137  
gz 139 55.19631 -158.528 55 11.7786 158 31.698 gz139  
gz 141 55.31726 -158.327 55 19.0356 158 19.614 gz141  
gz 143 55.43822 -158.125 55 26.2932 158 7.494 gz143  
gz 145 55.55918 -157.922 55 33.5508 157 55.332 gz145  
gz 147 55.68013 -157.719 55 40.8078 157 43.134 gz147  
gz 149 55.80109 -157.515 55 48.0654 157 30.9 gz149  
gz 151 55.92205 -157.311 55 55.323 157 18.63 gz151  
gz 153 56.043 -157.105 56 2.58 157 6.318 gz153  
gz 155 56.16396 -156.9 56 9.8376 156 53.97 gz155  
gz 157 56.28492 -156.693 56 17.0952 156 41.58 gz157  
gz 159 56.40587 -156.486 56 24.3522 156 29.154 gz159  
gz 161 56.52683 -156.278 56 31.6098 156 16.686 gz161  
gz 163 56.64779 -156.07 56 38.8674 156 4.182 gz163  
gz 165 56.76874 -155.861 56 46.1244 155 51.636 gz165  
gz 167 56.8897 -155.651 56 53.382 155 39.048 gz167  
gz 169 57.01065 -155.44 57 0.639 155 26.418 gz169  
gz 171 57.13161 -155.229 57 7.8966 155 13.746 gz171  
gz 173 57.25257 -155.017 57 15.1542 155 1.038 gz173  
gz 175 57.37352 -154.805 57 22.4112 154 48.282 gz175  
gz 177 57.49448 -154.592 57 29.6688 154 35.49 gz177  
gz 179 57.61544 -154.378 57 36.9264 154 22.65 gz179  
gz 181 57.73639 -154.163 57 44.1834 154 9.774 gz181  
gz 183 57.85735 -153.948 57 51.441 153 56.85 gz183  
gz 185 57.97831 -153.731 57 58.6986 153 43.884 gz185  
gz 187 58.09926 -153.515 58 5.9556 153 30.87 gz187  
gz 189 58.22022 -153.297 58 13.2132 153 17.82 gz189  
gz 191 58.34118 -153.079 58 20.4708 153 4.716 gz191  
gz 193 58.46213 -152.86 58 27.7278 152 51.576 gz193  
gz 195 58.58309 -152.64 58 34.9854 152 38.382 gz195  
gz 197 58.70404 -152.419 58 42.2424 152 25.146 gz197  
gz 199 58.825 -152.198 58 49.5 152 11.868 gz199  
gz 203 59.06691 -151.753 59 4.0146 151 45.162 gz203  
hb 135 54.83961 -158.701 54 50.3766 158 42.072 hb135  
hb 137 54.96057 -158.502 54 57.6342 158 30.096 hb137  
hb 139 55.08152 -158.301 55 4.8912 158 18.084 hb139  
hb 141 55.20248 -158.101 55 12.1488 158 6.036 hb141  
hb 143 55.32344 -157.899 55 19.4064 157 53.946 hb143  
hb 145 55.44439 -157.697 55 26.6634 157 41.826 hb145  
hb 147 55.56535 -157.494 55 33.921 157 29.664 hb147  
hb 149 55.68631 -157.291 55 41.1786 157 17.466 hb149  
hb 151 55.80726 -157.087 55 48.4356 157 5.226 hb151  
hb 153 55.92822 -156.883 55 55.6932 156 52.956 hb153  
hb 155 56.04918 -156.677 56 2.9508 156 40.638 hb155  
hb 157 56.17013 -156.472 56 10.2078 156 28.29 hb157  
hb 159 56.29109 -156.265 56 17.4654 156 15.9 hb159  
hb 161 56.41204 -156.058 56 24.7224 156 3.468 hb161  
hb 163 56.533 -155.85 56 31.98 155 51 hb163  
hb 165 56.65396 -155.642 56 39.2376 155 38.49 hb165  
hb 167 56.77491 -155.432 56 46.4946 155 25.944 hb167  
hb 169 56.89587 -155.223 56 53.7522 155 13.35 hb169  
hb 171 57.01683 -155.012 57 1.0098 155 0.72 hb171  
hb 173 57.13778 -154.801 57 8.2668 154 48.048 hb173  
hb 187 57.98448 -153.303 57 59.0688 153 18.168 hb187  
hb 199 58.71022 -151.99 58 42.6132 151 59.418 hb199  
hb 201 58.83117 -151.769 58 49.8702 151 46.134 hb201  
hb 203 58.95213 -151.547 58 57.1278 151 32.808 hb203  
hb 205 59.07309 -151.324 59 4.3854 151 19.428 hb205  
hd 143 55.20865 -157.674 55 12.519 157 40.44 hd143  
hd 145 55.32961 -157.473 55 19.7766 157 28.356 hd145  
hd 147 55.45057 -157.271 55 27.0342 157 16.23 hd147  
hd 149 55.57152 -157.068 55 34.2912 157 4.068 hd149  
hd 151 55.69248 -156.864 55 41.5488 156 51.864 hd151  
hd 153 55.81343 -156.661 55 48.8058 156 39.63 hd153  
hd 155 55.93439 -156.456 55 56.0634 156 27.354 hd155  
hd 157 56.05535 -156.251 56 3.321 156 15.036 hd157  
hd 159 56.1763 -156.045 56 10.578 156 2.682 hd159  
hd 161 56.29726 -155.838 56 17.8356 155 50.292 hd161  
hd 163 56.41822 -155.631 56 25.0932 155 37.86 hd163  
hd 165 56.53917 -155.423 56 32.3502 155 25.386 hd165  
hd 167 56.66013 -155.215 56 39.6078 155 12.876 hd167  
hd 169 56.78109 -155.005 56 46.8654 155 0.324 hd169  
hd 171 56.90204 -154.796 56 54.1224 154 47.736 hd171  
hd 173 57.023 -154.585 57 1.38 154 35.106 hd173  
hd 197 58.47448 -152.003 58 28.4688 152 0.204 hd197  
hd 199 58.59543 -151.784 58 35.7258 151 47.01 hd199  
hd 201 58.71639 -151.563 58 42.9834 151 33.774 hd201  
hd 203 58.83735 -151.341 58 50.241 151 20.484 hd203  
hd 205 58.9583 -151.119 58 57.498 151 7.152 hd205  
hd 207 59.07926 -150.896 59 4.7556 150 53.772 hd207  
hf 143 55.09387 -157.45 55 5.6322 157 26.982 hf143  
hf 145 55.21482 -157.249 55 12.8892 157 14.928 hf145  
hf 147 55.33578 -157.047 55 20.1468 157 2.838 hf147  
hf 149 55.45674 -156.845 55 27.4044 156 50.712 hf149  
hf 151 55.57769 -156.642 55 34.6614 156 38.544 hf151  
hf 153 55.69865 -156.439 55 41.919 156 26.34 hf153  
hf 155 55.81961 -156.235 55 49.1766 156 14.1 hf155  
hf 157 55.94056 -156.03 55 56.4336 156 1.824 hf157  
hf 159 56.06152 -155.825 56 3.6912 155 49.506 hf159  
hf 161 56.18248 -155.619 56 10.9488 155 37.152 hf161  
hf 163 56.30343 -155.413 56 18.2058 155 24.756 hf163  
hf 165 56.42439 -155.205 56 25.4634 155 12.324 hf165  
hf 167 56.54535 -154.998 56 32.721 154 59.85 hf167  
hf 169 56.6663 -154.789 56 39.978 154 47.34 hf169  
hf 171 56.78726 -154.58 56 47.2356 154 34.788 hf171  
hf 173 56.90821 -154.37 56 54.4926 154 22.194 hf173  
hf 191 57.99682 -152.45 57 59.8092 152 26.97 hf191  
hf 197 58.35969 -151.796 58 21.5814 151 47.784 hf197  
hf 199 58.48065 -151.577 58 28.839 151 34.632 hf199  
hf 201 58.6016 -151.357 58 36.096 151 21.438 hf201  
hf 203 58.72256 -151.137 58 43.3536 151 8.196 hf203  
hf 205 58.84352 -150.915 58 50.6112 150 54.906 hf205  
hf 207 58.96447 -150.693 58 57.8682 150 41.574 hf207  
hf 209 59.08543 -150.47 59 5.1258 150 28.194 hf209  
hf 211 59.20639 -150.246 59 12.3834 150 14.76 hf211  
hf 213 59.32734 -150.021 59 19.6404 150 1.284 hf213  
hf 215 59.4483 -149.796 59 26.898 149 47.76 hf215  
hh 143 54.97908 -157.226 54 58.7448 157 13.56 hh143  
hh 145 55.10004 -157.026 55 6.0024 157 1.542 hh145  
hh 147 55.221 -156.825 55 13.26 156 49.488 hh147  
hh 149 55.34195 -156.623 55 20.517 156 37.392 hh149  
hh 151 55.46291 -156.421 55 27.7746 156 25.266 hh151  
hh 153 55.58387 -156.218 55 35.0322 156 13.098 hh153  
hh 155 55.70482 -156.015 55 42.2892 156 0.894 hh155  
hh 157 55.82578 -155.811 55 49.5468 155 48.654 hh157  
hh 159 55.94674 -155.606 55 56.8044 155 36.372 hh159  
hh 161 56.06769 -155.401 56 4.0614 155 24.054 hh161  
hh 163 56.18865 -155.195 56 11.319 155 11.694 hh163  
hh 165 56.3096 -154.988 56 18.576 154 59.298 hh165  
hh 171 56.67247 -154.365 56 40.3482 154 21.876 hh171  
hh 173 56.79343 -154.155 56 47.6058 154 9.318 hh173  
hh 175 56.91439 -153.945 56 54.8634 153 56.724 hh175  
hh 193 58.00299 -152.025 58 0.1794 152 1.482 hh193  
hh 195 58.12395 -151.808 58 7.437 151 48.462 hh195  
hh 197 58.24491 -151.59 58 14.6946 151 35.4 hh197  
hh 199 58.36586 -151.372 58 21.9516 151 22.29 hh199  
hh 201 58.48682 -151.152 58 29.2092 151 9.138 hh201  
hh 203 58.60778 -150.932 58 36.4668 150 55.938 hh203  
hh 205 58.72873 -150.712 58 43.7238 150 42.69 hh205  
hh 207 58.84969 -150.49 58 50.9814 150 29.4 hh207  
hh 209 58.97065 -150.268 58 58.239 150 16.062 hh209  
hh 211 59.0916 -150.045 59 5.496 150 2.682 hh211  
hh 213 59.21256 -149.821 59 12.7536 149 49.248 hh213  
hj 143 54.8643 -157.003 54 51.858 157 0.186 hj143  
hj 145 54.98526 -156.803 54 59.1156 156 48.198 hj145  
hj 147 55.10621 -156.603 55 6.3726 156 36.18 hj147  
hj 149 55.22717 -156.402 55 13.6302 156 24.12 hj149  
hj 151 55.34813 -156.2 55 20.8878 156 12.024 hj151  
hj 153 55.46908 -155.998 55 28.1448 155 59.892 hj153  
hj 155 55.59004 -155.795 55 35.4024 155 47.724 hj155  
hj 157 55.71099 -155.592 55 42.6594 155 35.52 hj157  
hj 159 55.83195 -155.388 55 49.917 155 23.274 hj159  
hj 161 55.95291 -155.183 55 57.1746 155 10.992 hj161  
hj 163 56.07386 -154.978 56 4.4316 154 58.674 hj163  
hj 165 56.19482 -154.772 56 11.6892 154 46.314 hj165  
hj 167 56.31578 -154.565 56 18.9468 154 33.918 hj167  
hj 169 56.43673 -154.358 56 26.2038 154 21.48 hj169  
hj 173 56.67865 -153.941 56 40.719 153 56.484 hj173  
hj 191 57.76725 -152.033 57 46.035 152 1.98 hj191  
hj 193 57.88821 -151.818 57 53.2926 151 49.05 hj193  
hj 195 58.00917 -151.601 58 0.5502 151 36.072 hj195  
hj 197 58.13012 -151.384 58 7.8072 151 23.046 hj197  
hj 199 58.25108 -151.166 58 15.0648 151 9.984 hj199  
hj 201 58.37204 -150.948 58 22.3224 150 56.874 hj201  
hj 203 58.49299 -150.729 58 29.5794 150 43.716 hj203  
hj 205 58.61395 -150.509 58 36.837 150 30.516 hj205  
hj 207 58.73491 -150.288 58 44.0946 150 17.268 hj207  
hj 209 58.85586 -150.066 58 51.3516 150 3.972 hj209  
hj 211 58.97682 -149.844 58 58.6092 149 50.634 hj211  
hj 213 59.09777 -149.621 59 5.8662 149 37.248 hj213  
hl 165 56.08004 -154.556 56 4.8024 154 33.366 hl165  
hl 167 56.20099 -154.35 56 12.0594 154 21.006 hl167  
hl 169 56.32195 -154.143 56 19.317 154 8.604 hl169  
hl 173 56.56386 -153.728 56 33.8316 153 43.686 hl173  
hl 175 56.68482 -153.52 56 41.0892 153 31.17 hl175  
hl 177 56.80577 -153.31 56 48.3462 153 18.612 hl177  
hl 179 56.92673 -153.1 56 55.6038 153 6.012 hl179  
hl 181 57.04769 -152.89 57 2.8614 152 53.37 hl181  
hl 183 57.16864 -152.678 57 10.1184 152 40.686 hl183  
hl 185 57.2896 -152.466 57 17.376 152 27.96 hl185  
hl 187 57.41056 -152.253 57 24.6336 152 15.198 hl187  
hl 189 57.53151 -152.04 57 31.8906 152 2.388 hl189  
hl 191 57.65247 -151.826 57 39.1482 151 49.542 hl191  
hl 193 57.77343 -151.611 57 46.4058 151 36.648 hl193  
hl 195 57.89438 -151.395 57 53.6628 151 23.712 hl195  
hl 197 58.01534 -151.179 58 0.9204 151 10.728 hl197  
hl 199 58.1363 -150.962 58 8.178 150 57.702 hl199  
hl 201 58.25725 -150.744 58 15.435 150 44.634 hl201  
hl 203 58.37821 -150.525 58 22.6926 150 31.524 hl203  
hl 205 58.49916 -150.306 58 29.9496 150 18.366 hl205  
hl 207 58.62012 -150.086 58 37.2072 150 5.16 hl207  
hl 209 58.74108 -149.865 58 44.4648 149 51.912 hl209  
hl 211 58.86203 -149.644 58 51.7218 149 38.616 hl211  
hl 213 58.98299 -149.421 58 58.9794 149 25.272 hl213  
hn 171 56.32812 -153.723 56 19.6872 153 43.368 hn171  
hn 173 56.44908 -153.516 56 26.9448 153 30.93 hn173  
hn 175 56.57003 -153.308 56 34.2018 153 18.45 hn175  
hn 177 56.69099 -153.099 56 41.4594 153 5.928 hn177  
hn 179 56.81195 -152.889 56 48.717 152 53.364 hn179  
hn 181 56.9329 -152.679 56 55.974 152 40.764 hn181  
hn 183 57.05386 -152.469 57 3.2316 152 28.122 hn183  
hn 185 57.17482 -152.257 57 10.4892 152 15.438 hn185  
hn 187 57.29577 -152.045 57 17.7462 152 2.712 hn187  
hn 189 57.41673 -151.832 57 25.0038 151 49.944 hn189  
hn 191 57.53769 -151.619 57 32.2614 151 37.134 hn191  
hn 193 57.65864 -151.405 57 39.5184 151 24.282 hn193  
hn 195 57.7796 -151.19 57 46.776 151 11.382 hn195  
hn 197 57.90055 -150.974 57 54.033 150 58.446 hn197  
hn 199 58.02151 -150.758 58 1.2906 150 45.462 hn199  
hn 201 58.14247 -150.541 58 8.5482 150 32.436 hn201  
hn 203 58.26342 -150.323 58 15.8052 150 19.368 hn203  
hn 205 58.38438 -150.104 58 23.0628 150 6.252 hn205  
hn 207 58.50534 -149.885 58 30.3204 149 53.088 hn207  
hn 209 58.62629 -149.665 58 37.5774 149 39.882 hn209  
hn 211 58.74725 -149.444 58 44.835 149 26.634 hn211  
hn 213 58.86821 -149.222 58 52.0926 149 13.338 hn213  
B2   55.345 -161.036 55 20.7 161 2.16 B2  
B4   55.363 -161.639 55 21.78 161 38.34 B4  
B5   55.476 -161.588 55 28.56 161 35.28 B5  
B6   55.559 -161.523 55 33.54 161 31.38 B6  
B7   57.308 -153.132 57 18.48 153 7.92 B7  
B8   57.316 -153.001 57 18.96 153 0.06 B8  
B9   57.404 -152.561 57 24.24 152 33.66 B9  
B10   57.457 -152.723 57 27.42 152 43.38 B10  
B11   57.486 -152.881 57 29.16 152 52.86 B11  
B12   57.646 -152.362 57 38.76 152 21.72 B12  
B13   57.724 -152.419 57 43.44 152 25.14 B13  
B14   57.875 -152.262 57 52.5 152 15.72 B14  
B15   57.92 -152.689 57 55.2 152 41.34 B15  
B16   57.825 -152.854 57 49.5 152 51.24 B16  
B17   58.159 -152.237 58 9.54 152 14.22 B17  
B18   58.152 -151.857 58 9.12 151 51.42 B18  
B19   57.358 -156.367 57 21.5 156 22 B19 Wide bay
B20   56.583 -157.8 56 35 157 48 B20 Kiyulik bay
B21   56.783 -157.317 56 47 157 19 B21 Amber Bay


3. Close-up view of Phase 1 stations.


4. Close-up view of Phase 2 stations.


5. Map of line 8 station positions.


6. Listing of line 8 station positions and activities.
Station LatDDeg LongDDeg LatDeg LatMin LongDeg LongMin CTDB Chloro-
Nutrients Micro-
FOX61 57.72 -155.26 57 43.2 155 15.6 x x x x x
FOX60 57.68 -155.17 57 41.0 155 10,0 x x x x x
FOX59 57.64 -155.07 57 38.5 155 04.2 x x x x x
FOX58 57.61 -155.01 57 36.3 155 00.5 x x x x x
FOX57 57.55 -154.88 57 33.1 154 52.5 x x x x x
FOX56 57.52 -154.78 57 30.9 154 47.0 x x x x x
FOX55 57.48 -154.7 57 28.5 154 42.0 x x x x x

7. Close-up view of Phase 3 stations.


8. Close-up view of Phase 5 stations.