Cruise Number: MF99-12
FOCI Number: 8MF99
Ship: Miller Freeman

Area of Operations:

Bering Sea
Dutch Harbor, Alaska, September 19, 1999
Dutch Harbor, Alaska, September 28, 1999
Participating Organizations:
NOAA - Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL)
NOAA - Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC)
University of Alaska - Fairbanks (UAF)
Chief Scientist:
William Parker, M, PMEL
Participating Scientists:
Sigrid Salo, F, PMEL
Kurt Zegowitz, M, PMEL
Stacy Smith, F, UAF
Jennifer Danielson, F, UAF
Objectives of the Cruise:
1. Recover and deploy moorings at the FOCI study areas of St. George Island, site #2, site #3, and site #4.
2 Recover NSF moorings at the Slime Bank, Bristol Bay, and Nunivak Island study areas.
3. Conduct biological sampling in project areas.
4. Complete CTD lines at and between mooring sites.
5. Pribilof Canyon survey
6. Deploy Seimac drifting buoys.
Mooring Deployments:4
site# 2- 3
site# 3- 1

Mooring Recoveries:12
Nunivak Is.- 1
St. George Is.- 2
site# 2- 3
site# 4- 1
Slime Bank- 4
Cape Newenham- 1

CTDs: 34

Bongo Tows: 4

Satellite Drifters: 3

Summary of Cruise:
The MF99-12 cruise itinerary and plot are included in the attachments.

The MF99-12 mooring recovery operations:
99IF-11 (37 meters): Subsurface mooring. Recovery time 29 minutes (08:54/09:23 L). Normal recovery.
99IFM-12 (59 meters): Surface mooring. Recovery time 1 hour, 18 minutes (10:20/11:38 L). Small boat used for recovery. Normal recovery.
99IFP-12 (59 meters): Subsurface mooring, ADCP on bar. Recovery time 13 minutes (12:38/12:51 L). Normal recovery.
99IF-13 (97 meters): Subsurface mooring. Recovery time 51 minutes (14:41/15:32 L). Normal recovery.
99BSST-3S (124 meters): Subsurface mooring, University of Alaska Sediment Trap. Recovery time 30 minutes, (23:26/23:56 L) Normal recovery.
99BSST-2S (74 meters): Subsurface mooring, University of Alaska Sediment Trap. Recovery time 13 minutes (09:27/09:40 L). Normal recovery.
99BSM-2 (74 meters): Surface mooring. Recovery time 1 hour, 10 minutes (11:59/13:09 L). Surface buoy showed some damage from ice. Seacat pump mounted on the Seacat attached to the buoy bridal had broken free and was hanging loose below the buoy. The buoy light battery box was flooded. The light was operating. The RCM-9 was damaged during recovery.
99IF-10 (53 meters):Subsurface mooring. Recovery time 44 minutes (21:34/22:18 L). Normal recovery.
99IF-2A (60 meters): Subsurface mooring. Recovery time 35 minutes (14:35/15:10 L). Rotor missing on RCM 5261 on recovery.
99BS-4 (73 meters): Subsurface mooring. Recovery time 50 minutes (19:17/20:07 L). Normal recovery.
99SG-1 (597 meters): Subsurface mooring. Recovery time 50 minutes (08:45/09:35 L). Mooring tangled on recovery.
99SG-3 (103 meters): Subsurface mooring, ADP on bar. Recovery time 14 minutes (12:01/12:15 L). Normal recovery.

The MF99-12 mooring deployments:
99BS-2C (72 meters): Subsurface mooring. Deployment time 45 minutes ( 14:30/15:15L).
99BSST-2F (72 meters): Subsurface mooring, University of Alaska Sediment Trap. Deployment time 1 hour (15:29/16:29 L).
99BSP-2F (72 meters): Subsurface mooring, ADCP on bar. Deployment time 30 minutes (17:25/17:55 L).
99BSST-3F (120 meters):Subsurface mooring, University of Alaska Sediment Trap. Deployment time 1 hour (14:24/15:24 L).

We would like to thank the officers and crew of the Miller Freeman for their efforts to complete the PMEL/AFSC operations on MF99-12.


Cruise Itinerary
Activity Latitude      Longitude      Dist. Spd Trans On Sta Arrive (Local) Depart
              (nm) (kts) (hrs) (hrs) Date / Time Date / Time
Depart Dutch Harbor 53° 55' N 166° 31' W           19-Sep 21:00
Deploy Seimac Drifting Buoy 20381  54° 40' N 165° 45' W 52.8 11 4.8 0.0 20-Sep 01:48 20-Sep 01:48
CTD/Recover- F-99IF-11(36m) 55° 09' N 163° 54' W 70.1 12 5.8 1.8 20-Sep 07:38 20-Sep 09:26
CTD/Recover- F-99IFM-12(56m) 55° 15' N 163° 58' W 6.6 10 0.7 1.5 20-Sep 10:06 20-Sep 11:36
Recover-F-99IFP-12(600khz) 55° 15' N 163° 58' W 0.2 0.2 0.8 0.5 20-Sep 12:22 20-Sep 12:52
CTD/Recover- F-99IF-13(96m) 55° 25' N 164° 07' W 11.0 8 1.4 1.4 20-Sep 14:14 20-Sep 15:38
Recover- F-99BSST-3S(124m) 56° 03' N 166° 20' W 84.2 11 7.7 0.6 20-Sep 23:18 20-Sep 23:54
CTD/Bongo (site 3) 56° 03.0' N 166° 20.0' W 0.0 10 0.0 1.5 20-Sep 23:54 21-Sep 01:24
Search(98BSP-2F)/CTD/Bongo (site 2se) 56° 43.9 N 163° 53.0 W 91.1 13 7.0 0.1 21-Sep 08:24 21-Sep 08:30
Recover- F-99BSST-2S 56° 45.9 N 164° 20.7 W 15.3 13 1.2 0.2 21-Sep 09:41 21-Sep 09:53
CTD/Bongo/Recover- BSM99-2 56° 52.5 N 164° 03.0 W 11.7 10 1.2 2.5 21-Sep 11:03 21-Sep 13:33
Deployment-F-99BS-2C 56° 52.5 N 164° 03.0 W 0.0 10 0.0 1.9 21-Sep 13:33 21-Sep 15:27
Deployment- F-99BSST-2F 56° 52.5 N 164° 03.1 W 0.1 10 0.0 2.0 21-Sep 15:27 21-Sep 17:27
Deployment-F-99BSP-2F/CTD 56° 52.5 N 164° 03.0 W 0.1 10 0.0 1.0 21-Sep 17:28 21-Sep 18:28
CTD/Recovery- F-99IF-10(53m) 57° 24' N 163° 24' W 38.2 12.5 3.1 1.0 21-Sep 21:31 21-Sep 22:31
Survey of 97IFP- 3 58° 42.5 N 168° 16.6 W 173.1 11.8 14.7 0.1 22-Sep 13:11 22-Sep 13:17
CTD/Recovery- IF99-2A(56m) 58° 33.9 N 168° 23.9 W 9.4 12 0.8 1.5 22-Sep 14:05 22-Sep 15:35
Survey of 97IFP-2  58° 37.9 N 168° 21.8 W 4.2 13.5 0.3 0.1 22-Sep 15:53 22-Sep 15:59
CTD/Recovery- F-99BS-4(72m) 57° 51.1 N 168° 52.4 W 49.5 14 3.5 1.0 22-Sep 19:31 22-Sep 20:31
Pribilof Canyon Survey line 1 56° 30.0 N 169° 15.0 W 82.0 12 6.8 0.1 23-Sep 03:21 23-Sep 03:27
Pribilof Canyon Survey line 1 55° 55.0 N 169° 15.0 W 35.0 11 3.2 0.1 23-Sep 06:38 23-Sep 06:44
CTD/Recovery- SG99-1(598m) 56° 11.1 N 169° 20.0 W 16.3 11 1.5 2.5 23-Sep 08:13 23-Sep 10:43
CTD/Recovery- SGP99-3(130m) 56° 19.0 N 169° 20.1 W 7.9 10 0.8 1.0 23-Sep 11:31 23-Sep 12:31
Pribilof Canyon Survey line 2 56° 25.0 N 169° 30.0 W 8.1 11.2 0.7 0.1 23-Sep 13:14 23-Sep 13:20
Pribilof Canyon Survey line 2 55° 55.0 N 169° 30.0 W 30.0 11.2 2.7 0.1 23-Sep 16:01 23-Sep 16:07
Pribilof Canyon Survey line 3 55° 55.0 N 169° 45.0 W 8.4 11.2 0.8 0.1 23-Sep 16:52 23-Sep 16:58
Pribilof Canyon Survey line 3 56° 25.0 N 169° 45.0 W 30.0 11.2 2.7 0.1 23-Sep 19:39 23-Sep 19:45
Pribilof Canyon Survey line 4 56° 15.0 N 170° 00.0 W 13.0 11.2 1.2 0.1 23-Sep 20:54 23-Sep 21:00
Pribilof Canyon Survey line 4 56° 15.0 N 169° 00.0 W 33.3 11.2 3.0 0.1 23-Sep 23:59 24-Sep 00:05
Pribilof Canyon Survey line 5 56° 06.0 N 169° 00.0 W 9.0 11.2 0.8 0.1 24-Sep 00:53 24-Sep 00:59
Pribilof Canyon Survey line 5 56° 06.0 N 170° 00.0 W 33.5 11.2 3.0 0.1 24-Sep 03:58 24-Sep 04:04
Deployment/CTD/Bongo- F-99BSST-3F(124m) 56° 03' N 166° 20' W 122.8 12 10.2 1.5 24-Sep 14:19 24-Sep 15:49
CTD -200 meters 55° 25.7 N 168° 04.4 W 69.6 12 5.8 1.0 24-Sep 21:37 24-Sep 22:37
CTD-500 meters  55° 22.3 N 168° 10.5 W 4.9 12 0.4 1.0 24-Sep 23:01 25-Sep 00:01
CTD-1000 meter  55° 20.5 N 168° 15.2 W 3.2 12 0.3 2.5 25-Sep 00:17 25-Sep 02:47
CTD-1500 meter 55° 07.0 N 168° 29.0 W 15.6 12 1.3 1.5 25-Sep 04:05 25-Sep 05:35
CTD-1500 meter 54° 58.0 N 168° 45.0 W 12.8 12 1.1 1.5 25-Sep 06:40 25-Sep 08:10
CTD-1500 meter 54° 40.0 N 169° 12.0 W 23.8 12 2.0 1.5 25-Sep 10:08 25-Sep 11:38
CTD-1500 meter 54° 20.0 N 169° 50.0 W 29.8 12 2.5 1.5 25-Sep 14:07 25-Sep 15:37
CTD-1500 meter 54° 02.0 N 169° 34.0 W 20.3 12 1.7 1.5 25-Sep 17:19 25-Sep 18:49
CTD-1500 meter 53° 47.0 N 169° 16.0 W 18.4 12 1.5 1.5 25-Sep 20:21 25-Sep 21:51
CTD-1500 meter 53° 36' N 169° 04' W 13.1 11 1.2 1.5 25-Sep 23:02 26-Sep 00:32
CTD-1500 meter 53° 31.0 N 168° 55.0 W 7.3 11 0.7 1.5 26-Sep 01:12 26-Sep 02:42
CTD-1000 meters (site 6)  53° 26' N 168° 46' W 7.7 11 0.7 1.5 26-Sep 03:24 26-Sep 04:54
Deploy Seimac Drifting Buoy 15791 53° 26' N 168° 46' W 0.0 11 0.0 0.1 26-Sep 04:54 26-Sep 05:00
CTD-300 meter 53° 22.0 N 168° 42.0 W 4.2 11 0.4 0.7 26-Sep 05:23 26-Sep 06:05
CTD-320 meters 52° 28' N 170° 34' W 86.5 11 7.9 0.7 26-Sep 13:57 26-Sep 14:39
CTD-510 meters 52° 20' N 170° 32' W 8.1 11 0.7 1.0 26-Sep 15:23 26-Sep 16:23
CTD-1370 meters 52° 12' N 170° 31' W 8.0 11 0.7 1.5 26-Sep 17:07 26-Sep 18:37
CTD-2730 meters 52° 06' N 170° 27' W 6.5 11 0.6 1.5 26-Sep 19:12 26-Sep 20:42
CTD-3000 meters (3370) 51° 57' N 170° 23' W 9.3 11 0.8 1.5 26-Sep 21:33 26-Sep 23:03
CTD-3000 meters (3480) 51° 46' N 170° 18' W 11.4 11 1.0 1.5 27-Sep 00:05 27-Sep 01:35
CTD-3000 meters (4940) 51° 31' N 170° 12' W 15.5 11 1.4 1.5 27-Sep 02:59 27-Sep 04:29
CTD-3000 meters >(5000) 51° 14' N 170° 04' W 17.7 11 1.6 1.5 27-Sep 06:06 27-Sep 07:36
Deploy Seimac Drifting Buoy 15789 54° 00.0 N 167° 30.2 W 190.4 11 17.3 0.1 28-Sep 00:55 28-Sep 01:01
Arrive Dutch Harbor 53° 55' N 166° 31' W 35.3 11 3.2   28-Sep 04:13  

Mooring Plot