Cruise Number: MF99-10
FOCI Number: 6FOCI99
Ship: Miller Freeman

Area of Operations:

Gulf of Alaska
August 14, 1999 Depart Dutch Harbor
August 22, 1999 Arrive Ketchikan
Participating Organizations:
NOAA - Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC)
NOAA - Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL)
Chief Scientist:
Kevin M. Bailey, Alaska Fisheries Science Center
 Only chief scientist, Kevin Bailey
Objectives of Cruise:
1. To occupy juvenile fish sampling stations from Unimak Pass to the Shumagin Islands.
2. To conduct a juvenile fish sampling survey in Kiluda, Chiniak and Marmot Bays.
3. To collect juvenile fish samples from selected stations in Prince William Sound.
Summary of Operations:
Methot tows 23
Methot samples in formalin 20
Frozen age-0 pollock 21
Summary of Cruise:
The first section of the cruise was accomplished with the Chief Survey Tech supervising Methot tows. This included the operations from Dutch Harbor to Kodiak where the Chief Scientist embarked. The ship then continued sampling Chiniak and Marmot Bays. Catches were dominated by jellyfish, and few age-0 pollock were caught.

The ship then proceeded to Prince William Sound to conduct a series of Methot tows for samples of juvenile pollock at selected stations. Catches were dominated by jellyfish and very few pollock were caught. Several tows in Prince William Sound were discarded because they were almost completely jellyfish, no pollock were caught, and the purpose of the tows was to collect pollock samples.

The Chief Scientist was dropped off by launch on the beach at Cordova on August 19 and the ship proceeded to Ketchikan for its scheduled dry-dock maintenance.

The officers and crew of the Miller Freeman did a good job meeting the demands of the scientific sampling required during this cruise. This cruise was an addition to the ship's busy schedule before the Ketchikan in-port, and the flexibility of the crew and officers was appreciated.


 Table 1. MF99-10 Cruise summary
Date Time     FOCI Alternate Depth              
(GMT) (GMT) Station Haul Grid No. Station No. (m) Latitude N Longitude W Gear Samples Collected Haul Comments
15-Aug 10:21 1 1 GF107' ' 106 54° 24.50' 164° 04.29' Meth' JellyWgt',J-Oto',QTowF' 10 pollock removed. 126 grams of jellyfish discarded. Euphausiids split in half by volume (576 grams total) and preserved in 2 jars. 1 jar of preserved misc larvae.
16-Aug 9:09 2 1 GZ153' ' 105 56° 02.56' 157° 06.03' Meth' JellyWgt',QTowF' 484 grams jellyfish removed.
16-Aug 23:18 3 1 HL183' ' 120 57° 10.23' 152° 40.59' Meth' JellyWgt',QTowF' 3.42 kg jellyfish removed.
17-Aug 0:32 4 1 ' ' 95 57° 17.10' 152° 55.48' Meth' JellyWgt',J-Wght',QTowF' 17.92 kg jellyfish removed.
17-Aug 1:17 5 1 ' ' 99 57° 18.71' 153° 03.49' Meth' JellyWgt',QTowF' 6.1 kg jellyfish removed.
17-Aug 3:28 6 1 HL185' ' 83 57° 17.34' 152° 28.26' Meth' JellyWgt',QTowF' 5.87 kg jellyfish removed.
17-Aug 7:54 7 1 HH193' ' 174 58° 00.20' 152° 01.70' Meth' JellyWgt',J-Oto',QTowF' 3 pollock removed. 444 of 856 grams of euphausiids preserved. 26.7 kg jellyfish removed.
17-Aug 9:10 8 1 HJ193' ' 65 57° 53.25' 151° 48.93' Meth' JellyWgt',QTowF' One 20 gram flathead sole discarded. 1.7 kg jellyfish removed.
17-Aug 10:15 9 1 HJ191' ' 98 57° 45.86' 152° 02.13' Meth' JellyWgt',QTowF' 9.97 kg jellyfish removed.
17-Aug 11:51 10 1 ' ' 121 57° 40.48' 152° 21.15' Meth' JellyWgt',QTowF' One adult pollock removed. 6.23 kg jellyfish removed. 242 of 952 grams of euphausiids preserved.
17-Aug 12:32 11 1 ' ' 152 57° 43.14' 152° 20.30' Meth' JellyWgt',QTowF' 8.49 kg jelly fish removed. 482 grams of 3.48 kg sample preserved.
17-Aug 17:19 12 1 ' ' 70 57° 52.21' 152° 15.68' Meth' JellyWgt',QTowF' 5.52 kg jellyfish removed.
17-Aug 18:33 13 1 HF191' ' 67 57° 59.72' 152° 26.82' Meth' JellyWgt',QTowF' 1.348 kg jellyfish removed.
17-Aug 20:19 14 1 ' ' 60 57° 49.36' 152° 51.48' Meth' JellyWgt',QTowF' 18.9 kg jellyfish removed.
17-Aug 21:27 15 1 ' ' 115 57° 55.11' 152° 41.60' Meth' JellyWgt',QTowF' 1.18 kg jellyfish removed.
17-Aug 23:33 16 1 ' ' 167 58° 09.66' 152° 14.51' Meth' JellyWgt',QTowF' Sinking time may be incorrect. .474 kg of 8.8 kg sample fixed. 5.24 jellyfish removed.
18-Aug 0:50 17 1 ' ' 70 58° 08.34' 151° 57.23' Meth' JellyWgt',QTowF' 3.78 kg jellyfish removed.
18-Aug 16:27 18 1 ' ' 107 60° 15.36' 147° 42.85' Meth' JellyWgt',J-Oto',QTowF' 3 pollock removed. 2.75 kg jellyfish removed.
18-Aug 21:16 19 1 ' ' 56 60° 17.86' 147° 02.62' Meth' JellyWgt',QTowF' 8.1 kg jellyfish removed.
18-Aug 21:42 20 1 ' ' 63 60° 18.46' 146° 59.28' Meth' Discard' No pollock; tow discarded.
18-Aug 23:18 21 1 ' ' 61 60° 30.43' 146° 10.55' Meth' J-Wght',QTowF' 62 kg jellyfish removed.
18-Aug 23:52 22 1 ' ' 126 60° 31.84' 146° 34.70' Meth' Discard' No pollock; tow discarded.
19-Aug 2:09 23 1 ' ' 178 60° 36.57' 145° 55.81' Meth' Discard' Searching for pollock.


Figure 1. Stations occupied during MF99-10.